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sgxgq 2022-11-30

When it reached one month in the second review, "under review" changed to "awaiting reviewer assignment", but it changed back within less than a day. What is going on?

TC_Good 2022-11-29

Same as the above, awaiting reviewer assignment in early November and still waiting until now.

xuhongjin 2022-11-28

From November 4th until the stage of "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment," this status has continued until now. It feels so slow.

ysz1996 2022-11-27

Brother, my status has also changed from "awaiting eic decision" to "awaiting ae recommendation" once after that, and now it has become "awaiting eic decision" again. What do you think this situation is?

renquloukong 2022-11-22

Oh my god, this is too slow.

TC_Good 2022-11-21

Queuing for over a month, Under review (AE) for over three months, the current status is Awaiting Reviewer Assignment, it has been two weeks already, and still no reviewer assigned. Slow, it is just too slow!

P&P 2022-11-21

Slow has become its characteristic.

Han大师 2022-11-18

It has been six months since submission, and the status is "Awaiting Reviewer Scores." Is this normal?

Love丶FFC 2022-11-12

The authors are all teachers and classmates from the same school, and they are not top experts in their field.

乌巴啦啦 2022-11-12

Are you pretending to be a big shot? So funny!

zhyun 2022-11-11

Hello, have you reached the next stage? It has been almost half a month for me, but there hasn't been any progress yet.

kche 2022-11-10

Understood, thank you!!

Love丶FFC 2022-11-09

Thank you, and I also wish that your paper can be smoothly accepted by TITS.
Yes. This phenomenon is normal, indicating that your AE quickly accepted the invitation from the editor-in-chief to be responsible for this article. The specific duration of under review depends on how long it will last.
If under review quickly (within a month) transitions to Awaiting Reviewer Assignment or even Awaiting Reviewer Scores, then the overall cycle will not be too long.

kche 2022-11-09

First of all, congratulations on your achievements and thank you for sharing. The speed is truly amazing! Everything went very smoothly, and I'm envious. I wanted to ask if "under review" means that the Associate Editor is currently reviewing the manuscript. Because my status changed from "Awaiting AE Assignment" to "under review" in just one day, I'm not sure if this is normal.

Love丶FFC 2022-11-08

I'm very lucky. In August, the status remained at "Awaiting AE Assignment". At that time, I wondered if the AE was also very inefficient. Fortunately, the status changed quickly afterward.
The efficiency of EIC, AE, and Reviewer is very high. Thanks to the comments provided by the reviewers, they greatly helped improve the quality of my paper. After revising for half a month, it was accepted in less than a month for the second review.
During the first review, "Awaiting EIC Decision" changed twice. I guess the AE made some recommended changes. Thank you again, AE.
I developed a review status software that automatically records each change in the review status and can notify through email. It is no longer necessary to frequently check the status in the submission system, which effectively reduces anxiety during the waiting process and captures a lot of useful information.
https://github.com/JiShuWang/Review-State-Detector, welcome to Star and Commit.

Love丶FFC 2022-11-08

07.03 Submit -> Awaiting Admin Processing
07.18 Awaiting AE Assignment
08.18 Under review
08.18 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
08.19 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
09.11 Awaiting AE Recommendation
09.21 Awaiting EIC Decision
09.22 Awaiting AE Recommendation
09.22 Awaiting EIC Decision
09.27 Revise and Resubmit(2 major, 1 minor)

10.12 Resubmit -> Under review
10.17 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
10.19 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
10.30 Awaiting AE Recommendation
11.05 Awaiting EIC Decision
11.07 Accept

07.03 Submit -> Awaiting Admin Processing
07.18 Awaiting AE Assignment
08.18 Under review
08.18 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
08.19 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
09.11 Awaiting AE Recommendation
09.21 Awaiting EIC Decision
09.22 Awaiting AE Recommendation
09.22 Awaiting EIC Decision
09.27 Revise and Resubmit(2 major, 1 minor)

10.12 Resubmit -> Under review
10.17 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
10.19 Awaiting Reviewer Scores
10.30 Awaiting AE Recommendation
11.05 Awaiting EIC Decision
11.07 Accept

liuhuan0204 2022-11-03

This journal is relatively slower compared to TEVC, but the reviewers are also very professional!

xuhongjin 2022-11-02

October 16th submitted until now still Awaiting Admin Processing, may I ask how long does this status usually last?

dahai 2022-10-31

How long did it take for the big shot to review it for the first time?

TUM 2022-10-27

May I ask how long did it take for the first trial? I have been waiting for one and a half months for the second trial now.

vvgod 2022-10-16

The second review has been six months already, and it still shows "under review". What should I do? Urging the administrator doesn't seem to help either.

韦美丽 2022-10-15

Three reviewers, two major revisions, and one reviewer said that my content does not fit the journal. In the end, the Editor-in-Chief rejected my submission, stating that the content does not match the journal's scope. However, before submitting, I checked the journal and found papers in our field from 2021.

dahai 2022-10-14

Comrades, now the ITS journal is not responding quickly, it has been half a month since submission and the editor has not processed it yet...

Tom-ski 2022-10-09

What is the specific timeline?

DB_Lin 2022-10-08

The first trial is currently over 9 months and has just entered the stage of "Awaiting EIC Decision". Leaving a message to gather good luck and hoping for a favorable outcome!

韦美丽 2022-10-04

Translated text: The submission was made on January 21, 2022. A reminder was sent at the end of July, and in mid-August, an email response was received stating that the Associate Editor (AE) had been reminded. We have been waiting for the AE's decision since then. Another reminder was sent at the end of September, and now we are waiting for the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) to make a decision. The review process is still quite lengthy.

韦美丽 2022-10-04

I have also been submitting my work for six months and have only been reminded once. Then, it took another half a month for them to reply and say they would remind the Associate Editor (AE). After eight months, I reminded them again but still haven't received any news.

wwc 2022-10-03

Awesome, sir! May I ask specifically what you do? Why are you so fast?

ywher 2022-10-03

2022-4-2 Submission
2022-6-2 First Review - Major Revision (Minor Revision, Two Major Revisions, One Rejection stating it does not align well with the ITS theme, not using transportation dataset???)
2022-7-27 Resubmission after Revision (Supervisor delayed for a week)
2022-9-22 Second Review Acceptance (Accepted with one minor revision, the reviewer who rejected it did not provide any suggestions)

small 猪猪 2022-10-02

Have you ever encountered a similar situation? I don't know what the reason is, can only wait... feeling anxious...

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