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科研新手123 2023-06-30

Yesterday, my work has been submitted for review. Can you remind them to expedite it?

科研新手123 2023-06-30

There is no indication in the process of selecting reviewers.

kaisahw 2023-06-29

It has been over a month, and I don't know what happened to this magazine.

LANlan** 2023-06-29

Now it has slowed down, it has been three weeks and still with the editor...

即墨 2023-06-28

6.25 Submission,
6.26 Editing for weight reduction
6.27 Return of manuscript
6.28 Under review
It's really fast, Chinese editors, praying!

科研新手123 2023-06-27

"My also does not move."

kaisahw 2023-06-26

Previously, within one week, either the article would be submitted for review, or it would be rejected for not matching the theme.

科研新手123 2023-06-25

Is it usually this long now? Mine has been two weeks.

kaisahw 2023-06-25

With an editor for one month, truly speechless.

yuyuyu1126 2023-06-23

May I ask if there will be a dip in display after the first "under review" status?

小呆鹿 2023-06-22

This journal requires me to submit a Supplementary File Caption when resubmitting, so I would like to ask for help from you all. How should I go about this caption? Thank you very much.

kaisahw 2023-06-20

During this period, the date with the editor has changed several times, and I also received email notifications and changed the handing editor.

Fighting123 2023-06-20

Theme mismatch rejected.

kaisahw 2023-06-19

The translation of "dip基本是被拒了" into English is "The dip is basically rejected."

Fighting123 2023-06-18

I also got DIP, feeling a bit worried.

PhD Wang 2023-06-16

After editing, it became a dip. It has been five days, and I still haven't received a rejection.

Fighting123 2023-06-15

It has been 10 days since it was submitted, and it is still with the editor.

kaisahw 2023-06-15

Previously, this journal used to be relatively fast, but now I don't know what happened. It has been two weeks since I submitted it, but there is no response. It is getting slower and slower.

仝了个仝飞 2023-06-13

This is a re-submission after reducing the weight, which indicates that the editor still wants to give your article a chance. Otherwise, they would have rejected it directly without checking for plagiarism. They just need you to modify and reduce the similarity rate. I had a similar experience on BT two years ago, where I submitted a reduced version for review and it was eventually accepted.

HAna_ 2023-06-13

Excuse me, is it directly rejected or resubmitted after revision?

种sci 2023-06-13

I am also a dip, good luck!

gggggggyyyyyyy 2023-06-02

May I ask how long it takes for proofreading and online publication after your article is accepted? It has been over 30 days since mine was accepted, but I haven't received any follow-up emails yet. I'm really anxious.

maize0001 2023-06-01

What is the result? How long does it usually take for a decision in process? It's too slow...

maize0001 2023-05-31

I don't know if I will receive a rejection letter tomorrow; I want to change.

maize0001 2023-05-31

4.27 submission;
5.30 with editor;
5.30 Decision in Process
Most likely going to be rejected.

一只小哈尼 2023-05-31

I submitted it on 3.20 and it was reviewed on 5.15. There was a rejection in between, and I resubmitted it again.

resistance 2023-05-31

Have you submitted it for review? I submitted mine on the 22nd, but I haven't submitted it yet.

一只小哈尼 2023-05-31

Brother, have you submitted it for review?

maize0001 2023-05-31

After the editor, it's time to dip, I guess it's over.

592993578 2023-05-30

November 30th, submission.
January 2nd, review.
April 22nd, major revision.
May 30th, acceptance.
I feel that the suggested modifications are truly important and I will reply earnestly. It's just too slow.

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