认证评论 - Geoderma
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Wangxinyi 2023-03-24

Reject and resubmit, revise, it has been 8 days since the revision, waiting for the results.

加倍热爱 2023-03-06

It seems really slow. The first trial takes six months, and the editor doesn't respond to contact.

科研小民工lyx 2023-03-05

Maybe your research field is relatively niche, it is difficult to find reviewers, and journal review processes are generally slow nowadays.

科研小民工lyx 2023-03-05

The editor is very serious, and the peer reviewers are also very professional.

whatbin 2023-02-25

Geoderma 10 months
2022.03.25 Submitted to Journal
2022.03.26 With editor
2022.04.12 Under Review
2022.04.25 Under Review (date changed once)
2022.06.09 Required Reviews Completed
2022.06.28 Decision in Process
2022.06.30 Major Revision
2022.08.14 Submitted to Journal
2022.11.14 Minor Revision
2022.12.24 Submitted to Journal
2023.01.26 Accepted

However, I was late in submitting my revisions twice, haha. I guess the review process will be much faster after the online submission.

LeeNC 2023-02-15

The first time encountering four reviewers.

LeeNC 2023-02-15

2022.10.2 submitted
2022.11.26 major revision
2022.12.26 submitted R1
2022.2.6 minor revision
2022.2.8 submitted R2
2022.2.13 accepted

2022.10.2 submitted
2022.11.26 major revision
2022.12.26 submitted R1
2022.2.6 minor revision
2022.2.8 submitted R2
2022.2.13 accepted

lovevast 2023-02-11

May I ask, what does it mean when the system changes from "required reviews completed" to "under review" again?

ustcucbku 2023-02-09

Yes, now there is only one option, which is open source. The OA fee is approximately $2800. After going open source, the impact factor may increase a little next year.

小白虎 2023-01-30

Has this journal become open-source now?

ustcucbku 2023-01-23

2022.08.26 Submission
2022.12.05 First Review: Minor revisions
2023.01.12 Revised manuscript submission
2023.01.19 Acceptance
2023.01.22 Proofreading

加油奥 2023-01-14

I also submitted to Geoderma. I started submitting in May 2022, and it has been more than 9 months for the external review. I'm really frustrated with this journal as they haven't provided any feedback from the initial review yet. They also don't respond to messages sent to the editor. How can a journal like this become a top-tier journal in Zone 1?

lovevast 2023-01-12

It has been over 6 months under review and 7 months since submission. I have not received an email to track the status of my submission to Geoderma. Could you please advise if I should contact the editor or Elsevier? The timeline has changed multiple times, most recently once a week, but the status remains under review.

lovevast 2023-01-12

It has been over 6 months under review, and 7 months since submission. I haven't received the email "Track the status of your submission to Geoderma". May I ask the teachers if I should use this link to contact the editor or Elsevier? The timeline has changed multiple times, recently about once a week, but the status remains under review.

grammays 2022-12-22

Is this still possible? Mine has also been in "required reviews completed" for over twenty days. It seems dangerous.

YongYuan 2022-12-19

Reply [Qīngshān yījiù]: Yes.

青山依旧 2022-10-29

Did you accept the major revisions to your manuscript without submitting it for review again?

青山依旧 2022-10-29

Did the major repair return without being reviewed and accepted directly?

marvin w 2022-10-09

2022-07-23 submit
2022-07-25 Returned, modify the number of reviewers, only 5 reviewers allowed, only one reviewer from the same country as the author.
2022-07-26 submit
2022-07-28 with editor
2022-08-16 under review Provided review status link (2+ submitted, 0 accepted, 0 completed)
2022-09-12 under review (2+ submitted, 1 accepted, 0 completed)
2022-10-02 under review (2+ submitted, 1 accepted, 1 completed)
2022-10-08 under review (2+ submitted, 2 accepted, 1 completed)
2022-10-11 Required reviews completed (2+ submitted, 2 accepted, 2 completed)
Then, for a long 2 months (from October 11th to December 11th), there was no change in the status until yesterday (December 11th) when the editor rejected it. One reviewer suggested minor revisions and another suggested major revisions, the comments were objective and the revisions could be easily made. However, the editor rejected it, citing the reason that it was not a major field experiment but a small pilot experiment.

res3fun 2022-10-02

From January 1, 2023, Geoderma will only have the option of Gold OA. To be more precise, starting from October 14, 2022, only OA will be available for submissions. It may be a trend in the Soil Science industry journals...

尤四海 2022-09-20

I'm not talking about you, but about the user "pedo." His comment was deleted.

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-09-16

Replying to the teacher "You Sihai" above, I am not saying this because of a sense of superiority, but because after reading that book, I found that it does indeed mention this in the preface. Additionally, the website of the International Union of Soil Sciences also provides an explanation.

尤四海 2022-09-12

Where does this sense of superiority come from, upstairs?

筷子辣椒德芙 2022-09-12

I recommend taking a look at the popular science book "Soil: Earth's Skin" and you will know.

hehe2333323 2022-09-12

The time will definitely change during the review process. Each time the time changes, it is either a reviewer returning their comments, or it is a reviewer rejecting the review and inviting another reviewer again.

lovevast 2022-09-10

May I ask if the status "under review" will be updated during the process? I have been "under review" since early July and it has not changed.

hehe2333323 2022-09-02

The overall process is quite fast. The reviewers generally complete the review in about 20 days. One of the reviewers agreed to review but ultimately did not submit any review comments. Inviting another reviewer delayed the process by three months. Other than that, everything is considered normal. I hope the journal continues to improve.

hehe2333323 2022-09-01

2022-08-29 under review (Reviewer accepted the review)
2022-08-31 Required Reviews Completed

hehe2333323 2022-08-28

2022-08-28 under review translates to "2022-08-28 being reviewed" in English.

RoisXx 2022-08-14

I wrote a reminder letter as an editor one month ago, and the next day it was under review. I can wait for another 2 weeks to see.

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