注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

han- 2023-04-04

Submit for review the next day, receive the first review after twenty days. There are two reviewers, the first reviewer suggests minor revisions, while the second reviewer states that it does not align with the journal's content, resulting in rejection.

杰行天下 2023-03-29

What will each co-author not confirm?

杰行天下 2023-03-29

Do all co-authors need to confirm by email after submission? What will happen if they don't confirm?

杰行天下 2023-03-28

It has been a month since I submitted it. One reviewer has responded, but the other reviewer has not completed the review yet. What's going on?

jjmagic 2023-03-12

Posted in early November of the 22nd year, it underwent a major revision and took four months to complete. The editor was diligent and responsible, and the reviewers were also very helpful, providing many excellent suggestions. Although the revisions were quite challenging, it was all worth it in the end.

Yifeng Chen 2023-02-24

There are many invited reviewers, but they are all very professional and responsible. From submission to acceptance, it took half a year. There was a major revision and a minor revision, and I am very satisfied. If only it could be faster.

Yifeng Chen 2023-02-24

It took me over half a month to submit to the journal at that time, and then I spent another half a month there for editing.

投稿难,难于上青天 2023-02-12

May I ask if the review process is slow?

投稿难,难于上青天 2022-12-23

How many reviewers are there in total, please?

太阳123 2022-12-20

This editor is really good and fast.

投稿难,难于上青天 2022-12-14

May I ask how many reviewers?

匿名人员.. 2022-12-13

2022.11.07 Submission
2022.11.10 Under review
2022.12.04 Revised manuscript returned
2022.12.07 Revised manuscript returned
2022.12.09 Accepted for publication

chentyp 2022-12-07

Received first review comments on November 14th.
Revised on November 28th.
Received second review comments on December 3rd, with minor revisions.
Revised on December 4th.
Accepted on December 7th.
Overall speed was very nice, thanks to editor Art Ragauskas and the reviewers for their valuable comments!
Discussing data uncertainty.

chentyp 2022-12-07

11/14: Revised the first-round comments.
12/3: Received the second-round comments, minor revisions.
12/4: Revised.
Received on 12/7, overall it was quite fast, only took one month for the first round.
Thank you to editor Art Ragauskas and the reviewers for their approval!

那啊尼 2022-11-28

May I ask if this journal still reviews data uncertainty?

年轻人 2022-11-28

2022.09.11 Submitted
2022.09.28 Received reviewer's comments
2022.11.09 Resubmitted after revision
2022.11.13 Accepted

那啊尼 2022-11-25

May I ask if this journal still reviews and discusses data uncertainty?

chentyp 2022-11-18

The first instance trial ended on November 14, lasting exactly one month.

三哥屈尊投nature 2022-11-18

My decision in process has been three months now, with no progress.

AmoyGeek88 2022-11-15

The revised draft was returned on October 25th, and it is still "With Editor" status. May I ask who is the handling editor for your team? I suspect that the editor might have encountered some issues, such as falling ill.

wx131420 2022-11-14

Original text: 楼主,投稿时需要每个作者进行确认么?
Translation: OP, do all authors need to confirm when submitting a post?

太阳123 2022-11-14

My application was submitted on the same day as yours. It is still under review. How about your results?

wx131420 2022-11-14

OP, do we need each author to confirm when submitting the post?

JLZH 2022-11-10

How long does the second-instance system require?

一条充满了梦想的咸鱼 2022-10-29

Got rejected haha, this post is over.

小毛驴Y 2022-10-25

Just been handled, the editor has been transferred for a month.

zsyandwyc 2022-10-25

Why is yours so fast? Mine is eleven with editor.

小巷思维 2022-10-25

From September 27 until now, still editing. Surrendered.

chentyp 2022-10-21

Submission on October 12th.
Format revised and returned on October 13th, revised the same day.
Sent for review on October 17th.
To be continued.

小毛驴Y 2022-10-20

Posted on September 26th, still in the hands of the editor, I don't know, already in a state of being indifferent.

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