认证评论 - Geoderma
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毛毛0622 2021-04-03

What was the final result? How long does it take to enter "under review"? Mine has been with the editor for 15 days too.

毛毛0622 2021-04-03

Brother, what was the final outcome? How long did it take to enter "Under Review"? Mine has also been with the editor for 15 days.

毛毛0622 2021-04-03

Brother, what is the final result? How long has it been under review? My "with editor" status has also been 15 days.

毛毛0622 2021-03-30

Brother, is this magazine so slow? I have already submitted to this magazine for 10 days with the editor!

Plant and Soil 2021-03-30

It has been a month since submission, but it is still "With editor". The editing process is too slow. May I ask everyone what should be done in this situation?

CUG萝卜丝 2021-03-24

Last October, I submitted my article and received a major revision notice at the end of December. The reviewer's level was very high, and the review was very detailed. The questions asked were also very penetrating, indicating that the reviewer was probably a fellow researcher. They provided nearly 50 suggestions, and the editor gave me a month and a half to make revisions. It took me a month to complete the revisions. Though the revision process was painful, I benefited a lot from it. In the end, I wrote a 35-page response to the reviewer's comments and submitted the revised manuscript on February 4th. On February 11th, it was sent to the reviewer for review. By the end of February, I received a moderate revision notice. Although the reviewer provided nearly 30 suggestions, most of them were related to language issues. It took me half a month to make the revisions, and I submitted the revised manuscript two days ago. Today, the editor directly accepted it for publication.

Overall, Geoderma's manuscript handling speed is very prompt. Most of the time was spent on revising the article. Chief Editor, Ms. Cristine Morgan, is very nice and her suggestions are very reasonable.

Micro-T 2021-02-28

Two reviewers directly rejected it and provided many comments. Basically, they requested a reanalysis of the data, redrawing of the graphs, and rewriting of the paper.
The editor-in-chief made a decision to allow resubmission after modifications.
Research tortures me a thousand times.

卷卷 2021-02-21

My submission was under review again around February 10th, and I thought I was done for. I wondered how long the review process would take... Finally, on February 17th, it showed "required reviews completed," and then on February 19th, it said "decision in process." On February 20th, I received a major revision. I was already very happy, maybe because I have been praying every day at home (not really, just a scientist's superstition)! Although it's a bit troublesome to add more data, I am glad that I passed the first hurdle!

Micro-T 2021-02-19

2020.12.4 submission
Currently still under review
The status has not changed since 2021.1.21
It's been three months already~
I hope everything goes smoothly.

大圣圣 2021-02-16

"Doing soil ecology"

卷卷 2021-01-29

Posted on 2020.11.10.
It was reviewed for about a week.
During the review process, the "under review" status changed about five or six times, to be honest, it made me quite anxious.
Currently, the date is set at 2021.1.2 and hasn't changed since then. This timeframe is considered normal, but as a recent graduate, I rely on it to find a job. I just hope it won't be delayed any further. Please expedite the process!

寂玄道隐士 2021-01-07

One of the top journals in the field of soil science, the review comments can reach up to 20 pages, hitting the key points everywhere. However, soil science seems to be a niche direction with a low impact factor.

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