认证评论 - Geoderma
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

沫沫aaaa 2021-11-02

Already submitted for a month and still with the editor. May I ask everyone what is the situation?

llxaky 2021-10-24

I am just trying to liven up the atmosphere amidst the busy research work. Don't take it seriously, Geoderma is a great journal.

LLloveLX 2021-10-18

Do you think this is funny?

jinxxx 2021-10-15

Rejected after submission, the reasons for rejection are inexplicable. The opinions given by the reviewers are also inexplicable. They even requested me to reference a paper from a fellow student in the neighboring department four times, and various areas with cited references were asked to be checked... I seriously doubt the professionalism of the reviewers.

秋知叶一 2021-10-14

18 Dec 2020 Received at Editorial Office
1 Mar 2021 Major revision
28 Apr 2021 Under review
1 Jul 2021 Moderate revision
4 Aug 2021 Under review
1 Oct 2021 Minor revision
12 Oct 2021 With editor
13 Oct 2021 Accepted
The reviewers and editors were very responsible and thorough. There were some intense discussions with the reviewers, and I almost gave up at one point. However, the revisions greatly improved the paper. If you are not in a hurry to graduate, you can consider submitting to this journal. Good luck with your research!

Kai 2021-09-26

Also a editor of Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, the speed is still acceptable and relatively timely. The initial review comments will be returned in 3 months, which is acceptable, right?

joyelin 2021-09-23

The journal was given a rating of 10, and the comment said "It's too chicken."

feiii 2021-09-22

Sep 15, 2021 submit to journal
Sep 17, 2021 with editor
Sep 19, 2021 under review
Sep 20, 2021 under review
I don't know why the date continues to change after it becomes "under review".

椭圆三向箔 2021-09-19

After communicating with the big shots and editors of journals in the circle, they said that the proportion of Chinese submissions to this journal has reached 60-70%. The editor-in-chief is extremely frustrated because either the low-quality or spam-like submissions are either rejected or not sent for review. This is the main reason why the review process has become slow!

hahahaha 2021-09-18

Which journal on nature?

向南 2021-09-14

Ingrid Kögel-Knabner is too slow as an editor, causing delays. We should avoid this pitfall.

猪头三四 2021-08-25

Submitted on March 24th,
Major revisions made on May 10th, took over a month to modify,
Revised with editor on June 16th,
Under review around June 20th, reminded once in the middle after about 40 days of submission,
Required reviews completed on August 9th, waited for a week,
Minor revisions on August 16th,
Revised on August 19th,
Accepted on August 22nd. Received forms for copyright and reservation two days later.
Expecting proof to be sent around August 27th. Currently waiting.

llxaky 2021-08-24

This journal is so terrible. After my submission got rejected here, I resubmitted it to Nature and it was accepted right away. Well, is it that this journal is really bad or that Nature is just too good?

Pengpeng 2021-08-23

After three months, the required reviews were completed and the submission was rejected. Feeling a bit sad.

卷卷 2021-08-03

You are so strange, why did you copy my submission experience? And you even wrote the same copied submission experience under both the Geoderma and Catena journals. What's the meaning behind this?

hahahaha 2021-08-03

How is the current status of the original poster? How long until they return to make revisions?

向南 2021-06-28

Brother, how long did it take for your required reviews to be completed?

向南 2021-06-19

How long does an external audit take?

jackielw 2021-06-11

Posted on 2021.05.10
Approximately one week for review
During the process, the status "under review" might have changed about five or six times, to be honest, it made me quite anxious.
Currently, the date is fixed at 2021.6.2 and hasn't changed since. This timeframe is still considered normal, but as a graduate, I rely on it to find a job. I just hope it won't be delayed any further. Please expedite the process!

Pengpeng 2021-06-03

Its status has changed again.

王小二-1990 2021-06-02

Is it already Required Reviews Completed for you on May 26th?

Pengpeng 2021-06-02

6.1, required reviews completed. Feeling a bit nervous.

王小二-1990 2021-06-01

5.22 required reviews completed. No results yet.

Pengpeng 2021-05-26

5.26 Required Reviews Completed. The results should be available soon.

Pengpeng 2021-05-11

5.8 under review. Time has changed, and we should probably invite reviewers again.

Pengpeng 2021-05-07

It has been 3 months since the review, and there has been no news.

mmw 2021-05-07

Hey bro, how long did the first trial take?

mmw 2021-05-07

Hello, how long does the first trial take?

菲菲2 2021-05-01

11.5 with editor
11.6 under review
1.11 required reviews completed
1.11 under editor evaluation
1.16 under review

11.5 is being worked on by the editor.
11.6 is currently being reviewed.
1.11 has completed the necessary reviews.
1.11 is currently being evaluated by the editor.
1.16 is currently under review.

Pengpeng 2021-04-12

2021.2.7 Submission
2021.2.22 under review
Is the review time unchanged?

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