认证评论 - IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

叶知秋 2021-04-09

May I ask when the article, published online in September 2020, will be assigned a volume number? When will it be eligible for SCI retrieval?

Ooee 2021-03-31

When it comes to publishing, it should be Xiaoxiu.

Ooee 2021-03-31

The one who will send you an email, just pay directly with a credit card.

Ooee 2021-03-31

Two reviewers provided detailed comments and suggestions on how to improve the manuscript, and the review process was also quite fast.

YUzikun 2021-03-30

Submission 2020.12.03
Major overhaul 2021.2.23
Received 2020.3.10
Very efficient

卷积 2021-03-29

May I ask, have you received the reviewer's comments? XXX has been reviewed by the GRSL Editorial Review Board and recommended for publication, pending satisfactory revisions as suggested. It does not specify whether it requires major or minor revisions, but the submission system indicates "Revisions Required." Does anyone have any information about this? Thank you.

SkIoLO 2021-03-28

What is the payment method for making the wrong call?

SkIoLO 2021-03-28

May I ask how to pay for this journal? Will I receive a payment email?

千里独行 2021-03-09

Hello, I would like to ask if you went through a major revision before resubmitting this article after it was rejected?

I aiding 2021-01-10

Just want to ask, is it the previous reviewer who encourages resubmission after the major revision is rejected?

leileileia 2021-01-10

recommended several active reviewers in the field.

The first review was in February, and they provided some major revision suggestions, although not many.

The second review was in January, and they provided some minor suggestions. The revisions were made on the same day and accepted.


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