注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

biAli 2022-10-12

Dear, have you finished? Can you please share the timeline with me?

biAli 2022-10-12

Challenge again after a year, let's go!
Submit to journal on 10/7/2022
Under review on 10/10/2022

May 2022-09-28

Neuroengineering and rehabilitation engineering are top journals in the field, and they are quite good. The review process is fast, with the first review comments given in just over a month after submission. Both reviewers provided many suggestions, and they were very thorough. They allowed three months to respond to the comments, which is relatively long. After the submission of the first review comments, the paper was directly accepted two months later. The process was relatively fast. Not bad!

lin 2022-09-15

The submission on August 26 has been under review for over two weeks, and I don't know if it has been sent for approval or not.

小小欧西 2022-09-05

May I ask if it was submitted in the first half of the year? I don't know if there is a difference in the review period between submissions before and after July.

Dantalion 2022-07-18

The initial review took one month for major revisions. The reviewer asked a few questions. The second review took more than ten days and was directly accepted. After acceptance, the paper can be published within a few days. The efficiency of OPEN ACCESS is indeed high.

Dream! 2021-12-25

A good journal, significant improvement in paper quality after revision.

WHNMT 2021-11-28

It has been 42 days, and there is still no result from the first trial. Does anyone have an update?

guankaer 2021-11-19

Hello, could you please share your review status with me? My submission has been under review for a month.

千叶 2021-11-16

Finally hired, the quality of the journal is really good. Now it's open access, and it will be officially available online within a month after acceptance. The publication speed is very fast.

push 2021-11-04

Just invested, first time investing in TOP, hoping it won't be too difficult.

千叶 2021-10-19

Has anyone been hired recently? Can you share your timeline? The process has been so slow lately.

qiang 2021-10-16

Has this journal been open sourced?

time_space 2021-08-24

Oh? Why does this look so similar to a piece I've reviewed before~~~ Haha, really alike.

千叶 2021-07-13

Hello, how many states are there for this?

azurekim89 2021-07-09

The publication is pretty good, but some of the reviewers have extremely poor attitudes and use very unprofessional language in their reviews.

SWT 2021-06-28

2021-02-12 Submitted
2020-03-19 Major revisions, 4 reviewers
2020-04-19 Submitted major revisions
2020-05-17 Major revisions, 2 reviewers
2020-06-04 Submitted major revisions
Result unknown, usually a response is received within a month.

千叶 2021-06-21

Has your opinion come back? How long does it usually take to come back? It has been almost two months for me and it is still under review.

阿木a阿美 2021-06-13

Have you received the review comments?

久违的沉默 2021-05-19

Is it normal for the status to remain "Under review" after submitting the contribution?

SWT 2021-05-18

IRB approval is mainly required if your experiment involves human or animal subjects. If it is using publicly available data, you can specify the source.

aaa2015 2021-05-13

Could you please clarify if IRB approval is required for a public dataset in biology?

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