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qianchen0519 2021-12-23

Required Reviews Completed. Hoping for a positive outcome.

Fisher 2021-12-22

May I ask what's the situation? Mine also went "with editor" after a week and then turned into "editor invited" after another week. This status has been going on for almost a month now.

彤丫丫 2021-12-22

The text translates to: "with editor means the article is in the hands of the chief editor. If he thinks it is suitable, he will pass it on to the subordinate editor (associate editor) for review and technical inspection. Therefore, it is an editor invited, and once invited, it will become with editor for the next steps and so on."

我爱亲柠檬 2021-12-21

Hello, how long has your article been invited by the editor? It's been a week for me and nothing has changed.

zhxing_x 2021-12-18

No, I submitted it using Word, and I have marked line numbers in the text to facilitate reviewers to provide comments.

Wayne didi 2021-12-18

09.07, submission
11.02, major revision
11.18, resubmission
12.18, acceptance
Three reviewers provided constructive feedback. Initially, it was believed that some improvements should be made. Two reviewers provided some suggestions, and the major revision was given a one-month timeframe.

LIUCONGCONG 2021-12-17

May I ask if it is necessary to use LaTeX for submitting to this journal?

zhxing_x 2021-12-16

09.10, submission
11.01, major revision
11.29, minor revision
12.17, acceptance
The overall experience of the submission is okay, and the editing process is fast. The review cycle for each submission is generally one month, which means that every time the editor requires the reviewers to provide their review comments.

stroingenergy混渣王 2021-12-15

Submitted in April
Received first round of review in August, with around 40 questions from 3 reviewers, mostly about details.
Revised and resubmitted in September.
Received second round of review in October, with only 1 question from 1 reviewer. Revised 2 days later.
Received third round of review on November 12th, still with the same question. Spent 1 day revising.
Accepted on December 2nd.
Overall, the process was relatively fast, but the reviewers' hesitation prolonged the time.

云中小麻雀 2021-12-15

In 2014, there was a paper published, and the speed was very fast at that time. The impact factor was around 3 back then, and the WR (weighted ranking) was around 5. Now, even though both have increased significantly, this journal is still stagnant.

qianchen0519 2021-12-14

No, until the flowers withered, I thought the editor would provide a result. I didn't expect that arbitration would be necessary. Hopefully, there will be a better outcome.

彤丫丫 2021-12-11

Has your opinion come back?

rlxjht 2021-12-10

I submitted it on July 10th, and it has been under review status since September 21st. It has not changed so far. I'm really speechless.

rlxjht 2021-12-10

Mine too... September 21st is under review, and it hasn't changed until now. It's so frustrating.

sci皓皓 2021-12-10

9.28under view, and until now it is still in this state,,,,

彤丫丫 2021-12-10

Completed Reviews Required on October 12th.

彤丫丫 2021-12-10

The text "12.5号再一次Under Review" translates to "Under Review again on the 12th."

Aimee96 2021-12-06

12.01 online translates to "January 12th online" in English.

qianchen0519 2021-12-03

02 Jun 2021 Submitted
08 Jun 2021 With Editor
15 Jun 2021 Under Review
30 Aug 2021 Under Review
01 Dec 2021 Under Review
03 Dec 2021 Required Reviews Completed

qianchen0519 2021-12-02

02 Jun 2021 submitted
08 Jun 2021 with editor
15 Jun 2021 under review
30 Aug 2021 under review
01 Dec 2021 under review

Oh no, difficult delivery.

贪吃大奶鸭 2021-12-02

This journal will sooner or later be destroyed by these people in charge of technical review. They are all messing around blindly, seeking significance in the wrong way.

Aimee96 2021-12-01

11.29 Copyright transfer
11.30 Proof

浮生若茶 2021-11-30

Ten days for review, a review period of 21 days, 15 days for revisions, and three days for acceptance after submitting the revisions. Overall, it is quite fast. Moreover, if recommended by the reviewer, the journal usually selects one of the recommended individuals to review the manuscript. The only issue is that there are quite a few formatting requirements that need to be taken care of by the author.

风吹草动1130 2021-11-30

Can only the contributors of this journal inquire about the status of the review process? Other authors cannot check?

尼玛的钢盔 2021-11-30

8.16 sub - Submitted on August 16th
10.28 major - Major revision requested on October 28th
11.23 re-sub - Resubmitted on November 23rd
11.25 accept - Accepted on November 25th
The process took a while, but thinking back, it was expected. There were only two reviewers, and their comments were not extensive but very fair. However, it cannot be denied that one reviewer had expertise, so it took a lot of effort to respond. Overall, it was okay. It took three months and 10 days from submission to acceptance.

贪吃大奶鸭 2021-11-30

I give up, this journal does not allow changing authors during the revision stage.

Aimee96 2021-11-30

Please refer to the Statements & Declarations section on the journal's official website at https://www.springer.com/journal/11356/submission-guidelines#Instructions%20for%20Authors_Statements%20&%20Declarations.

匿名 2021-11-28

10.15 Submission
11.28 Major Revision
(Two reviewers, one agreed to accept it directly, one provided eight modification suggestions and agreed to accept it after modifications, the editor made a decision for major revision)
One month time limit for modifications.

预策 2021-11-28

Isn't it abnormal to review for 20 days? I reviewed for over a month at that time.

金瓜粒儿子 2021-11-26

Hello, can you please share the format for the following:

-Ethical Approval
-Consent to Participate
-Consent to Publish
-Authors Contributions
-Competing Interests
-Availability of data and materials

This is my first time submitting to this journal, and I have written it based on the format of the latest articles and the author's guidelines. However, the editor replied the next day saying that modifications are needed for these sections, but I am not sure which parts need to be changed.

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