注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。


Slow, really slow, extremely slow. I submitted it in mid-March, and it was only under review on April 30th. Then on July 6th, it jumped to under review again. I have another article in waste management, and both have been like throwing a stone into the sea, without any response.

滴滴滴大萌 2021-07-20

I have been waiting for two months, but there is still no external review. Unbelievable.

why1020 2021-07-20

Is it so slow now?

Vincent 2021-07-19

4-22 Submission
5-10 External review
6-13 Review completed
6-20 Major revision
7-12 Revised
7-14 With editor

richhhhh 2021-07-16

It has been over a month since I submitted, and it still hasn't been reviewed. I'm a bit anxious. May I ask if anyone has contacted the editor? If so, should I reply to the submission email? Please help clarify.

Alice 2021-07-16

Hello, may I ask if I also need to modify the format, but the editor says that outdated versions need to be deleted. What could be the reason for this?

123kyr 2021-07-16

Two professional reviewers raised over 30 questions. It took one month to make revisions, add experimental data, and finally get accepted. We hope ESPR will continue to improve. JCR is in the second quartile, while the Chinese Academy of Sciences is in the third quartile.

海阔天空1314 2021-07-13

2021-3-11 Submission
2021-4-22 Major revision
2021-6-11 Minor revision
2021-7-13 Accepted
Patiently waiting for a good outcome. Happy and grateful! Auckland Wen and Professor Wang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

匿名 2021-07-12

It seems that the journal submission instructions require at least two reviewers to be invited. It is possible that the editor will provide you with the opinion of only one reviewer or return only one. Based on my submission timeline, once minor revisions are made, the editor should be able to decide whether to accept it without the need for further review.

qrx93 2021-07-12

Hello, how many opinions from the review experts do you have when you return for repair?

qrx93 2021-07-12

I feel embarrassed with only one reviewer's opinion on my work.

匿名 2021-07-12

2021.7.12 accept

This phrase is already in English and does not need to be translated.

匿名 2021-07-12

7.12 editor invited

This text is already in English and does not require translation.

刘先生很随意 2021-07-11

2021.5.10 submit - Submitted on May 10, 2021
2021.5.11 with editor - Under review by the editor on May 11, 2021
2021.5.13 - No action or update on May 13, 2021
2021.5.25 under review - Under review on May 25, 2021
2021.6.22 major revision (three reviewers), novelty of the article acknowledged, lacking content, requested supplementation
2021.6.25 提交返修手稿 - Resubmitted revised manuscript on June 25, 2021
2021.6.29 Accept - Accepted on June 29, 2021
I didn't expect it to be accepted directly after major revisions. The editorial process was fast, and the expert's opinions were very reasonable. I feel fortunate to have my second article published during my graduate studies.

匿名 2021-07-10

No special issue has been selected, just regular research articles.

滴滴滴大萌 2021-07-10

Hello, may I ask why your submission is so fast? I submitted mine on May 24th, and it is still "with editor." Did you choose a special issue?

匿名 2021-07-10

5.18 Submission to Journal
5.19 Rejected for formatting revision
5.20 Resubmission after formatting revision - Submitted to Journal
5.22 Under review with editor
6.07 Under review
7.06 Minor revision,
Reviewer suggested language edits for publication, editor provided minor revisions
7.08 Revision Submitted to Journal

TrRick 2021-07-06

Can't delete... I also fell into this trap. Now I can only submit to Springer, Elsevier, and they will tell you that the plagiarism rate is too high when you submit it.

. 2021-07-03

There is no specific format template. The corresponding requirements can be found in the Submission Guidelines on the journal's homepage.

. 2021-07-03

Posted on May 3rd, today is July 2nd, it is finally under review now.

梦是无声的醒 2021-07-01

No problem, I also declined the special issue. It doesn't have much impact. Now I just don't know how big the impact of preprints is.

梦是无声的醒 2021-07-01

Brothers and sisters who understand, please answer the following:

1. When I submitted, I chose preprint, and now the full text of my submission can be seen on the website. Is there a high possibility of my article being rejected?

2. In case my article is rejected, how can I delete the preprint article? Please help.

阿潘潘 2021-07-01

5.02 Submission
5.13 Under review
6.08 Major revision (two reviewers)
6.15 With editor
6.17 Under review
6.30 Accepted
To be honest, it's faster than I expected. However, this article was previously rejected after 7 months of external review from a slower journal. Then, it was rejected by two other journals. From completion in September 2019 to submission in May this year, it has been delayed for over a year and a half. The article is innovative, but its timeliness may be compromised. Taking everything into consideration, I decided to submit it to ESPR. It is indeed fortunate that it got accepted so quickly. Thanks to the editor and reviewers.

木木木亘 2021-07-01

I also declined the special edition.

滴滴滴大萌 2021-07-01

You should be the chief editor inviting the editors below to start the review work. May I ask if you agree to accept it as a special issue when submitting the manuscript? I declined the special issue. It has been a month now, and there has been no response.

木木木亘 2021-07-01

June 17 Submission
June 20 with Editor
July 1 Editor Invited

May I ask what does this latest status mean? It's my first time submitting to SCI, and I'm a bit confused.

滴滴滴大萌 2021-06-30

Brothers and sisters, do you agree to submit your contributions for the Special Issue? I have declined the Special Issue, and it has been a month without any response. Will accepting the Special Issue lead to a faster process?

红猫 2021-06-28

Journals have a high inclusiveness towards interdisciplinary fields.

liu tao tao 2021-06-27

What is the current impact factor of this magazine?

郭荣 2021-06-27

The text "6.10投的 现在也还是 with editor" translates to "The one submitted on 6.10 is still with the editor."

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