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Cookie_IEEE 2021-11-17

Now, the speed of TAES review is significantly faster than in previous years. For me, it took 3 months for the first review, 2 months for the second review, half a month for the third review, and then it was accepted.

dingdingbuzou 2021-11-17

The first review gave a major overhaul in three months, with about 40 days given for the actual repair work. It was completed in nearly 40 days.
There were many suggestions for the major overhaul, and they were very detailed, focusing on the implementation of the system's engineering.
The second review gave a minor repair in three months, with about ten days given for the actual repair work. This was because there were only two minor suggestions, so it was completed on the second day.
After approximately 10 days, a job offer was given.
Overall, it was not easy, so I am very happy to have succeeded.

LK 2021-09-12

Has the submission speed increased now? How many reviewers are usually assigned?

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