认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
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勤劳的松松xi 2022-05-08

Status update:
2022-03-17 Submitted, Waiting Co-EIC Assignment
2022-03-24 Waiting AE Assignment
2022-03-25 until now Assigning Reviewers
It has been a month and a half and still assigning reviewers. Are there any other colleagues experiencing the same slowness?

月光下徜徉 2022-05-08

Excuse me, does anyone have a first review r&r, second review minor, or accept?

月光下徜徉 2022-05-07

It is almost the same as my processing time.

小昌娃 2022-05-07

2022.05.07 Awaiting AE Recommendation

This means that someone is waiting for a recommendation from the AE (Editorial Assistant) on a certain matter.

xxxsssJH 2022-05-06

The entire submission process took about 3 and a half months, and the comments from the 4 reviewers were very professional. The experience of making revisions during this special period has made this submission even more memorable. I hope that TII will continue to improve in the future, and I also hope that I can submit more influential articles.

xxxsssJH 2022-05-06

2022.1.21 submit
2022.2.1 Awaiting review scores
2022.3.16 Return on birthday with Major Revision within 6 weeks - 4 reviewers, overall evaluation is good
After 5 weeks of thorough revision (personally, I think it's better to use the full 6-week limit given by the EIC, repeatedly revising and discussing to provide better responses to the reviewer and editor's comments)
2022.4.20 Major revision submitted
Around 2022.4.27 Awaiting AE Recommendation
2022.5.3 Awaiting Co-EIC decision
2022.5.3 Accept (the email states provisionally accepted, haven't seen this expression before, checked and it seems to be fine, submit final files on 2022.5.5)

mingyunjianshu 2022-05-06

Added some overtime, there is data for the comparative experiment, just need to calculate it with a different model, added another experiment, and made some modifications to the descriptions, etc. Also added some reference papers required by the reviewers. It will be done in about a week.

cuidingsong 2022-05-05

You went back so quickly after just one week of R&R, it's too fast.

amandudu 2022-05-04

2022.4.12 Submission
2022.4.25 Reviewer Assignment

mingyunjianshu 2022-05-02

2022.5.2 is the date, and "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" is the text.

Wupeng 2022-05-01

Does the original poster recommend reviewers when submitting the manuscript? Is it mandatory to recommend them?

月光下徜徉 2022-04-30

When did you resubmit? Is it still the grading phase now?

cuidingsong 2022-04-29

I am in the same situation as the person upstairs, 1st round of review and revision required, two months for modification time, also need to add comparative experiments and explanations. Relatively speaking, the given modification time is too short.

月光下徜徉 2022-04-28

I initially received a rejection with the suggestion to resubmit. I was given two months to revise the paper, and a total of four reviewers provided feedback. Their comments were not harsh, but mainly focused on making modifications to the writing style and adding some comparative experiments. My advisor mentioned that, based on their experience, it should be a major revision.

小马1997 2022-04-28

Original: 楼主,您一审的结果怎么样呀,几个审稿人
Translation: OP, how did your first review go? How many reviewers?

yorknb 2022-04-28

I have submitted my manuscript on April 9th and it has been almost 21 days, but I still haven't found a reviewer. Your first review has taken 25 days...

月光下徜徉 2022-04-28

To be honest, I didn't expect the first trial to be so fast, so I also hope the second trial will be quick.

小马1997 2022-04-28

You're making a rocket. I have been reviewing it for over two months in the first review, and it has been one month in the second review, but it hasn't been finished yet.

月光下徜徉 2022-04-28

May I ask how long everyone took for the second review? My first review took 25 days, and for the second review, it has been Awaiting reviewer scores since April 1st.

mingyunjianshu 2022-04-26

2022.04.26 resubmitted - This text means that something was submitted again on April 26th, 2022.

2022.04.26 Inviting reviewers - This text indicates that reviewers are being invited on April 26th, 2022.

yorknb 2022-04-26

2022.4.9 submit - Submitted on April 9, 2022.
2022.4.12 awaiting co-eic assignment - Awaiting assignment by co-editor-in-chief on April 12, 2022.
2022.4.13 assign reviewers - Assigned reviewers on April 13, 2022.

小昌娃 2022-04-26

2022.4.26 Awaiting Review Scores

SCI点评专家 2022-04-25

Slow down, it has been 70 days for the repair, and they are still selecting reviewers. What's going on? Can we urge them?

小昌娃 2022-04-25

Record the process:
2022.4.20 submit
2022.4.21 awaiting co-editor-in-chief assignment
2022.4.24 assigning reviewers
2022.4.25 assign additional reviewers

nyannko 2022-04-25

Waited for more than a month, yeah, that's definitely slow enough.

小悟空 2022-04-24

Yes, awaiting co-EIC decision.

nyannko 2022-04-24

Is it still waiting for co-eic?

小悟空 2022-04-23

Still have not received the decision. Previously, the Taiwan editor would process the decision on the same day. I don't know why it has become slower now~

小悟空 2022-04-23

My submission has been inviting reviewers for 20 days and it feels like the journal's speed has slowed down.

mingyunjianshu 2022-04-22

Do the resubmitted manuscripts need to be in revision mode?

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