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Poloz 2023-05-29

2022/10/13 submit, Awaiting AE Assignment
2022/10/17 Status: Awaiting Reviewer Selection
2022/11/4 Status: Under review
2023/2/12 Status: Major Revision
2023/3/27 Major revision submission, Status: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation
2023/3/19 Status: Under review
2023/5/26 Status: Accept
The review process took a long time, a total of 225 days, but finally everything is settled before graduation!

D华丽 2023-04-17

2023/02/18 Submission
2023/05/18 Major Revision
2023/07 A revision has been submitted, under review for approximately one week after submission.

zengyue 2023-01-14

2022.03.27 Submit the paper;
2022.08.17 Return for major revisions (65 review comments, quite intense, but the initial submission indeed had these issues);
2022.09.29 Submit the revised version for major revisions;
2022.11.18 Return for major revisions (only 6 comments left from one reviewer, very responsible reviewer);
2022.12.01 Submit the revised version for major revisions;
2023.01.11 Accepted! Happy, lalala!
Overall evaluation: TCOM is indeed a high-quality top journal, and the reviewers are very diligent and responsible; the raised questions are all reasonable; thanks to all the reviewers! I recommend everyone to submit their papers!

Poloz 2023-01-12

Ah, it's so difficult. It's really frustrating to wait for such a long time and get rejected. My first trial hasn't come out yet. What are you planning to do next, OP?

Kevin 2023-01-10

2023.01.10 REJECT I don't know how to start making changes...

Kevin 2023-01-04

Unfortunately, it coincided with the overseas Christmas and New Year holidays, and as of now, I have not received a decision. Let's wait patiently~

Kevin 2022-12-30

2022.12.30 Awaiting Editor Decision. The quality of the new year depends on the editor's decision.

风封峰 2022-12-23

Submitted on 3.10, rejected on 6.27.
Re-submitted after revision on 7.23, major revision on 10.13.
Submitted on 11.24, accepted on 12.22. Took more than 9 months.

Kevin 2022-12-19

The review process of a journal is indeed very agonizing~ It has been so long, and there is still no sign of progress. I can only patiently wait.

Poloz 2022-11-26

Based on experience, the first review should take about two months. If lucky, the reviewers respond quickly and the editors handle it promptly, and the first review result can be obtained in less than two months. If luck is not so good, the reviewers may wait until the deadline to give their comments, and the editors may also wait until the deadline to reply, so it is possible for it to take three months ?.

WWTkh 2022-11-22

May I ask how long the second "under review" will last, and is it necessary to find a new reviewer?

Kevin 2022-11-21

Finding a reviewer takes a really long time, huh~ hh How long does the formal review process take?

Aptom 2022-11-20

2022.4.18 submitted
2022.8.8 major revision
2022.9.29 resubmitted
2022.11.14 accepted

Translated into English:
2022.4.18 submitted
2022.8.8 major revision
2022.9.29 resubmitted
2022.11.14 accepted

Poloz 2022-11-18

It is very likely that the reviewer has not been available. It has been almost two months, and the editor had to urge them before the reviewer finally responded. ?

Kevin 2022-11-11

2022.11.11 Under Review, it's unbelievable that it has just entered the review stage now~ So incredible, haha.

Kevin 2022-11-08

Why is it that my submission has been two months and still "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment"... Does it mean that they haven't found any reviewers yet?

Poloz 2022-10-17

2022/10/17 Status: Awaiting Reviewer Selection
2022/11/4 Status: Under review

Poloz 2022-10-17

2022/10/17 Awaiting Reviewer Selection

Kevin 2022-10-13

It has been a month since submission, and it has been "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" all along. Does it mean the manuscript is already under review? Hopefully, good luck! Keep updating!

Poloz 2022-10-13

The following text translated into English is: "Veteran communication journal.
2022/10/13 submit, Awaiting AE Assignment
2022/10/17 Status: Awaiting Reviewer Selection
2022/11/4 Status: Under review
2023/2/12 Status: Major Revision
2023/3/27 Major revision submission, Status: Awaiting Reviewer Invitation
2023/3/19 Status: Under review
2023/5/26 Status: Accept!"

Kevin 2022-09-29

As of now, it has not entered the review stage yet~

jxgsd 2022-08-22

You can give it a try. After all, the first time is due to direction reasons.

JCCJ 2022-08-19

August 18th, awaiting editor decision.

jxgsd 2022-07-25

In other words, it means that only rejection is possible, but you can submit again. If the paper is rejected by the current journal, you need to upload the revised manuscript and a response letter. This is explained in the "Information for authors" section.

jxgsd 2022-07-25

The journals TCOM and TWC do not have the option of resubmission after rejection. They only reject submissions directly. However, these two journals allow for a particular situation: if your manuscript has been rejected only once (including both this journal and other journals), then you can submit again. In other words, if you have not submitted to any other journal and your submission to TCOM has been rejected, TCOM allows you to revise the manuscript and submit it along with a response letter.

宇宙系浪漫 2022-07-22

Hello~ May I ask if it is a rejection with the option to resubmit, or just a rejection without the possibility of resubmission?

jxgsd 2022-07-21

I submitted another article at the beginning of March and encountered the same editor as last time. The processing speed was very fast. The first review result came out in 55 days and it was rejected. After making revisions for one month, I resubmitted it and it was accepted after 50 days. It took more than 5 months in total.

JCCJ 2022-07-02

July 2nd Under Review

DMDLI 2022-06-22

Submitted in November last year, received the first review notice in February this year. Revised in April, received minor revisions in June, and then received the acceptance notification shortly after submission. It took approximately 8 months from submission to acceptance.

JCCJ 2022-06-16

Submitted on March 31st.
Currently still awaiting reviewer assignment. Hoping for good luck.

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