认证评论 - Environmental Research Letters
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wuwuwuwu 2021-01-31

I will check again at the end of February if there is still no news and prepare to withdraw the submission. I'm not sure if it will have any impact. This is the editor's reply: Many thanks for your email. We have received one referee report on your article. Unfortunately, we are still waiting for a second referee to accept our invitation.

Z_Chen 2021-01-25

Yeah, I never expected letters to be so slow. I've already given up on sending emails to urge them and decided not to check the status anymore until the end of March. It's so frustrating~

wuwuwuwu 2021-01-23

Me too, I have sent two emails and they said they only found one reviewer.

Z_Chen 2021-01-20

Friend, how did your results turn out? Six months is such a long time. I have been submitting mine for three months and haven't even found a reviewer yet. How can a single letter take so long? Sigh.

Z_Chen 2021-01-20

I have been submitting my manuscript for three months and still looking for a reviewer. I'm frustrated~

Z_Chen 2021-01-18

Thank you for your message. The editorial assistant just replied to my email, saying that the article is currently being adjudicated by the editorial board. May I ask if you know approximately how long this adjudication process will take? Thank you.

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