注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Lilan Liu 2022-03-30

2020.07 mid-July submission
2020.09 mid-September major revision
2020.11.22 feedback
2021.02.04 acceptance
There were 5 reviewers, and their opinions were very professional.

Dsquared2 2022-03-21

This March, there was a minor repair, and it was repaired once in between. The speed is a bit slow.

windwood 2021-05-12

I encountered 8 reviewers, and there were two reviewers who felt very professional and skilled. There was also one reviewer who was very strange, as if intentionally nitpicking, and I didn't know what he was up to. Later, I guess even the editor couldn't stand that reviewer, so they ignored his opinions.

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