认证评论 - Food Chemistry
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JOY&KFC 2023-04-06

Previously, reviews were already required and completed. Currently, they are under review and now they are complete.

Berry_Fun 2023-04-04

2023.4.3 required reviews completed;

bin 2023-04-03

Brother, are you kidding me? It takes half a month to send it for external review. Is it so high-quality that it's worthy of being submitted for publication?

bin 2023-04-03

Brother, are you serious or kidding? It only took half a month to send it for external review. Is the quality of this manuscript so high that it's ready for publication?

东函 2023-04-03

3.14 Submit the journal
3.28 With editor
3.31 Under Review
Wishing you good luck, pity the poor child.

CikH 2023-04-01

Finally, after another round of minor repairs, it was received on 3.31.

Berry_Fun 2023-03-30

2022.12.10 Submitted to the journal
2022.12.18 With editor;
2023.1.8 Under review (went through 7 time changes in between);
2023.3.29 Required reviews completed;
Waiting for results...

东函 2023-03-27

Journal speed is worrying. It has been two weeks since I submitted my manuscript, and its status is still "submitted to the journal". I hope it can be processed faster.

行走的巨石 2023-03-27

May I ask how to check the status of your reviewer?

啾啾啾啾 2023-03-24

3.17 submit to the journal - Submit to the journal on March 17th.
3.24 submit to the journal - Submit to the journal on March 24th.

周某虫 2023-03-21

Submitted on 23.03.18, waiting for the results, hoping for a good outcome.

SAT 2023-03-20

9.03.2023 Minor revision
20.03.2023 Revision submitted
20.03.2023 With editor

咳特厉害 2023-03-19

2.20 Submission
3.09 with editor until now, do we need to remind them?

jiesss 2023-03-18

August 22 submission
November 20 major renovation
February 10 minor repair
March 15 acceptance

jiesss 2023-03-18

As expected, it's slow, but the reviewers are really professional. They raised some tricky questions in both rounds of review, but in the end, they agreed to accept it.

JOY&KFC 2023-03-16

2023.1.19 submitted
2023.2.x Under Review
2023.3.x required reviews completed
2023.3.15 Under Review

unluckyJJ 2023-03-15


11.27 submission. On 12.24, edited R1 formatting issues. After the revision, it will take 60 days. It mainly depends on the return of the two reviewers. If there are three or four external reviewers, it is estimated that we will have to wait until April or May.

Explore秦 2023-03-15

This and Food Control is a lucky combination. The fast ones can be hired in just over a month, while the slow ones can drag on for more than half a year.

bin 2023-03-15

3.15 is currently under review.
One review has been completed.
Two review invitations have been accepted.
Two review invitations have been sent.

bin 2023-03-15

12.2 submit to journal
12.9 with editor
12.15 with editor
2.18 under review
Track 2.20 Peer review status
Reviews completed: 0
Review invitations accepted: 2
Review invitations sent: 2+
Very slow, the manuscript has not received a decision after three and a half months of submission.

风筝有风~~~ 2023-03-15

2023.3.15 under review translates to "March 15, 2023 under review" in English.

风筝有风~~~ 2023-03-15

May I ask how long it took for you to receive the review comments after submitting? It has been almost three months since I submitted mine and it is still in the "Under Review" status with no updates.

风筝有风~~~ 2023-03-15

My UR has been two months already and there is still no movement.

unluckyJJ 2023-03-14

3.1 major revisions reconsideration
The first reviewer stated that the innovation was acceptable, but the writing was not. Eventually, they explicitly rejected the submission. The second reviewer provided 11 suggestions for revision. The editor allowed 14 days to make the changes. On March 14th, the experiment was supplemented with the editor's guidance, and prayers were made.

whjoseph 2023-03-13

It seems like the previous day was "ur," but the next day it appears to be "dip." There shouldn't be any "rrc," right?

xiaolianguai 2023-03-12

Excuse me, does it mean that there is no RRC, and it directly becomes "decision in process"?

xiaolianguai 2023-03-12

After reviewing for 17 days, there is currently no status or email from RRC. I don't know how the situation is.

CikH 2023-03-11

3.9 Minor revision, 18 comments, changed 2 new reviewers, and given 21 days.
At that time, 12 major revisions were given with 14 days, I don't understand.

whjoseph 2023-03-11

2023.1.29 Submission
2023.2.2.3 with editor
2023.2.20 Under review
2023.2.24 Under review
2023.3.10 Decision in process

CikH 2023-03-08

2023.3.8 required reviews completed

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