认证评论 - Environmental Earth Sciences
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

bhy1989 2021-06-02

Hello, I would like to ask about my submission. It has been under consideration for 5 months, and the dates have changed several times during the process. However, it has been two months since the last update. Is this normal?

衣冠楚楚 2021-05-18

It has been six days already, and I still haven't received the email about choosing the publishing method. Is this normal...

投啥中啥 2021-05-17

I received the copyright agreement in about a week. The reason I did not receive it earlier was because I had not chosen a publishing method, so I did not receive the proof. After selecting the publishing information, the manuscript was sent for proofreading in just two days. The speed of receiving it was very fast. You might receive it in another two days if you wait.

衣冠楚楚 2021-05-17

Submitted in mid-December, received first-round comments in mid-April, accepted on May 12th, and still haven't received the copyright transfer agreement and proof.

衣冠楚楚 2021-05-14

Congratulations, congratulations. Can you please share how long it takes to select publishing information, proof, online after acceptance?

zhiwei 2021-03-27

Posted on July 21, 2019, accepted on January 8, 2021, the entire process lasted for 18 months. After acceptance, the proof was quickly provided and the online version was also fast. The main issue was indeed the long submission cycle. It was the first SCI paper, which allowed me to graduate. I felt relieved when I received the email. Thank you to the editor-in-chief and the reviewers. The editor-in-chief was very good, and they usually replied to emails quickly. I wish the journal continued to improve.

默更伊曼 2021-03-14

It took six months to receive feedback under consideration. In the meantime, I sent a message to the editor, who responded that the manuscript was being reviewed and to wait patiently. I found the relevant editor's information on the journal's submission page. You can go and look it up.

投啥中啥 2021-03-14

Hello! May I ask if you have received the proof? I was accepted on February 10th, but I haven't been given the final draft or any online access until now.

暗箭 2021-02-05

I remember receiving an email to choose publishing information 2 days later. It took about 1 week for editing and 2 weeks to be online. It will only be sent to the corresponding author.

. 2021-02-04

Hello, congratulations on your article being accepted. I would like to ask, how long does it take to receive the proof after receiving the acceptance email? Is it a notification via email? Can authors other than the corresponding author also receive this email? Thank you!

. 2021-02-04

Sharing the submission process for reference. Currently, it has been received and waiting for proofreading. I don't know how long it will take to receive it. I hope those who know can reply. Thank you!
2020.1.2 - Submission
2020.3.26 - First review comments returned, major revisions needed
2020.5.25 - Major revisions submitted to the system after modification
2020.7.9 - Second review comments returned, major revisions needed
2020.8.24 - Major revisions submitted to the system after modification
2020.9.28 - Third review comments returned, minor revisions needed
2020.10.29 - Minor revisions submitted to the system after modification
2021.2.3 - Accept

暗箭 2021-02-03

Every journal homepage of Springer has contact information. For submission-related enquiries, queries about the submission process, peer review, or the status of your manuscript should be directed to Sneha Shyjan (Sneha.Shyjan@springernature.com). The editor-in-chief can also be contacted.

hy1983 2021-01-29

After submitting, isn't a confirmation email sent? You can simply reply to this email.

baixuebw 2021-01-14

Hello, I have been waiting for two months, and the "under consideration" status has not changed. May I ask where I can send an email to inquire about it?

baixuebw 2021-01-14

Hello, I have also been investing for two months without any news. Have you found the place to send emails? I also want to ask.

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