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科研民工! 2021-06-25

Submitted on May 25th, reviewed on June 9th, and returned for major revisions on June 21st. The two reviewers reviewed the paper in a relatively quick 12 days. Both reviewers expressed interest and suggested acceptance after major revisions. They raised 20 questions, but there weren't many additional experiments provided to address them.

zhangzeyu 2021-06-25

Hello, I am preparing to submit to a journal on green chemistry and I would like to ask if I need to modify the format before my first submission. I couldn't find a format template on the official website and I am a little nervous as it is my first time submitting to SCI.

材料人人 2021-06-16

Returned to revise the draft on June 4th, submitted it for review on the same day, and still haven't received any news until now. It feels like bad news outweighs the good.

yang peng 2021-06-15

"Sent for review on June 9th."

loss 2021-06-12

What is the situation now? Have you received it? What is the required time like?

yang peng 2021-06-05

投:投 (tóu) in this context means "to invest" or "to put in"

初始评估: 初始 (chū shǐ) means "initial" or "beginning", and 评估 (píng gū) means "evaluation" or "assessment"

Translation: Invested on May 25th. Still in initial evaluation on June 5th.

yang peng 2021-06-05

What happened in the end? I also assessed it for about ten days.

organomaterials Yu 2021-06-02

Just received a manuscript. The peer review process is normal, taking about 2-3 months for back and forth. This journal has been hovering between 9.5-10.0 for a long time, not sure if it can break through 10.0 this year. According to the data calculation, the impact factor is slightly above 9.8, and I don't know if there will be any surprises when it is officially announced next month. 10.0 is an important threshold.

材料人人 2021-05-28

May I ask how long does it usually take for this journal to undergo a major revision? The editor did not mention a specific time in the letter.

水中贵族-划水 2021-05-27

Submitted on 5.11, with editor on 5.24, when I clicked on "view submission" in the author center, I found that the generated PDF had an additional page with the editor and editor-in-chief's names, containing a letter about the reviewer's review requirements. Does this mean that the editor has agreed to send it for review, but the reviewers have not yet agreed to review it? This is my first submission to the GC, and I have no experience. I'm also eager to start my article. Please enlighten me, experts.

zhinengyou 2021-05-12

It must meet the criteria of being green and sustainable.

zhinengyou 2021-05-12

Must comply with green sustainability.

zhinengyou 2021-05-12

Received on May 11th.

zhinengyou 2021-05-08

Built a green chemistry.

zhinengyou 2021-05-08

Submitted on April 1st, received the first review on April 30th. There were two reviewers and one arbitrator (opinions accepted). The editor provided minor revisions, only requiring correction of a few grammar errors.

Returned quickly on May 5th, with the editor on May 6th, and in peer review on May 7th. Currently waiting. There weren't many changes, do we need another review?

whsu 2021-05-06

May I ask how things are going now? It has been 10 days since my initial review, but there has been no progress.

catcat 2021-04-23

Initial assessment half a month, this journal is incredibly slow, it's beyond salvation. It's understandable if it's slow during the under review stage, but even the initial screening is this slow...

曦望之光 2021-04-21

Friends, how is your article? What did you send? How did it turn out?

天天玩耗子 2021-04-15

Still initial assessment

天天玩耗子 2021-04-15

Same, checked for 5 days, currently still Initial assessment.

WW 2021-04-14

It has been half a month since the submission, and it is still an initial assessment.

Asure 2021-04-14

It has been 7 days since the submission, and it is still in the initial assessment stage. Are there any problems encountered? Experts, please advise.


3.26 Submission
Initial review in five days
Handed over to the editor on 4.1 (I believe it will likely be sent for review with an emphasis on green chemistry)
Sent for review between 4.1 and 4.2

飞星流 2021-01-30

Is this journal strict in its requirements for green sustainability?

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