认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
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GXUmin 2023-06-30

Does double-blind mean that all author information, including the author information below the title, should be removed?

letpubSCU123 2023-06-29

First submission to this journal, submission record

2023-06-28, submitted, Awaiting Admin Processing, (8 pages, double-blind)
2023-06-28, returned, reference requirement is within 30 articles, (was not aware of this requirement previously, had a headache deleting references)
2023-06-28, resubmitted with modified references, Awaiting Admin Processing

牛头得细尾巴 2023-06-29

6.13 submitted awaiting co-eic assignment
6.16 Assign additional Reviewers
6.29 Assigning Reviewers

牛头得细尾巴 2023-06-29

6.29 Assigning Reviewers

两只小绵羊 2023-06-29

6-29 It has been 12 days and EIC decision is still pending.

蓝色的风18 2023-06-29

My EIC is not yuedong.

Pygmalion 2023-06-28

Mine is also him, hopefully we can concentrate on dealing with it on a certain day at the end of the month.

伴你高飞 2023-06-28

Yes, someone sent an email asking what's going on.

xhpxhp 2023-06-28

I have been at EIC for a month now, is the editor-in-chief also Yue Dong?

伴你高飞 2023-06-27

Did xdm have any news? It's too slow, isn't it?

科研0基础 2023-06-27

23/6/15 submit & awaiting admin assignment translates to: Submitted on June 23, 2015 and waiting for administrative assignment.

23/06/27 Awaiting AE Assignment translates to: Awaiting Account Executive Assignment on June 27th.

我很菜 2023-06-27

Correcting it
23/6/27 awaiting AE assignment

我很菜 2023-06-27

23/6/14 submit & awaiting admin assignment - On June 23, 2014, I submitted and am currently waiting for an administrative assignment.

23/6/16 awaiting co-eic assignment - On June 23, 2016, I am currently waiting for a co-editor-in-chief assignment.

23/6/27 awaiting co-eic assignment - On June 23, 2027, I am currently waiting for a co-editor-in-chief assignment.

bentferrari 2023-06-25

May I ask if your EIC is Yue, Dong?

sunny-ny 2023-06-25

2023.06.25 Status changed to Awaiting Review Scores, looking forward to good results.

蓝色的风18 2023-06-23

The first submission is limited to a maximum of 8 pages.

abelard 2023-06-23

It has been about 20 days since the EIC decision, and it has really been dragging on.

牛头得细尾巴 2023-06-23

Asigne revisores adicionales.

伴你高飞 2023-06-22

The article of this journal was reviewed two days ago, and Hancke and Gerhard made a decision within two days... I don't know why it is being delayed.

伴你高飞 2023-06-22

Is it this Monday?

Superke 2023-06-22

I have made a decision for over twenty days. On Monday, I asked ADM about it and he said he had talked to YueDong, but there is still no news.

LL_accept 2023-06-21

Just like you, it's her. Very slow! The other article that was submitted before was much faster than this.

abelard 2023-06-21

EIC is YueDong.

abelard 2023-06-21

Yes, it is Yue dong.

伴你高飞 2023-06-21

Most likely it will be dragging on, EICyuedong?

sunjing 2023-06-21

Excuse me, but when uploading the final file, can I add author information in the PDF file? Previously, I didn't include author information during the review process on my end.

wyxjy51968 2023-06-20

Excuse me, does TII have page limitations now?

sunny-ny 2023-06-20

On June 5, 2023, it changed to "Assigning additional Reviewers." Then, on June 20, 2023, it changed back to "Assigning Reviewers." Hopefully, this time it will go smoothly.

abelard 2023-06-20

Yes, double-blind review.

DA1018 2023-06-20

Is this journal double-blind now?

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