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I also switched and have been with the editor for nearly a month.

Gang Wang 2022-08-19

You're speaking very insincerely, it's a way of belittling the doctoral advisor, and it shows a low level.

shideya 2022-08-18

It has been more than three months in review, this journal is really too slow for me!!!

pigwei 2022-07-12

It took us a total of two months from having the idea, to making it, and then writing it. Why are you suggesting to modify it for another three months? What do you want to do, rewrite it again? Shouldn't new things be published earlier instead of waiting for others to publish them?

pigwei 2022-07-12

April 1st - Submission
April 2nd - Under review
April 29th - Feedback for major revisions
June 29th - Revised
July 8th - Revised on the same day for minor revisions
July 11th - Accepted
The reviewer's comments were professional and greatly improved the quality of the article.

leovin 2022-07-01

Is it slow recently? It has been under review for two months. Should I remind the editor?

西西__ 2022-06-16

Do you deserve to be a doctoral advisor, you loser?

hedilict 2022-06-15

Sharing my timeline:
Initial Date Submitted: Dec 25, 2021
Under Review: Jan 28, 2022
Major Revision: Mar 15, 2022
There were a total of four reviewers, two minor revisions, one major revision, and one rejection. We were given two months to make revisions. The reviewers' comments were very professional, and they carefully reviewed the derivation of some mathematical formulas. They provided many constructive suggestions for improvement, which were helpful in enhancing the quality of the article (even from the reviewer who gave the rejection).
In early May, we submitted the revised version. The reviewer who requested the major revision agreed to publish, and the reviewer who requested the minor revision asked us to add some discussions.
After submitting in early June, the editor agreed to accept and publish.
Overall impression: The editor's processing time was a bit long, but they had good control over the modifications made to the article (such as which reviewers to send the revised manuscript to). Most of the reviewers' comments were professional, making it worth submitting!

香菜味福佳白 2022-06-14

No patience at all, the starting point is arrogance, disdain, and looking down on others. It takes several months to revise a paper, and you dare to say it was done with good intentions? Who do you think you are, a doctoral advisor?

登菲特 2022-05-10

It's all the same···············

越青山 2022-05-08

It has been four months under review, is it normal? Is everyone experiencing the same speed for reviewing recently? Feeling a bit anxious.

登菲特 2022-04-08

It has been under review for 3 months, why is it taking so long? Can I send a reminder letter?

IamAReader 2022-04-04

Fracture Mechanics is currently one of the most authoritative journals. The editor-in-chief, Professor Xiqiao Feng from Tsinghua University, is well-known among those who specialize in Solid Mechanics, Fracture and Damage Mechanics, and Biomechanics. I have submitted an article on fracture finite element analysis and I am confident in the solid work I have done.

Experience: After submission, the editor-in-chief directly handled the manuscript, and the reviewer was a junior colleague who was very knowledgeable. The comments were sharp and targeted. Reviewer #1 persistently requested minor revisions even after major revisions were made. The editor-in-chief was very kind and provided a generous two-month timeframe. This journal should be considered a top-tier publication in the field, and I hope it can be included in the Top category of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

拜振华 2022-02-27

I submitted this journal in February 2021. There were two reviewers, one gave minor revisions and the other rejected it, asking for additional experimental results. The editor requested major revisions. I added the experiments and completed the revisions in two months, and then resubmitted the paper. The first reviewer agreed to publish it, but the second reviewer disagreed. They sought a third reviewer, who ultimately rejected the paper. So, it was rejected after major revisions (in December 2021), but the third reviewer did not provide specific comments. I feel really upset, as if I am being targeted. The whole year has gone by like this.

Then they emailed me and asked for suggestions on their journal. However, when I submitted the paper, the corresponding author was my professor, so I didn't dare to take any action.

I am indeed sensitive, but what can I do? Now, whether it's a man or a woman, we have to rely on ourselves!

登菲特 2022-02-25

with the editor for one month, under review for two months, it has been a total of three months and I still haven't received the first review. Is this the current speed for everyone?

hedilict 2022-01-09

I hope to have the review done as soon as possible, as I am in a hurry to graduate.

阿福宝贝 2022-01-09

sep 7 2021 submitted with editor - Wondering why EFM has slowed down for a month.
oct 8 2021 under review
nov 3 2021 minor revision - In the meantime, my child got sick, and I couldn't respond to the comments on the paper. Later, I applied for a 5-day extension.
jan 06 2022 revision submitted
jan 08 2022 accept with editor - No need to worry about the long waiting time. As long as it's under review, the speed will be normal.

hedilict 2022-01-07

I am too, it has been almost two weeks with the editor, and there has been no change.

hukey 2022-01-03

It has been a month with the editor as well.

登菲特 2022-01-02

It has been one month with the editor... Recently, everyone is at this speed, right? How long will it take for the review to be submitted?

科研小虫666 2021-12-03

As a doctoral supervisor of a prestigious university, how many months does it take for you to revise a student's manuscript? How busy and irresponsible are you? Master's students take 3 years, and doctoral students take 5 years. Several months of delay seriously hinder students' research progress, and yet you are still making excuses here. Do you even have the audacity?

小男孩1992 2021-09-28

At the beginning of this year, I submitted two articles. One of them received reviewer comments after nearly 4 months and I spent a week making major revisions. After submitting it again, the editor accepted it just two days later. The other article received reviewer comments after nearly 6 months, and I spent a month making major revisions. After resubmitting it, it was accepted within two to three days. The reviewer comments for both articles were very detailed and greatly helped improve the quality of the articles. I wish the journal continued to improve and succeed!

七十二变 2021-09-25

The circle of fracture mechanics and damage mechanics is so small. It's always the same people coming and going, and everyone knows each other. When something is submitted to the people in the circle for review, they all know who does what. When it comes to those publications and discussions, it's clear who has achieved what. Even if they are acquaintances, they can still be eliminated.

Youngzhou 2021-06-26

Posted on April 24th, with the editor for one month, and then on May 25th, it went under review. This journal has a high level of recognition, so I hope for a good outcome.

Chang 2021-05-12

Two months, one reviewer. The reviewer's comments are that the testing method lacks reliability verification and the values used in the calculations are not indicated in the figure. The material parameters of the fiber need to be supplemented. With just a few comments, the paper was rejected. It feels like there is no effect on improving and enhancing the article, tragic ? ?

ssz7113 2021-05-12

Bro, may I ask how to find out how many reviewers there are?

脚踩村驴 2021-04-02

Stop wasting things and don't bother helping people who aren't even human.

大吉大利 2021-03-26

After publishing the article, seeing this comment, I also deeply empathize. These people come from ordinary universities and have extremely limited perspectives. However, because they have been pampered in those places and are used to feeling valued, they act arrogantly. When they first arrived, they thought highly of themselves, with foul mouths and all sorts of rural behavior... As for these people, we superficially deal with them, but deep down, we despise them because if we stop dealing with them one day, they will be like white-eyed wolves.

拼未来 2021-03-25

Translated into English:
Submitted 2020.10.25
With editor 2020.10.26
Under review 2020.11.02
Major revision 2020.12.04
Revision submitted to journal 2021.1.18
With editor 2021.1.19
Under review 2021.1.26 - A reminder was sent, only one expert agreed to review
Accept 2021.3.24
Thank you for the hard work and dedication of the reviewers and editors.

LJD 2021-03-25

These people mostly come from rural areas and have been regarded as good students in ordinary middle schools. They have become accustomed to the feeling of vanity in their villages.

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