认证评论 - Engineering Failure Analysis
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戴眼镜的科研汪 2021-12-06

20210817 Submitter to Journal
20210821 With Editor
20210823 Under Review
20210930 Revise
20211108 With Editor
20211111 Under Review
20211206 Accept

The editor arranged for three reviewers, who provided minor revisions. The paper was accepted in less than a month after the revisions were made. The entire process took three and a half months. This is my second publication in a top journal, and I'm grateful to EFA. Although I have graduated and started working, I am still very happy to receive recognition for my research during my graduate studies!

须眉绛凯 2021-12-03

I submitted an article on marine engineering. Currently, I only see one article in this journal that has been done in my field, and it has not been sent for review yet. It makes me very nervous, and I hope the editor can review it.

JWC 2021-11-23

2021.06.10 submitted
2021.08.16 revision
2021.10.14 revision
2021.11.22 accept
Encountered two reviewers, A and B. A was very responsible and gave mostly positive evaluations, providing many revision suggestions, which were implemented as required. B probably didn't read the article carefully and commented that the quality was poor, likely recommending rejection. Fortunately, the editor gave an opportunity for revision.

During the second round of revisions, A accepted the article directly, while B finally read the article and provided some revision suggestions, which were implemented as required.

It took over a month for the minor revisions to be accepted.

cliff_hero 2021-11-06

Crack-related, two reviewers, minor revisions, accepted after about ten days of resubmission, quite good.

尹先 2021-11-04

Withdrawn, it is recommended that those in a hurry do not submit, as it cannot afford to waste time.

尹先 2021-11-02

What happened to your paper? I submitted mine on September 13th, and it has been "with editor" ever since. I sent an email asking about the progress, but I haven't received a response. I need it for my graduation requirement, so I'm considering whether to send an email to withdraw it. I simply can't afford the delay.

JWC 2021-10-30

2021.06.04 Submission
2021.10.24 Minor revision
2021.10.29 Accept
In the early stage, it took about a month with the editor, and then it was sent for review. The acceptance was very quick! The editor was very responsible!

尹先 2021-10-26

September 13th submission;
From September 15th until October 26th with editor.
Sent an email to inquire about the situation, but received no response.

狂发论文 2021-10-12

Provide some information for friends who submit contributions.

This magazine has a very high efficiency in reviewing manuscripts, usually taking 2-3 months from submission to acceptance. I have never encountered a situation where it took 4 months and the manuscript was still submitted to the journal.

The requirements for articles are quite high. For SCI journals, the most important thing is to have innovation.

Typically, there are two reviewers for the review process. If there is a difference of opinion, a third reviewer will be invited to review the manuscript.

leovin 2021-10-02

For four months, it has been in a "submit" status, and I gave the editor a reminder. They said it does not meet the scope of the journal. It's too rubbish.

overman 2021-09-27

I often check journal information and submission information on Letpub. I am also uploading my paper progress for reference.

2021-07-27--Submitted to Journal
2021-08-03--With Editor
2021-08-04--Under Review
2021-09-09--Required Reviews Completed
2021-09-20--With Editor
2021-09-21--Under Review
2021-09-23--With Editor

山石AA1 2021-09-14

I have also been submitting for more than four months, but it hasn't been reviewed yet. Did you submit it for review after reminding them?

狂发论文 2021-09-13

Recently, the speed of submission, revision, and acceptance of this journal in the past two years has been analyzed. It was found that the fastest acceptance time was 6 days, while the slowest was over 1500 days. Typically, the results of revisions are obtained within two months, and the time from revision to acceptance is usually within 10 days, although there are cases where it takes up to 2 months. Of course, the longest time for acceptance is over 800 days.

Keep writing and good luck!
Although you have submitted it, there is always a desire to see the results.

zhoub 2021-09-13

This journal, without mentioning anything else, has a super lazy and irresponsible editorial department. They don't urge or review the submissions, and the reasons for rejection have nothing to do with the articles themselves. They give rejection reasons that can be replied to at a glance, but they delay it for a solid 4 months, purely wasting people's time. They should close their doors sooner.

风起落 2021-08-11

I started to submit in March, and it was in the hands of the editor for over a month. Then it took three months for the review process, and I received feedback for revisions. I carefully made the revisions for about a week and resubmitted. It took more than 10 days before it was finally accepted on August 1st. The speed was not fast, but fortunately, the result was satisfactory. Overall, if you are not in a hurry, this journal is quite good. Finally, I hope EFA will continue to improve.

kevin_kun 2021-07-25

Another month has passed, still with the editor. It's been over three months now, enter the big pit at your own risk.

Youth_zzz 2021-07-12

May I ask, after I submitted the revised manuscript, the status of the manuscript is still "incomplete submissions being revised". Can you please explain what is happening? I checked all the necessary boxes when submitting the revised manuscript. Could you please help clarify this? Thank you in advance.

tunnel_liu 2021-07-11

The text translates to English as: "The review was submitted after 3 months, and it took about 6 months to receive the reviewer's suggestions. Half a month later, it was accepted."

享受简单 2021-07-11

Oh, it's been over a month and it's still in the submission state. It's the first time I've encountered such a journal. I regret it.

leovin 2021-07-04

What day of April did you submit? It is still with the editor for three months. You cannot submit it again in the future.

edfjksejf 2021-07-03

Excuse me, have you submitted the document for external review? I have followed up once, but it has been over a month and there has been no response yet.

kevin_kun 2021-06-28

After submission, it remained "submitted to journal" for a month. It only changed to "with editor" after sending two emails. Then it dragged on for over a month and still remained "with editor". I have no idea what the editorial board of this journal is constantly busy with. It's really terrible. I will definitely not submit to this journal again in the future!

享受简单 2021-06-24

Continuous submission status, I will never dare to submit again unless there is an urgent need.

西瓜瓜 2021-06-19

Sending to the editor and sending for external review is slow, but providing feedback for modifications is quick. Overall, it is very good.

享受简单 2021-06-17

It seems that this journal cannot avoid entering the review process every month. We have been deceived.

大笨鱼爱喝矿泉水 2021-06-06

Maybe it's because of professional reasons, but it's currently still submitted to the journal... let's wait a little longer.

yuzhiming 2021-06-03

Submitted on 5.24, until now, is this journal so slow?

毛小毛 2021-06-03

Brother, how long does it take for you to provide the proofread version after receiving the article?

山石AA1 2021-06-02

May I ask if the status has been updated now? I have just submitted as well, but the status remains "submitted to journal".

由此及彼 2021-05-28

From March 3, 2021, to today, it is already May 28th, and it is still in the "with editor" status. It has been three months already. This processing speed is too slow. Comrades who are eager to graduate cannot afford to wait!

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