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久暂 2021-05-17

It may be submitted without the Word version.

jjjjjjjjjjjj 2021-04-21

The second trial has been exactly two months already, worried...

展展仔 2021-04-18

Why can't I find the "Manuscript File" option in the dropdown menu of the submission system? It is available when uploading, so can anyone explain? Thank you, experts!

蔡小帅 2021-03-16

Last week, I submitted it, and the result is unknown. If there's any further information, I will update... Praying.

TK-MIX 2021-02-21

The initial draft was submitted in July, and after about a month and a half, I received minor revisions. One of the reviewers was annoying and asked me to add a numerical model. After the second round of revisions, it was directly accepted within a month. The whole process took about four months. Although this reviewer was quite annoying, fortunately, they didn't delay the process too much. They provided comments within a month for the most part. One of my senior colleagues had a reviewer who gave major revisions and then never responded again. It's been almost half a year, and the editor had to find another reviewer, so they have to make further modifications.

cu_dota 2021-01-14

The laboratory has recently submitted two papers. Under the "under review" status, they are usually completed within a month, but they take a long time under the "required review completed" status.

The first paper was submitted in June and accepted in November. It had three reviewers, with few issues, and went relatively smoothly.

The second paper was submitted in May and accepted in January of this year. It had five reviewers, with 39 questions, two accepts, one minor revision, and two major revisions. After writing a reply of over 5000 words (exhausting), four accepted and one rejected. The editor had to find another reviewer, who accepted.

I mean, what's up with this reviewer? Everyone accepted, and only you rejected. How big of a grudge do you have against me?

久暂 2021-01-07

First submission, submitted in early September, received minor revisions 50 days later after the first review. During the second review, a mistake was made in responding to the reviewer's comments, resulting in a rejection request from one of the reviewers. However, the editor granted a last chance, and after submitting the revised version, it was accepted within five days.

There were a total of 40 comments from three reviewers, with one reviewer providing 25 professional comments. They were highly professional, and I would like to submit to them again in the future. This journal has a high cost-effectiveness in the field of structure.

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