注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

幸运到飞起 2023-05-29

Good luck! I am now also in this DIP.

金大好人 2023-05-27

A bit slow
Submitted on 5.21
The next day with editor
Still with editor on 5.27

gggggggyyyyyyy 2023-05-03

2023.1.19 Submitted to journal
2023.1.23 With Editor
2023.1.25 With Editor
2023.2.8 Under Review
2023.3.8 Required Reviews Completed
2023.3.9 Major Revision
2023.3.17 with editor
2023.3.18 with editor
2023.3.21 Under Review
2023.4.28 accept

It took over three months from submission to acceptance, during which three reviewers provided feedback that greatly improved the quality of the article.

观天澜 2023-04-16

Admiring how fast you are, I don't even move.

缺月疏桐 2023-04-14

Reviewers' comments:
The journal requires such a high similarity rate? I cannot submit it to Industrial Crops and Products anymore.

斯蒂文5240 2023-04-06

11th October submission
10th December feedback for revision, two reviewers, over 30 comments, returned in 3 weeks
10th January feedback for revision again
21st January acceptance
20th February publication
Overall, the experience was very good. Although it was the first time submitting to this journal and the first time submitting the article, we were lucky as most of the reviewers' comments were manageable and helpful for improving the paper. The journal can choose to be open-access or not. The open-access option has a publication fee of $3670, which is a bit expensive. We can simply choose not to make it open-access.

唐伯虎点蚊香 2023-04-01

I'm not sure, but before submitting, I checked the similarity and it happened to be 20%. The editor also reviewed it, so it's best to have a similarity rate below 20%.

唐伯虎点蚊香 2023-04-01

2023.3.26. Submitted
2023.3.27. With editor
2023.3.31. Under Review

depv 2023-03-31

When I first saw DIP, I thought it was over. But to my surprise, a few days later it was sent for external review. Perhaps the main article felt that the direction I took aligned with the journal.

皮卡皮卡riva 2023-03-24

May I ask if "decision in process" can still be "under review" afterwards?

depv 2023-03-24

November 20th - Submitted to journal
November 27th - Decision in process
December 5th - Under review
February 15th - Major revision
February 22nd - Submitted
February 25th - Under review
March 22nd - Required reviews completed/Decision in process
March 23rd - Accepted

SCI期刊审稿人 2023-03-24

What is the maximum acceptable duplication rate for submitting to this magazine?

筑基小白 2023-03-21

Not only is the reviewing process slow, but the subsequent operations such as acceptance are also slow, taking a total of six months.

可爱空 2023-03-13

Excuse me, will there be a status called "Decision in Process" for the editor's response?

592993578 2023-03-07

I am also 4 months old, is it that slow? Then I submitted another one to this journal...

LANlan** 2023-03-05

The review process took a long time, and we couldn't find any reviewers, dragging on for 4 months.

小蓝@妖艳 2023-02-27

Three reviewers, all suggested minor revisions before acceptance. After the minor revisions, the editor reviewed it without any further questions and accepted it directly. The efficiency is quite high. Previously, it took nearly half a year to submit to LDD, so this is much faster.

小蓝@妖艳 2023-02-27

2022-12-08 Initial draft submitted
2022-12-12 Editor's feedback returned, requesting reformatting according to the author's guidelines (such as the suggestion to include Highlight and Graphical Abstract). After a few days, resubmitted and remained with the editor for over a week.
2022-12-26 First review submission
2023-2-17 Minor revisions feedback returned
2023-2-22 Revised manuscript submitted
2023-2-25 Accepted.

淘淘到天边 2023-02-22

Has your result come out? My review time is similar to yours, but it is still under review now.

Yannan Chen 2023-02-01

After I submitted, the stock also dipped, and then today I received an email saying that the innovation is not strong enough, and they recommend submitting to another journal.

qianHE 2023-01-31

Does "decision in process" mean rejection?

LANlan** 2023-01-23

Will add new reviewers.

lower 2023-01-01

Hello, I would like to ask, after the major revision, can new reviewers be added for the paper submission?

donshuai 2022-12-30

2022.12.28 Submit
2022.12.29 With Editor
2022.12.30 Revise (reduce weight, modify format)
2023.01.13 With Editor (revised)
2023.01.18 With Editor
2023.01.19 Under Review
2023.01.28 Under Review
2023.02.15 Decision in Process

592993578 2022-12-27

WITH EDITOR, it has been a month already? Shouldn't we just reject it directly then? It's a waste of time.

会呼吸的鱼 2022-12-23

Here is the processing progress of my article for your reference:
2022.10.05 Submitted to Journal
2022.10.09 With Editor
2022.10.20 With Editor
2022.10.22 Under Review
2022.10.23 Under Review
2022.11.18 Required Reviews Completed
2022.11.27 Major Revision
2022.12.08 With Editor
2022.12.16 With Editor
2022.12.19 Accept

Oh yeah, I'm happy! The article took a total of two and a half months from submission to acceptance. We had four reviewers who provided helpful suggestions to improve the article. We were given a three-week deadline for revisions, and after one round of revisions, it was accepted directly. I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, as in the past, it usually takes around six months for submission to other journals. This journal I am familiar with usually assigns around four reviewers, and if the article doesn't have major issues, the acceptance speed after revisions is also fast. The review efficiency is high, and it is a top-tier journal with an impact factor of 6.449 in 2022. It should increase next year, which is great!

anna sweet 2022-12-19

2022.12.15 submitted
2022.12.19 with editor
2022.12.30 with editor
2023.1.2 under review
2023.1.20 Required Reviews Completed
2023.1.21 major revision
2023.2.1 submitted
2023.2.1 with editor
2023.2.2 with editor
2023.2.6 under review
2023.2.24 Required Reviews Completed
2023.2.26 Minor revision
2023.3.3 submitted
2023.3.3 with editor
2023.3.4 with editor
2023.3.14 accept
2023.3.21 available online


2022.12.15 submitted
2022.12.19 with editor
2022.12.30 with editor
2023.1.2 under review
2023.1.20 Required Reviews Completed
2023.1.21 major revision
2023.2.1 submitted
2023.2.1 with editor
2023.2.2 with editor
2023.2.6 under review
2023.2.24 Required Reviews Completed
2023.2.26 Minor revision
2023.3.3 submitted
2023.3.3 with editor
2023.3.4 with editor
2023.3.14 accept
2023.3.21 available online

Lynn 2022-12-19

Will I receive an email after the proof?

科研路 2022-12-09

This time is slower than last time. It was submitted on July 15th, and after language revisions, it was submitted on July 29th. It took nearly 4 months for the first review to come out. Both reviewers were positive. The first review comments were submitted on November 28th, and it was accepted on December 9th. It took five months. The editor initially was an Indian editor, but later changed. The previous submission handled by Professor Sun was two months faster than this one.

kaisahw 2022-12-08

05/12 Finally accepted

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