认证评论 - Engineering Failure Analysis
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HouWen19970320 2022-04-25

May I ask if this journal has a template? Thank you for your response.

HouWen19970320 2022-04-25

Can I ask you some questions, thank you.

HouWen19970320 2022-04-25

May I ask if this journal has a template?

须眉绛凯 2022-04-16

The second article is completed, which is a study on a marine garbage disposal device.

须眉绛凯 2022-04-16

Already hired, the journal has a relatively high efficiency, and will consider submitting again in the future.

小朱猪猪猪 2022-04-14

Submitted a decision all day, feeling extremely anxious.

柯南道儿 2022-04-08

It feels like the prelude to being rejected directly.

HP_ 2022-04-08

I'm also in the process of making a direct decision, not sure what's going on.

柯南道儿 2022-04-08

I am also on the second day of "Decision in Process", this situation has never occurred before.

Annia 2022-04-07

Thank you, the original poster, I am extremely grateful. @Wanli is often a guest in the autumn of sorrow.

shanglin 2022-03-27

One day after submission, it shows "decision in process". A co-author mentioned that the email address was incorrect, so they sent an email to the editor the next day at noon, requesting to change the email address. In the evening, they received an email stating that the content did not fit within the scope of the journal and it was rejected.

victor cui 2022-03-23

I am also like this, have you got any results?

corsci 2022-03-21

1.22 submitted to journal
1.23 with editor
1.23 under review
2.14 Major Revision - One reviewer raised 11 questions, overall positive, suggested acceptance after modifications
2.16 revise
2.17 under review
3.12 minor revision - After resolving the above-mentioned issues, the reviewer raised another sharp question
3.12 revise - Revised the same night
3.13 under review - Thought the editor would make the decision directly, but it was possibly sent back to the reviewer due to the importance of the question
3.20 accept
Previously, in our research group, it took around 6-7 months to get results for a publication, and one took 2 years to be accepted... Now, with the journal's faster review process, it is a good choice.

yy1212 2022-03-21

Does "decision in process" mean that it will be rejected directly just two days after submission? Has anyone encountered this situation before?

万里悲秋常作客 2022-03-20

Reply to Annia:
1. Please check if this journal has any relevant literature to what you have been working on.
2. After you finish writing, you can try submitting it to this journal and let the editor decide if the content is suitable. The editor processes submissions quickly, and if it doesn't fit, you can submit to other journals without delay.

Annia 2022-03-18

Hello, I would like to inquire about whether it is feasible for me to submit an article to this journal. I work on reliability optimization algorithms, specifically improving the efficiency of evaluating system failure probabilities. I feel that my work is somewhat relevant to this journal. Could you please advise?

Annia 2022-03-18

Hello senior, I would like to consult with you. I am working on reliability optimization algorithms to improve the efficiency of evaluating system failure probabilities. I am considering submitting to this journal as it seems relevant. I would like to ask if it is feasible, senior?

万里悲秋常作客 2022-03-14

Engineering Failure Analysis journal, the speed is fast, received reviewer comments within a month, good for revising, returned after a few days of revision, accepted after another month, the editor's handling speed is also fast.
1.10 submitted to journal
1.10 assigned manuscript number
1.10 with editor
1.17 under review
2.15 revise
2.18 submit revised manuscript
2.18 with editor
2.21 under review
3.7 under review
3.14 accepted

xukevin 2022-03-08

I am too, how did you handle it in the end?

wzg190 2022-03-03

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to be notified for modifications after the completion of the Required Reviews? Thank you.

天空不空空 2022-03-02

Posted on 2021.10.12, reviewed on 11.22, revised on 2022.01.06, accepted on 2022.01.09.

duxiaoxi1993 2022-02-21

Submitted on November 17, 2021, reviewed on December 27, and notified for revisions on January 14, 2022. Three reviewers provided feedback without distinguishing between major or minor revisions, simply providing suggestions for modification. Revised on February 2 and accepted on February 20.

hiyiaqi 2022-02-18

The review speed is very fast, and the experts' opinions are sharp and to the point, which has improved the quality. After making revisions according to the opinions, it is directly accepted.

Doc.fan 2022-02-16

The speed is particularly fast, the review is quite strict, and the comments are also very good. It greatly improves the quality of the article. A total of four reviewers were invited, and a total of 20 pages were replied to. The first SCI paper during the doctoral period has been successfully accepted. I hope to continue to work hard in the future and make the journal better and better!!!

须眉绛凯 2022-01-28

One major revision and one minor revision, the review speed is quite fast. I will update this one again when there is news later.

万里悲秋常作客 2022-01-10

After submitting on January 5th, I received an email on January 10th stating that it did not meet the topic requirements and that a separate document, called a statement of novelty, was needed. It was not mentioned during the submission process, so it must be a new requirement for 2022. Has anyone else experienced this?

wind123 2021-12-22

The speed of reviewing is relatively fast, and I have to commend the efficiency of the editor-in-chief here. Every time I submit a manuscript, there will be changes in the status the next day. Email inquiries about the manuscript information will also be promptly replied to. The entire submission cycle is about three months or so. I hope EFA will continue to improve!

xiaomao 2021-12-20

2021-8-29 submitted
2021-9-1 Manuscript number
2021-9-24 needing revision
2021-10-8 submitted
2021-11-21 needing revision
2021-12-13 submitted
2021-12-18 Accepted
Very fast, just slowed down during the self-revision process, took nearly a month each time, with a total duration of 2 months. The journal is great, looking forward to an upgraded version in the future. EFA, keep it up! I will also do my best, haha.

weijiangbo 2021-12-14

It's so garbage. It has not been submitted for four months, and despite sending reminders four times, it's like throwing stones into the sea.

weijiangbo 2021-12-14

It's so frustrating. I have been waiting for four months for my submission to be reviewed, and despite being reminded four times, they promised to review it immediately but there is still no outcome.

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