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zsyandwyc 2022-10-20

10.1 submission, currently still with editor, it has been 20 days.
Dear experts, how long does it take for you to get your submission reviewed?

上交学者 2022-10-13

The status "required reviews completed" has not changed for a long time, indicating that it is likely in arbitration. It is better not to rush it, as it can be very risky to push for it during the arbitration process.

小毛驴Y 2022-10-04

To be continued.

隋雨 2022-09-30

To be continued

一条充满了梦想的咸鱼 2022-09-10

22.09.07 submitted to journal
22.09.08 with editor
To be continued

会灰的飞鸽 2022-09-02

The submission will be reviewed within two to three days after submission, and it will take one month for repairs. After the repairs, it will be accepted directly within 3 days.

NLTP 2022-08-26

Encountering such a situation and continuing to appeal, this is really annoying!

阿野 2022-08-17

The journal is excellent, I am not deserving.

木子日尧东 2022-06-10

26 days, from "with editor" to "under review".

鲨鱼丸子叔叔 2022-05-31

Have you submitted it for review? How long does it take for the status to move to the next process with the editor?

simonnan 2022-05-10

Editor Art Ragauskas is very unfriendly, it is suggested to avoid. After receiving reviewer comments (status shows required reviews completed), the editor did not handle them and a month later, the manuscript was directly rejected after being reminded. The reasons for rejection were unreasonable, one being a minor revision, and the other not even related to the reviewer's comments on the article. There was no response after filing an appeal.

木子日尧东 2022-05-05

The manuscript submitted on April 22nd is still with the editor. Has there been any change with yours?

mleon 2022-04-04

Is there anyone who has recently submitted an article? Since 3.22, the submission has been "with editor" and has not been assigned an editor yet. Has this journal always been like this?

GORDON_GUO 2022-04-01

The three major chemical engineering journals have all been downgraded to the third zone, but it does not affect the authoritative influence of AIChE and CES in the industry. Sometimes the classification by the Chinese Academy of Sciences does not necessarily indicate anything.

Hooper 2022-03-15

2021.12.25 submit - Submitted on December 25, 2021.
2022.01.28 收到修改意见,三位审稿人共26条修改意见,修改难度较大。 - Received revision comments on January 28, 2022. A total of 26 revision comments were provided by three reviewers, and the revisions are challenging.
2022.02.24 修回 - Revised on February 24, 2022.
2022.03.14 accepted - Accepted on March 14, 2022.
Wishing everyone a smooth submission process!

PSR-STAR 2022-01-18

Hello, I would like to ask how long it takes for a submission to become "under review." Currently, mine is still "with editor."

君0911 2022-01-13

Will the editor give the opportunity for revision in the case of two reviewers, one minor revision, and one rejection?

小毛驴Y 2022-01-11

Energy&fuels have all entered the third phase, the problem is

msjy502 2022-01-10

There is a serious element of self-praise and self-boasting upstairs. FPT can only be said to be a decent journal in the field, although we have also published a lot, it is nonsense to say that it has a very big impact. Whether it is the total number of publications or the quality of individual papers, it is completely overshadowed by similar journals such as Fuel, Energy, Energy&Fuels, and Chemical Engineering 4 authoritative journals. Just talking about the quality of the papers, they are not even close to similar journals, and the annual publication volume is also a magnitude lower. How can it have a huge impact?

KIKI1125 2022-01-03

The majority of this editorial committee is Chinese, so it might not be easy to submit without connections. Moreover, the number of published articles is also low, making it even more difficult to get into this circle now.

zan 2021-12-15

Posted at the beginning of November
Received revision suggestions on December 1st
Returned revised draft on December 11th
Received in the middle to late December
Wishing everyone a smooth submission!

早点毕业嘿哈嘿哈 2021-11-29

0705 Submission
1010 Modified comments returned. The opinions provided by the five reviewers were very professional.
1025 Revision required.
1129 Accepted.
Editorial processing by Prof. Erik Heeres. Reminded twice, but no substantial impact yet.
Wishing everyone a smooth submission process!

149 2021-11-17

This journal is very bad, and the Chinese editors are unreasonable. I haven't encountered any good editors. It is too slow.

震震 2021-11-04

I have been editing for half a month and I'm still not finished. I'm quite anxious and I hope I can submit it for review.

刘宇 2021-09-12

Hello, in my paper, I calculated the standard deviation as the uncertainty and discussed the sources of uncertainty. However, the editor mentioned that there is no mention of uncertainty of calibration propagated into the final values. I asked many people, but no one understood. Could you please help me by giving some advice? Thank you.

Pls ac 2021-09-06

Hello, I have also encountered a similar situation. I submitted it on August 22nd, and it is still "submitted to journal" at the moment. I wanted to ask when did you receive further updates and how did you handle it afterwards?

一直努力的科研小菜 2021-09-05

Replying to the commenter above, you can refer to the FPT guidelines.

刘宇 2021-09-05

Hello, may I ask how to organize all the discussions on uncertainty? Thank you.

一直努力的科研小菜 2021-09-05

FPT has a great influence in the field of chemical engineering, being a top journal. The journal has high requirements for uncertainty, and it is necessary to discuss and explain all uncertainties. The article must be innovative and the workload must be solid and comprehensive, otherwise reviewers will propose a series of supplementary work. The efficiency of the editors is very high, thank you.
2021.06.30 submit
2021.07.01 reject (no discussion of uncertainty)
2021.07.07 submit
2021.07.09 under review
2021.08.06 received revision comments: Three reviewers, a total of 22 comments, the difficulty of revision is very high
2021.08.29 revised
2021.09.05 accepted

xxhh.. 2021-09-04

Received at Editorial Office
25 May 2021
Article revised
3 Aug 2021
Article accepted for publication
30 Aug 2021

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