认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
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SCI点评专家 2021-10-28

Yes, resubmit the rejected manuscript.

nyannko 2021-10-27

Is it a rejection and then a resubmission, and then a direct acceptance after the resubmission?

SCI点评专家 2021-10-26

I have encountered 6 reviewers before, with the associate editor making revisions and the editor-in-chief rejecting the submission... This time, it's after resubmission and undergoing the first round of review. Well, okay.

偷懒的学术小白 2021-10-24

You, a person with connections, are not even trying to hide it. I had five reviewers for this first review, and they gave me a resubmission.

投稿不拒 2021-10-22

It has been over two months since I submitted it. Now I am still awaiting review scores. Have you emailed the original poster and asked?

SCI点评专家 2021-10-22

Finally got the decision, accepted in the first review, both reviewers gave accept, what luck...

yy 2021-10-22

Waiting for editing recommendations

Steven Rer 2021-10-22

After one month of submission, the status has changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation". In the meantime, there has also been the normal process of reviewers finding reviewers for the review. I do not know if this time is normal. Regardless, I thank the reviewers and editors for their efficiency.

SCI点评专家 2021-10-15

Are additional reviewers still being assigned, or has arbitration been done...

jb2849 2021-10-14

There is so much stuff about deep learning above, right?

跳落之猫 2021-10-13

Very good journal, knowing that my direction is not suitable but the teacher required submission, but they probably don't accept anything related to deep learning. I was immediately rejected within five days, thanks to the efficiency of the editor-in-chief.

Only 2021-10-07

The first draft does not require a cover letter, but usually a revised draft will need one. At that time, each file should be uploaded in order, and before the final submission, preview it to understand.

JLOVEQ 2021-10-02

Hey guys, I have a question. During the first revision, we had three reviewers. After making the changes, two of them were satisfied, but one had some minor issues. We made the necessary modifications and went through a third revision. On September 27th, the status was "Awaiting Co-EIC Decision," but later that day it changed to "Awaiting Reviewer Scores." It has been unchanged since then, and I'm wondering what the issue might be?

JLOVEQ 2021-10-01

Boss, have you contacted the editorial department? I am also in the same situation now. Have you resolved it?

SCI点评专家 2021-09-26

Submitted three months ago, the status is still fluctuating between "Assigning Reviewers" and "Assign additional Reviewers", a total of three times. I don't know what the situation is...

SCIccc 2021-09-25

It's no use pushing, Lisa will say that she has already reminded you, but still nothing happens.

Johnxuxu 2021-09-22

Boss, have you reminded me? It has been over two weeks for me, and if a whole month passes without any updates, I am prepared to send an email to inquire.

SCIccc 2021-09-20

This journal has had some issues recently. After my minor revisions, it went through the EIC decision process, but the status has changed multiple times since then. Now, it is stuck at "selecting reviews" and there is no progress. It feels like the editorial team is not handling manuscripts at all.

Johnxuxu 2021-09-17

It has been two weeks since the rejection and resubmission, awaiting AE (Associate Editor) recommendation. I don't know the current situation.

anonymwyt 2021-09-12

Hello, I saw the first requirement for manuscript submission on the journal's official website: (New manuscripts cannot exceed 8 pages. Note that usually in the review process the reviewers tend to ask for more explanations, also note that the maximum allowed length is 8 pages on initial/first submission. Note that in the final page count, the authors' bios and photos should be included.) Should the author information be included in the initial draft? I'm looking forward to your answer, thank you!

SCI点评专家 2021-09-03

I have also been submitting for nearly two months, and the review status has been fluctuating between AR and AAR. Currently, it is in the AR status...

nyannko 2021-09-03

I didn't understand my article directly, I wrote it on the table, and he said I didn't write it. I discussed it, and he said I was not trustworthy. I wrote the formulas in order, but he said I didn't. I am also frustrated. It feels like the reviewers of this journal are just like access.

nyannko 2021-09-03

The review process for your manuscript mentioned above has been completed. Unfortunately, I must inform you that, in the opinion of the reviewers and the Associate Editor in charge, the submitted manuscript is not suitable for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. The reviewers' comments are enclosed for your reference. I would appreciate your contribution and hope to have the opportunity to work with you again.

If the reviewers did not understand my article and no one responded to my appeal, can I make modifications and resubmit it as a new manuscript?

JoTy 2021-09-02

可能还在找审稿人 translates to "probably still looking for reviewers" in English.

奋斗的研狗啊 2021-09-01

Submitted for a month, it has been "Assigning Reviewers" and "Assign additional Reviewers" all along. Recently, it has entered "Awaiting Review Scores". I hope to be given an opportunity.

ACCEPT 2021-08-31

I have been submitting for two months, and the status of my article has been fluctuating between "assigning additional reviewers" and "assigning reviewers." I don't know what this means exactly. Can someone explain it to me?

nyannko 2021-08-29

Excuse me, boss, what is the difference between "waiting EIC decision" and "AE decision"?

SCIccc 2021-08-25

Mine is also the same, but after Xiaoxiu returned, that reviewer had already finished reviewing. It arrived at the EIC's office yesterday and today it has become inviting reviewers. Just now I saw that it has changed to waiting for reviews. I don't understand what is going on with this journal.

oooleslinooo 2021-08-25

I am Xiao Xiu, and I submitted the revised draft to Lisa more than a month ago. Since two reviewers have already agreed to accept it in the previous round, and the opinion of the other reviewer is very minor and easily modifiable, there was no need to await scores after asking. The associate editor made a decision and the editor-in-chief finalized it.

SCIccc 2021-08-25

How long after did you send an email to ask the editor?

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