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山外山人外人 2021-03-24

The h-index is really high! EFM is indeed a well-established heavyweight publication in the industry!

山外山人外人 2021-03-24

The content written in the paper is quite abundant, and it was assigned to 3 reviewers. From major revisions to minor revisions, in the meantime, there were some issues encountered and an extension for reworking was requested for two to three months. It has been more than 9 months in total. Truly, it is a top-tier journal in fracture mechanics, as the review comments can be "torturous" to the point of frustration.

降龙伏虎 2021-03-16

Do you really think of yourself as a green onion? You're just a useless person, once you leave the school gate, you're like "tuo".

降龙伏虎 2021-03-15

I don't know what's going on now. It's impossible to work in academia among peers. Why do I always feel dissatisfied? Could it be that I have become too comfortable in my own little world, used to being a good student, and have no idea how disconnected I am from reality? The world outside is so vast. If you're so amazing, you can publish in Nature and win awards. Why haven't you published a single SCI paper in five years of graduate studies? Are you deceiving yourself, living in your own isolated world?


The external review was submitted in 20 days, but all 8 reviewers refused to review it. The 9th reviewer provided 8 suggestions, which made me feel that we are in the same field, but it doesn't quite match.

yushuyang 2021-01-28

Why am I still "with editor" after a month of submission? Can someone please advise if there has been a recent slowdown?

风虎 2021-01-19

The authoritative journal in the field of Mechanics, but it has been over two weeks since submission and it is still "with editor". All the emails received so far are automated and there is not much information provided.

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