注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

moose_rabbit 2023-01-28

Xiao Xiu was actually rejected again? This is too disgusting.

MHSI_Zhang 2023-01-28

2022.6.22 Submission
2022.7.27 Rejection and resubmission
2022.9.30 Resubmission with revisions
2022.12.07 Minor revisions
2023.12.21 Submission of revised manuscript
2023.1.27 Rejection (with addition of two reviewers)

ssgrl 2023-01-15

No, this is for AE to review once, and AE decided not to submit it for approval.

小镇SCI投稿人 2023-01-13

Did TMI originally have "Assign reviewers" but suddenly changed to "Immediate reject"? Does this mean inviting reviewers?

ssgrl 2023-01-09

Starting from 2022, there are really more and more Desk Rejects for TMI, and the problem is that this speed is not satisfactory...

Whatever 2022-12-29

Submitted on October 19th, reviews were continuously assigned during this period. On December 28th, it was directly rejected immediately.

XYXcqqq 2022-12-22

Is it normal for AE to assign reviewers for half a month?

风一样的男子 2022-12-13

Why desk reject?

hghghhg 2022-12-13

2022.12.07 desk reject (English translation: 2022.12.07 desk reject)

ruiy 2022-12-09

The editor casually wrote two sentences and directly rejected it.

ruiy 2022-12-09

The comment is not good, delete it. See on the 44th floor.

乔贴岭 2022-12-07

The submission must include the author's information, otherwise it will be sent back.

hghghhg 2022-12-07

Today, I also found out that I have become an EIC. I haven't submitted my post for long, so what's everyone's situation?

风一样的男子 2022-12-06

I want to ask, how long does it usually take for the state of "wait reviewers' scores"? And what is the longest duration for this state? My article has been in this state for four weeks in the first review.

豆豆哞哞 2022-12-06

The time frame I encountered was from 3 days to 2 weeks.

hghghhg 2022-12-04

2022-12-04: AE Assigns Reviewers

ruiy 2022-12-02

I would like to ask everyone, how long does it take to receive the decision after "awaiting EIC decision"?

MHSI_Zhang 2022-12-01

Excuse me, has the original poster received any updates? It has been two months and five days since my second review assigned reviewers.

MHSI_Zhang 2022-12-01

Excuse me, OP, any news yet? It has been two months and five days since my second review assigned reviewers.

MHSI_Zhang 2022-12-01

Has anyone encountered the situation where the second review of AE assigns reviewers has taken more than two months?

MHSI_Zhang 2022-12-01

May I ask if the original poster has any updates? It has been two months and five days since my second review assigned reviewers.

ruiy 2022-11-30

"ae assigns reviewers" is a normal part of the review process, right? My associate editor made a decision in just two days, and it changed to "awaiting eic decision." That's probably a sign of rejection.

Whatever 2022-11-30

I plan to submit it in late October. Currently, it is also an assignment. They won't reject it directly, right?

Whatever 2022-11-30

I am also an AE assign review. It has been a month already. They wouldn't directly reject me, would they?

稀鱼 2022-11-29

May I ask if it is necessary to hide the author's information when submitting this contribution?

lb1406 2022-11-29

I have been waiting for a month and it has become "Awaiting EIC Decision." I guess it's not looking good.

ruiy 2022-11-28

The text translates to: "ae assigns reviewers, two days turned into 'awaiting EIC decision.' It's probably rejected without being sent for review..."

hghghhg 2022-11-26

2022.11.26: Submission!

豆豆哞哞 2022-11-17

How are you doing now? I became an AE to recommend status within one week after submission. I feel like it hasn't been reviewed yet.

jingbao 2022-11-13

Oh my god, I'm in the same situation. It's only been less than a month and I'm already in a state determined by the editor-in-chief. Does this mean I'm out already?

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