认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

拉普拉斯啦 2023-02-28

Hello, may I ask if this journal's initial draft can exceed 8 pages?

拉普拉斯啦 2023-02-28

Hello, may I ask if it is possible to exceed 8 pages for this initial draft of the journal?

拉普拉斯啦 2023-02-28

Hello, may I ask if this journal allows the initial draft to exceed 8 pages?

拉普拉斯啦 2023-02-28

Hello, may I ask if the initial draft of this journal can exceed 8 pages?

拉普拉斯啦 2023-02-28

Hello, may I ask if it is possible to exceed 8 pages for this initial draft of the journal?

ENDIT 2023-02-27

25 days, finally the status changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. Wishing for good luck, amen.

SwanKnight 2023-02-26

Approximately one week after receiving the "awaiting reviewer scores" status, I saw that three reviewers had replied.

SwanKnight 2023-02-24

Five reviewers provided approximately 50+ comments, overall in a friendly manner. Two of them clearly had the same direction and provided valuable suggestions.

Possibly fearing that I would not have enough time to conduct experiments, RR generously gave me a full two months.

2023 01 10 Resubmit
2023 01 11 Invite reviewers
2023 02 13 Awaiting AE recommendation
2023 02 20 Accept

The editor's handling speed was very fast, with submissions generally made on the same day and the status changing the next day.
The main time was likely spent in the review process.

I would like to thank the teachers and classmates who helped me during this process,
the editors Bansal & Disha, who quickly handled the manuscript,
and those two reviewers whose names I do not know but who provided valuable suggestions.
Lastly, good luck to everyone!

SwanKnight 2023-02-24

2022 05 28 First submission
2022 05 29 Assign editor / Initial review
2022 05 30 Assign reviewers / waiting for reviewer scores
2022 06 27 Add additional reviewers / waiting for reviewer scores
2022 08 16 Awaiting Associate Editor scores
2022 08 17 Add additional reviewer / waiting for reviewer scores
2022 09 15 Add additional reviewer / waiting for reviewer scores
2022 11 10 Awaiting Associate Editor recommendation
2022 11 11 Awaiting Editor-in-Chief decision
2022 11 14 Reject & Resubmit

PR@Sun 2023-02-24

awaiting reviewer scores has been going on for about 1 month

HECHUN 2023-02-23

Awaiting Review Scores, it's been 2 weeks, which is considered fast.

ssswwww 2023-02-22

What is the specific process like?

ssswwww 2023-02-22

My situation is also similar. May I ask how things turned out for you, OP?

哈利路亚biubiubiu 2023-02-22

Has the status changed after re-submission inviting reviewers? My situation is exactly the same as yours. I re-submitted on 22.12.16, and it has been inviting reviewers ever since.

ENDIT 2023-02-22

Hello, I would like to ask how long does it usually take for the result to be given in the status "Awaiting AE Recommendation" for the first review?

Derek 2023-02-20

I don't remember selecting this option, but a new manuscript number will be generated after each submission of RR, and it is also required to be within 8 pages. It should be automatically matched.

ENDIT 2023-02-20

How long does this status of "Awaiting AE Recommendation" need to continue? It has been 18 days already.

PR@Sun 2023-02-19

After rr, it seems that there were three new reviewers assigned for re-evaluation, and then it was followed by minor revisions.

lomoo_15 2023-02-18

Seeing your message, I realized that I also did not select this option. It seems that I thought this question was asking whether the submission had been made to other journals before. However, I noticed that the article number has also changed to XXX.RI, so it should be considered a revision rather than a new submission for review. How is it going on your end? Does it have any impact?

HECHUN 2023-02-18

Is that so? When the boss asked me to review it, I submitted the comments very promptly. I hope they won't mess with us. (⊙︿⊙)

yw981 2023-02-18

Three reviewers, professional opinions. The overall situation is smooth, but the total time is a bit long.
06-Apr-2022 submit;
11-Sep-2022 First review: Reject & Resubmit;
24-Nov-2022 resubmit;
12-Jan-2023 Minor Revision
12-Feb-2023 accept.

哈利路亚biubiubiu 2023-02-18

I want to ask, what is the status after rr returns? And what about the follow-up? It has been two months since the rr return and it has been consistently inviting reviewers.

哈利路亚biubiubiu 2023-02-18

The state of "inviting reviewers" has been ongoing for the second review, continuously for two months now, and it hasn't changed. I sent a reminder ten days ago but there hasn't been any progress. Does anyone know how long this state will continue? Will it eventually change to the next state?

SCI点评专家 2023-02-17

The other TII first-instance trial has also been 7 months...

HECHUN 2023-02-17

Last year, when our research group submitted a paper, it was assigned to Luo C. Ren from Taiwan Province, China as the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). However, it took several months and the paper was still not sent for review.

This year, after changing the EiC/Co-EiC, we have noticed a significant increase in speed. Within a week, we have already reached the step of assigning additional reviewers, which is comparable to the speed of our sister journal IEEE TIE.

ENDIT 2023-02-17

Reply to the brother who mentioned a wait of eight months for first review, isn't that too slow?
Regarding the status of "Awaiting AE Recommendation," it has been 15 days.

SCI点评专家 2023-02-16

Ah, it feels like I still have to wait for a while. It's so hard to endure...

erhgu8 2023-02-16

After switching to ADM, template is also used for replies, and every time a reminder is sent to the editor to make a decision as soon as possible.

SCI点评专家 2023-02-16

After urging for the submission, ADM replied that an urgent reminder has been sent to the editors, requesting them to make a decision as soon as possible. Currently, there is still no response...

LZW555 2023-02-15

The text translates to: "Submitted the manuscript in September 2022. The current status is toggling between 'Assign additional Reviewers' and 'Assign Reviewers.' Sent a letter to the adm on February 12, 2023, but still no response. What should I do?"

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