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Nixi 2023-05-28

Does es always go through the dip stage after rrc?

yiweiyihang666 2023-05-12

2023.5.12 Two reviewers have completed the review, it has been two months already, difficult to handle.

panzer大白 2023-04-27

Hello, how many reviewers did you send? I sent 5, but only 1 has returned so far in nearly 3 months.

ll110 2023-04-22

2023.4.6 Submitted to Journal
2023.4.9 with editor
2023.4.17 under review


2023.4.6: Submitted to Journal
2023.4.9: With editor
2023.4.17: Under review

cm 2023-04-16

The translation of "2023 4.16 revise" into English is "Revise on April 16th, 2023."

Zero Kim 2023-04-14

Hello, may I ask when will the results be available after the dip?

Zero Kim 2023-04-14

Hello, may I ask when will the results be given after the second dip?

zero 2023-04-14

May I ask how many days after the DIP did you receive the results?

阿水大杯茶 2023-04-13

4.9 submitted
4.12 dip
Is this the rhythm of cooling down???

cm 2023-04-12

2023 4.12 Required Reviews Completed
2023 4.16 Revise

2023 4.12 Required Reviews Completed
2023 4.16 Revise

阿水大杯茶 2023-04-11

Why has there been no progress on my submission to the journal for two days?

Matttt 2023-04-02

The translation of "2023 3.30 revision" into English is "March 30, 2023 revision."

Matttt 2023-03-29

Recently, the editing processing speed has been very slow...

xxxt 2023-03-25

3.3 under review
3. 24 DIP
The speed is fast, waiting for the editor's decision, hoping for modifications.

WWWangY 2023-03-23

2022.10.30: Submit to journal
2022.10.31: With editor
2022.11.4: Under review
2022.12.18: Major revision
2023.1.14: Resubmit
2023.1.15: Under review
2023.2.20: Minor revision
2023.3.13: Accept

aorsol 2023-03-23

Does being in the same state for a week mean getting hired?

aorsol 2023-03-23

Is there still no result?

solidwork 2023-03-23

It seems that in ES (presumably referring to a specific academic journal or publishing platform), as long as one reviewer rejects a submission, it will be rejected. The standards are quite strict.

CC仗剑走天涯 2023-03-23

Submitted at the end of January, rejected on March 16th. The review process was quite fast with 5 reviewers, 4 requested revisions and 1 rejected. Unfortunately, the editor-in-chief, Yang, rejected it. What a pity.

那一抹 2023-03-22

2022.12.20 Submission
2023.03.20 Rejection
The first paper, destined to be rough.

yiweiyihang666 2023-03-12

2023.3.9 Submitted to journal
2023.3.11 With editor
2023.3.16 Under review

cm 2023-03-12

2023 3.12 is under review.

Matttt 2023-03-11

2023 1.26 submit to journal - Submitted to the journal on January 26, 2023.
2023 2.4 Under review - Undergoing review as of February 4, 2023.
2023 3.6 Required reviews completed - Required reviews have been completed as of March 6, 2023.

Continued updates to follow.

cm 2023-03-11

2023 3.6 submitted to journal - This means that a document or manuscript was submitted to a journal in the year 2023, on the date of March 6th.

2023 3.7 with editor - This indicates that the document or manuscript is currently being reviewed or processed by an editor in the year 2023, on the date of March 7th.

CC仗剑走天涯 2023-02-25

My second repair has returned, and now it has also become a 2. It has been in the Required status for two weeks, so slow!

xxxt 2023-02-24

Just finished scolding and then sent for review.

xxxt 2023-02-24

Still with the editor, it's too slow.

chuannanxiong 2023-02-23

Has your [something] yielded results?

solidwork 2023-02-23

Did you change the second reviewer for your manuscript?

solidwork 2023-02-23

The speed of editing and processing manuscripts is very fast, while the reviewing time of reviewers is very random.

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