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想发SCI的小可怜 2022-09-04

The review period has changed once.

像个战神一样 2022-08-26

Hey buddy, how long does the second round of paper review take? It seems like I've also found a new reviewer for mine, as the first reviewer hasn't processed it within three weeks.

hjg 2022-08-26

The first reviewer accepted the revised manuscript and provided specific and helpful suggestions, which greatly improved the quality of the paper. The review process was also quick. However, the second reviewer took a long time to review and ultimately rejected the paper without providing any useful comments. It is likely that they did not have time to thoroughly review it and simply found a random reason to reject it.

想发SCI的小可怜 2022-08-23

Submit for review in three days, looking forward to acceptance!!!!

Geery 2022-08-20

July 30th, the second review comments came back, and the reviewer found another reviewer again.
August 14th, submitted the response to the second review.
August 18th, under review, hopefully there will be a favorable outcome.

YeezyCindy 2022-08-15

Take note.
Submitted to journal on August 2, 2022.
With editor on August 3, 2022.
With editor on August 17, 2022.
Decision in process on August 29, 2022.
Rejected on September 23, 2022.

ikakaluote 2022-08-08

...How did it get sent to another building?
The decision has been in process for over 20 days. After major revisions and modifications, it continued to be under review. According to the tracking information, invitations were sent to two reviewers, but only one accepted and completed the review. After about 10 days, the second review became "with editor." Two days later, the reviewer invitations became two or more, and the accepted invitations also became two or more, entering the third round of under review.

ikakaluote 2022-08-08

It has been more than 20 days, undergoing major revisions. After the modifications were completed, it continued to be under review. According to the tracking information, invitations were sent to two reviewers. Only one accepted and completed the review. After around 10 days in the second review, it changed to "with editor". Two days later, the reviewer invitations became 2+, and the acceptance of the review invitations also became 2+, entering the third round of under review.

飞翔1+1 2022-08-06

The most disgusting submission ever, submitted on November 20, 2021. I received the first review comments after April 20, 2022. I submitted the revised version of the paper on May 5, 2022. Finally, on August 1, 2022, I received the rejection notice. The overall submission process took nearly 9 months, which wasted a lot of my time, and in the end, it was still rejected. It's just disgusting.

Cage Sun 2022-08-03

Congratulations, mine also has three reviewers! It looks like a major revision! I hope everything goes smoothly!

Z_Z 2022-07-26

Share the overall progress for everyone's reference:
2022.4.17 submitted to journal
2022.6.17 received comments from a total of 3 reviewers
2022.7.1 submitted revised manuscript
2022.7.25 accepted
It took a total of 3 months and 8 days. Good luck to everyone.

像个战神一样 2022-07-22

6.24 RRC
6.25 DIP
7.3 Revise by three reviewers
7.19 Resubmit
7.20 With editor
Hope for good luck

Cage Sun 2022-07-07

It seems that there are new regulations now, stating that it should be within 30 pages! I previously submitted to IJSSD, which was 32 pages, and they asked me to pay an additional $100 for page charges!

Geery 2022-07-06

It has been three months since the second trial, and there is still no result. I urged for the manuscript a month ago, but the efficiency is too low.

Z_Z 2022-07-05

The comments I received were about two months ago.

heu-wy 2022-07-04

The submission made on 5.22, and until now, there has been no first-instance opinion.

123 2022-07-01

Can I ask, does it have to be within 30 pages?

institute 2022-07-01

Do I need to upload the images separately in the paper? Or should I upload them together in the Word document?

whisky. 2022-06-28

May I ask which magazine you later submitted to?

攀峰计划 2022-06-28

Are there any requirements for the font size of the table? Also, does the highlighted part need to be embedded in the article or uploaded as a separate file?

Joker 2022-06-28

How long has your decision been in process?

Lucky-Li 2022-06-26

Hello, has your status changed now? I have also been in "decision in process" for a long time.

Cage Sun 2022-06-21

I use a three-line table and did not pay attention to the table requirements.

攀峰计划 2022-06-19

It seems that ES implemented new rules in May, which include using 12pt Times New Roman font, double line spacing, and limiting the document to 30 pages. However, what are the requirements for the tables? Can we use a slightly smaller font and make the line spacing more compact? Please enlighten me, dear host.

Cage Sun 2022-06-15

Why haven't I received any feedback after more than two months of waiting for the first review! Sigh! It's been the same for the past two years, with no review comments for a year and a half, and six months without any. It always turns out worse than the worst possible outcome!

Cage Sun 2022-06-14

May I ask how long is your first review cycle?

Geery 2022-06-01

I have not received any news as of June 1st.

TK-MIX 2022-05-23

The second draft of the ES was submitted in mid to late January. It received comments in less than a month, which was quite challenging but also surprisingly fast. It took two months to make the revisions, and the second review was even faster, with a response in less than half a month. After waiting for more than ten days in the "under review" status, it was finally accepted. The reviewers' comments were generally positive, and the ES review process is indeed fast. It took approximately four months from start to acceptance.

qichu 2022-05-20

The RRC status has been ongoing for a month and a half now, and the editor hasn't dealt with it yet. Sigh.

Geery 2022-05-12

Received the first-round revision comments on March 3rd, with a total of 51 comments from 4 reviewers. Submitted the revised manuscript on April 3rd, and it has been almost one and a half months with no news (under review) so far. What's going on?

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