注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

xxy 2023-01-11

Just wait, there's no way, urging for the manuscript is also useless.

xxy 2023-01-11

Hello, may I ask how you finally dealt with it? I have also encountered this situation.

xxy 2023-01-09

I submitted it for review on November 11th, and so far there has been no news.

koalaa 2022-12-13

Not bad, got rejected.

JJ9711 2022-12-13

Submitted on September 5th of the 22nd year, it was sent for review the next day. The review process took two months, and on November 6th, the status changed to "Review Complete." This status lasted for one month and six days, during which I did not dare to rush for the submission. However, on December 12th, it was rejected.

koalaa 2022-11-28

I have sent a letter urging, but it has been several days and the editor is still not responding.

koalaa 2022-11-28

Excuse me, have you chosen OA? I am also currently submitting to this journal. I heard that OA is faster.

SIT拖拉机 2022-11-26

Speechless about this journal, everyone should consider carefully. Assigned to the editor on October 8th, with the editor on October 10th, and now it's still with the editor on November 26th. Sent reminders twice during this period, but it had no effect. Urgent folks, be cautious about submitting!

koalaa 2022-11-10

2022-10-27 Submitted
2022-10-29 With Editor
It has been over two weeks with the editor.

Zerv 2022-10-24

It took half a year, but finally received it. The editing is really good, but the reviewers may be slow for various reasons. However, I am very grateful to the editor and reviewers.

fjjkjz 2022-09-26

2022.04.01 - submitted to journal
2022.04.03 - with editor
2022.04.06 - under review
2022.05.11 - required reviews completed
2022.05.13 - major revision and reconsideration
2022.06.22 - with editor
2022.07.03 - accepted

小呆子123 2022-09-25

9-14 Major Revision - This means that a major revision was made on September 14th.
9-18 Revision Submitted - This indicates that a revision was submitted on September 18th.
9-19 Under Review - This implies that the submission is currently being reviewed as of September 19th.
9-21 Accept - This suggests that the submission was accepted on September 21st.

hxwen 2022-09-13

Does the journal require no more than 7000 words, including references?

yyzz_2020 2022-08-29

2022.04.07 Submitted to Journal
2022.04.08 With Editor
2022.04.09 With Editor
2022.04.24 Under Review
2022.05.09 Under Review
2022.06.10 Major Revision and Reconsideration
2022.07.25 Major Revision and Reconsideration
2022.08.14 Minor Revision
2022.08.22 Minor Revision
2022.08.29 Accept

2022.04.07 Submitted to Journal
2022.04.08 With Editor
2022.04.09 With Editor
2022.04.24 Under Review
2022.05.09 Under Review
2022.06.10 Major Revision and Reconsideration
2022.07.25 Major Revision and Reconsideration
2022.08.14 Minor Revision
2022.08.22 Minor Revision
2022.08.29 Accept

小呆子123 2022-08-11

07-19 submitted
07-20 with editor
07-21 Under Review


07-19 submitted
07-20 with editor
07-21 Under Review

TaoTao1998 2022-07-30

I suggest you remind the editor gently and politely to ask when you can receive the review comments.

wmpwisteria 2022-07-29

I invested on January 15th, and I still haven't received any feedback.

TaoTao1998 2022-07-29

Sharing a Submission Experience.
Submitted on February 17, 2022.
Received revised reviewer comments and accepted on July 4, 2022.
Revised on July 9, 2022.
Accepted on July 29, 2022.
This article is my first SCI publication, and it is quite innovative. It is important to submit to reputable journals as the editors truly value innovation. Of course, there are cases where experiments may not be highly innovative, but good writing skills compensate for it. However, innovation is essential. The peer review process is also a matter of luck. Initially, I would have received reviewer comments quickly, but the second reviewer disappeared, so I had to wait and find another one. It's important to have the right mindset because submitting articles can have both good and bad luck!

wmpwisteria 2022-07-11

No, mine only updated the date under review.

Zerv 2022-07-11

Hello, may I ask if you have any new updates?

wmpwisteria 2022-06-29

Cough, my has been under review for 5 and a half months already. During this period, the dates have changed several times. After sending an email to inquire, the reply I received was that there is still one more feedback pending.

Zerv 2022-06-08

4.13 submitted, and it started under review on 4.18. It has been nearly two months now, but there is still no progress. =-=

CikH 2022-06-07

4.8 submit
4.10 under review
5.16 major revision and reconsideration
5.25 with editor
5.28 under review
6.4 required reviews completed
6.7 accept

wmpwisteria 2022-05-25

Dear everyone, I submitted an article on January 15th, and it is still under review. During this period, the "under review" date has changed several times. The latest update is on April 9th. I'm not sure if the reviewer or editor has forgotten about my manuscript. Should I ask the reviewer about it?

信仰 2022-05-10

May I ask which editor you selected? Thank you.

信仰 2022-05-10

May I ask which editor you have chosen?

灏钧 2022-04-21

Share a previous (I made a typo, sorry), hope it can be of some reference, wish everyone great success!

灏钧 2022-04-21

April 9, 2019, 15:08:02. Submitted to Journal

April 12, 2019, 07:30:17. With Editor

April 16, 2019, 12:52:57. With Editor

April 27, 2019, 14:40:29. Under Review

May 8, 2019, 18:50:37. Under Review

May 11, 2019, 20:33:58. Under Review

May 20, 2019, 20:20:15. Under Editor Evaluation

May 22, 2019, 22:24:13. Revise-Major revision and reconsideration

June 11, 2019, 16:31:08. Revision Submitted to Journal

June 12, 2019, 13:46:26. With Editor

June 13, 2019, 00:58:12. Accept

Sharing my past experience for reference, wishing everyone great success!

慢半拍518 2022-03-09

2021.12.30 submission
2022.2.16 major renovation
2022.3.2 minor repair
2022.3.3 revision
2022.3.4 acceptance
2022.3.6 online

shaxuanyu 2022-03-04

The review process is fast and efficient.
2022.1.27 submission
2022.1.28 with editor
2022.2.10 under review
2022.3.1 minor revision

It's been a pleasant experience, I can graduate now.

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