认证评论 - Fuel
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浅暮约 2021-12-18

Two suggestions for revision and one rejection review were received. The editor directly rejected them, and the rejection review was very irresponsible. I suspect that the rejection was done with malicious intent, as the editor did not respond to the email arguing against the rejection.

kkk58 2021-12-17

Just submitted for review, it has been exactly 20 days since the submission, and 19 days with the editor. Brother, don't give up, no news is the best news.

彬之歌 2021-12-17

with editor 20 days....don't know what happened

彬之歌 2021-12-17

It has been over 20 days since submission, and it has always been "with editor". What is going on?

Jm 2021-12-17

@KKK58, brother how are you now, did you submit it for review? Mine is also with this French editor, it has been 18 days already and it hasn't been submitted for review yet, it's really slow.

Z.S. Zhang 2021-12-16

Editor Huang processes quickly, and within one or two days, it is under review. The reviewer raised several questions and requested the addition of some content, with a 20-day period for revisions. The revised submission will be accepted within three days.

kkk58 2021-12-14

with editor for 16 days... This state has lasted for too long, there is a kind of ominous feeling.

cyzw 2021-12-14

I will submit it for review in 18 days.

郑坤 2021-12-14

I have submitted mine for about 20 days. How about you?

文载道 2021-12-10

Already submitted, three days after submission it shows "with editor". Now it's been another week, which is the Italian editor that everyone is complaining about. It is said that it takes at least half a month for him to send it for review, and he always finds a lot of reviewers, seven or eight is common... I am anxious and don't know when it will be sent for review...

文载道 2021-12-10

I have been with editor8 for 8 days, and there has been no progress at all. It is just that Italian editor.

李大侠 2021-12-10

Nov 08, 2021 Submission
Dec 09, 2021 Reception

储能萌新 2021-12-09

12.7 Required Reviews Completed

rzn123 2021-12-07

09/24 Submission
10/26 Review completed, two reviewers, a total of 53 comments, three weeks given to revise
11/17 Revised manuscript submitted
12/06 Accepted

happyforever 2021-12-07

Has there been no activity for two months after the manuscript review is completed?

yyfdemajia 2021-12-06

My required review has been completed for over a month, Italian editor!

郑坤 2021-12-05

It has been almost 20 days, still with the editor, what should I do?

happyforever 2021-12-03

It has been more than ten days, it's too slow, there has been no progress at all.

搬钢瓶 2021-12-02

Do you have siblings? Are you still in the hands of Editor Huang after ten or so days?

cyzw 2021-12-02

The editor will send an email to the corresponding author, and that editor is responsible for manuscript 0842.

lumomo 2021-12-02

How do you know who the editor is?

cyzw 2021-12-02

Excuse me, has the Italian editor submitted the manuscript for review recently? It has been with the editor for over ten days.

储能萌新 2021-12-02

2021.10.25 submitted,
2021.11.02 with editor
2021.11.09 under review
2021.11.26 Required reviews completed
2021.11.27 with editor
No changes so far... still waiting...

人间、失意 2021-11-28

My four referees, one rejected the innovation, have been revised, and I still don't know the results. The editor is from Italy, hoping to be like the original poster.


2021.9.24 submitted
2021.9.24 with edit
2021.9.28 Under Review
2021.10.8 Required Reviews Completed
Still in this status until now.

朝阳群众 2021-11-28

2021.8.22 Submitted
2021.8.23 Under review
2021.8.25 Under review
2021.9.4 Under review
2021.9.4 Required reviews completed
2021.9.12 Revise (3 reviewers suggested minor revisions, edited by Zuohua Huang, Ph. D, given 20 days)
2021.9.28 Resubmitted
2021.9.28 Under review
2021.9.28 Required reviews completed
2021.10.5 Revise (one of the reviewers suggested referencing a previously published article for the instrument introduction process diagram)
2021.10.5 Resubmitted
2021.10.5 With editor
2021.10.6 With editor
2021.10.7 Accepted
2021.10.10 Proofs
2021.10.14 Online

月文刀 2021-11-25

How did you know it was an Italian editor? Where can I watch it?

pangpang 2021-11-24

Submitted to Journal-0824
With Editor-0824-Zuohua Huang
With Editor-0825-Pietro Bartocci
Under Review-0910
Required Reviews Completed-0922
Revise-0927 (Date Revision Due 1017, 40 comments)
Request for a 2-week extension
With Editor-1030
With Editor-1102
Under Review-1103
Revise-1111 (Date Revision Due 1124)
With Editor-1111
Under Review-1111
Required Reviews Completed-1115

zm 2021-11-24

Hello! May I ask if your article has been proofread? It seems that the journal's online proofreading service has recently been suspended. Thank you.

yylong... 2021-11-16

"Required Reviews Completed" status has been over a month now, not sure about the situation.

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