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TUM 2022-07-20

Is there anyone who submitted their manuscript in March, just like me? I submitted mine at the end of March, and it is still in the "awaiting reviewer scores" status. I'm wondering what the status of those who submitted in March is. This journal is really slow.

vvgod 2022-07-20

Ah haha, that's so miserable, feeling sorry for my bro. It's really really slow.

vvgod 2022-07-20

Ah hahaha, it's so unfortunate, bro, I feel sorry for you. But I guess I'm in a similar situation as you.

求中论文 2022-07-20

The speed is very slow. Personal experience:
1. The first trial took 9 months, and after a major repair, I returned one month later.
2. The second trial has been under review for 6 months now.

There are classmates around waiting for a decision, and they have been waiting for almost two months. It's really dragging on.

求中论文 2022-07-20

Like the original poster, it has been 9 months for the first review and 6 months for the second review, and there is still no result. We will see repeated assignments, scores, and sudden changes to "under review."

vvgod 2022-07-08

Give everyone some reference. This article has been submitted to TITS many times. This journal is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but usually very slow. There are often reverse reviews (reverse status). For example:
(1) Article 1 took seven months for the first review. In the sixth month, it was awaiting AE recommendation, and in the seventh month, it became awaiting reviewer scores.
(2) Article 2 took four months for the first review. After a month and a half, it was requested for revisions, and after three months, it is still under review (although it changed to awaiting reviewer assignment midway).
(3) Article 3 has been under review for four months since submission, and it changed to awaiting reviewer assignment once during the process.
In general, the speed of handling manuscripts by the AEs of this journal is slow. I speculate that many AEs may log in to the system once a month. The Editor-in-Chief's frequency of logging into the system is also not high, probably about once a week (sometimes longer). Some reviewers are not responsible enough, and there are cases where they do not want to review the manuscript even if it has received good evaluations in the first review.
That's all for now.

JN6666666666666 2022-07-06

awaiting reviewer scores for over two months

sgxgq 2022-07-06

It has been 70 days and it has not been assigned to the AE yet.

君子不器296 2022-07-04

How long have you been waiting for reviewer scores?
Have you been waiting for AE Recommendation for this long?

barbaraboy 2022-07-04

The statistical methods have changed, including early access ones as well. Many of them were released earlier.

JinNiu666 2022-07-03

How long does it usually take to receive a recommendation letter after waiting for over a month? Experienced individuals, please inform.

JinNiu666 2022-07-03

Waiting for AE recommendation for over a month, does anyone have a longer wait?

gagaq 2022-06-28

Surprised! How come the amount of articles suddenly increased so much?

FernMon 2022-06-23

Hi, I would like to ask how long the process of "awaiting admin processing" has been going on for? Why hasn't it changed even after 10 days?

sgxgq 2022-06-23

Make a note, 55 days since submission, only five days left, it has been two months, still waiting for AE assignment, my mindset is about to collapse.

FernMon 2022-06-22

I have submitted my paper for more than a week, but it is still waiting for admin processing. Is this normal? How long does this step usually take?

JinNiu666 2022-06-16

Have you received any results yet? I've been stuck at "awaiting ae recommendation" for about ten days, it's so slow.

毕业生A 2022-06-15

Anyone who is interested can exchange ideas, 733693721.

古神 2022-06-15

I feel that this journal is not very suitable for articles that are more theoretical.

sgxgq 2022-06-14

I feel that this journal is very slow.

zcx0216 2022-06-14

It has been a month since waiting for AE recommendation. Does anyone know what the situation is?

sgxgq 2022-06-13

I haven't been assigned an Account Executive yet, feeling exhausted.

vic1984 2022-06-13

It's all the same, I am too, once you submit it, you just wait for the reviewer to assign it.

vvgod 2022-06-12

From experience, this state probably lasts for about a week.

Gawain 2022-06-11

I have been waiting for four months for this review. Within a day, it went directly from "awaiting review score" to "Awaiting EiC decision." In between, "Awaiting AE recommendation" only took half a day. I'm afraid it's not looking good. Normally, even if it's fast, it would take a few days, and it could take several weeks if it's slow.

sgxgq 2022-06-10

Posted on 4.29, still awaiting AE assignment, it has been six weeks. Has anyone been waiting for longer?

scccsccc 2022-06-08

5.31 submission, currently still Awaiting Admin Processing

雾里看花 2022-06-08

Submitted on 2022.05.25, it is currently in under review status.

奋斗的研狗啊 2022-06-04

Second submission, feels much faster than the previous one, with three reviewers, two rounds of revisions, one minor revision, and then accepted directly after the minor revision, all within less than a year. The reviewers are still sharp! Every revision is a torture 0-0.

Mike_yu 2022-06-03

"Was he directly hired after the major renovation?"

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