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梨花梨花 2022-06-21

What is the required repetition rate for this journal?

皮革废料 2022-06-21

Submitted in January, received a rejection and resubmission structure in June.

科研不易不易不易不易 2022-06-16

I have been waiting for four months since I submitted it in February. Sigh.

forever321 2022-06-15

I submitted in March, and it has already been three months now, but it is still under review. This journal is really slow!!

LANlan** 2022-06-15

Slow, more than a month, still with editor.

科研小青 2022-06-11

Is there any news now? It has been over a month since I sent it for repair, but there is still no news.

yxy1234 2022-06-09

Why can't I access the website of this journal? Where can I find the submission requirements?

Lily lucky 2022-06-05

How long did it take to give the first review result?

皮革废料 2022-06-01

It's too slow. I submitted it on January 21st, and it's still under review (June 1st). Will it be rejected?

zhao2025 2022-05-26

2022.02.03 submission
2022.04.20 minor revision
2022.05.22 acceptance
Total of 108 days from start to finish

科研小青 2022-05-24

I am the same as you, after returning for repair, I submitted the tracking number. There is no change. Sigh.

sxh 2022-05-18

"Track your submission shows that two reviewers have completed the review, but the status has been ongoing. This is the revised manuscript R1 (major revision), which was not sent to track your submission during the initial review process, but the status was checked through the submission system. R1 provided the track your submission link. Are the revisions going back to the original reviewers for the initial review? I'm in a hurry to graduate, it's taking too long."

科研不易不易不易不易 2022-05-17

After nearly 3 months of review, the "track your submission" page shows that 2 reviewers have completed their reviews. Does this mean it is still under review? How many reviewers does this journal have in total before giving a decision?

蝈蝈 2022-05-13

Hello, I'd like to ask if when this journal rejects a submission, I couldn't find the option to indicate whether it is the first time submitting this content. Have you seen it? Generally, when resubmitting, after making revisions, they assign a different editor for the second submission.

皮革废料 2022-05-13

This is too slow. I submitted it on January 21st and it's already May 13th today. It's been almost four months and it's still under review. I'm afraid it will be rejected if it takes this long.

Lily lucky 2022-05-11

Translate the following text into English: "Submitted on 3.22, it has been showing 'under review' all along. On 5.1, I received a tracking email and noticed that it was just sent for review. How long does it usually take for this journal to complete the first round of review?"

科研小青 2022-05-10

Yes, I received the link to track the status of the review yesterday afternoon. Do we have to wait for a long time?

科研小青 2022-05-10

It has been 12 days since my return for repair, and it is currently under review. I don't know how long I have to wait.

sxh 2022-05-10

After submitting the revised draft, it has been in the "with editor" status for three weeks now. I have sent reminders through the system and also directly to the responsible editor, but there has been no response so far. Do I still have to keep waiting? It is needed for graduation.

观天澜 2022-05-09

Second round of review also includes sending email of tracked manuscripts to the corresponding author.

科研小青 2022-05-09

My article received review comments on April 12th, and it required major revisions. I had 20 days to make the revisions, and I submitted them on April 29th. However, on May 6th, the status changed back to "under review." How long will it take for the results to be available after the major revisions and resubmission? I'm worried.

C& AGW 2022-05-06

"Returning under review does not mean re-examination, it could be for editorial review, or there is a possibility of a typo in the time."

观天澜 2022-05-06

Here is the translation:

Coming next:
2020.5.3 under review (even the minor revisions have been sent back for re-review, the high-level ones are too early 0.0)
2020.5.5 23:59 accept
After finishing a research project, it's the beginning of another career. Should I still choose research? That's the question!

投稿达人 2022-05-02

Congratulations, bro, basking in good luck!

观天澜 2022-05-02

Submitted n articles to ICAP, rejected the others, and this is the second one accepted. Finally graduated with a PhD, so happy!! Assistant editor Alain BOURMAUD, thanks to the editors and experts for their efficiency during the pandemic. I will share the review process with everyone for reference.

2022.4.13 Submitted
2022.4.18 Rejected and asked to revise the format (there was not a single time without format revisions, even the highlight of over 85 characters was sent back)
2022.4.18 Immediate return
2022.4.19 Under review (tracking review status sent to corresponding author, Elsevier's operation is so convenient, real-time monitoring of expert reviews)
2022.5.1 Minor revisions (both experts found the article interesting)
2022.5.2 Overnight revisions
............. (Feeling excited, wishing myself early acceptance)

liangqing53 2022-05-01

Super slow, with editor status lasting for 6 months, only received a reply after 2 reminders, saying there was a problem with the internal transfer of the manuscript.

观天澜 2022-04-30

That means there are no specific requirements, as long as it looks comfortable. If the format is not acceptable, the editor will send it back and ask you to make changes.

cheespie 2022-04-29

Can you please share the specific submission guidelines for the journal? It is not very clear in the author's guide, except for the line spacing.
What are the requirements for plagiarism check rate for the journal?

大果 2022-04-28

Hello, may I ask if you have any news?

媛子菌 2022-04-15

Reply [Guantanlan]: Indeed, I have an article that involves both natural sciences and humanities and social sciences. I submitted it three times, and the process of external review was very lengthy because it was difficult to find relevant reviewers. All three submissions were rejected.

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