注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

天下文章一大抄 2021-12-07

In the field of fuzzy systems, it is widely recognized as a top journal. FSS is slightly inferior.

mfkm 2021-10-07

Hello, can I ask about the specific submission time and the first review time?

sci专业户 2021-10-05

The journal is very good and formal. The first review took two months, and three reviewers provided many difficult questions to answer. However, overall, they acknowledged the contribution of the paper. The editor requested major revisions and asked for them to be completed within 45 days. After the revisions, the associate editor pointed out a minor issue with the document. It was fixed within two days, and the paper was accepted the next day.

doitlikenever 2021-08-01

If there is no flagship for IEEE Transactions, and one must find a flagship, the possible choices would only be TPAMI and TIT. It is impossible for this one to be considered.

liuwuniu 2021-06-29

0401 submitted
0530 reject
Two reviewers, one suggested acceptance and provided several practical suggestions. Upon a quick glance, it was not understood or examined carefully. They mentioned lack of innovation and recommended rejection without any further comments. The editor eventually decided to reject it.

模糊集 2021-06-28

The top journal for fuzzy data analysis is the IEEE Transactions series. It is the dream of many researchers in fuzzy sets and fuzzy systems. The reviewers are basically top scholars from various fields, and the questions they raise are very insightful. The requirements for papers are very high, not only the theoretical models need to be complete, but also the experimental verification needs to be comprehensive. The impact factor for this year is above 10.

KeYanMinGong1 2021-06-03

Forget it, is TCYB even worthy of being compared to TFS? It's already been flooded with garbage, and using rejection and resubmission to boost IF is not worth losing face at all.

KeYanMinGong1 2021-06-03

Do I still need to mention IEEE TFS? It is definitely the flagship trans in the field, the top journal that many people dream of. Although occasionally there are some experts who are not serious, it definitely lives up to the reputation of trans. Personally, I feel it is on par with Elsevier's Fuzzy Sets and Systems, where TFS focuses on engineering applications and FSS emphasizes theoretical methods.

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