认证评论 - Engineering Failure Analysis
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echo 2022-09-23

How did it turn out? Mine is also the same.

echo 2022-09-23

How are you doing? Mine is the same.

巧毛 2022-09-20

After the tragedy of the first draft, the second draft will be published in seven months. As for the third draft, it is the same as yours and is currently under direct decision process. I am feeling very anxious.

一只贾憨憨呀 2022-08-31

This means "It's just cool, I have never seen anything like 'decision in process' before, and now it's sent for external review."

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-08-22

8.22 reject. It is estimated that this is a rejection letter. If I had known earlier, I would have urged for immediate handling on the same day to avoid wasting time.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-08-21

How did your condition end up? Mine has remained unchanged for 5 days.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-08-21

It has been 5 days and still no result, the status hasn't changed - Decision in Process.

JCKA 2022-08-21

What's the result? In this situation, it should be a direct rejection, right?

Jonathon 2022-08-19

2021.12.23 First submission
2022.5.8 First revision
Two reviewers gave nearly 30 suggestions for revisions, stating that the language organization and logic of my article were poor. It took me a month and a half to revise the article.
2022.6.21 Second submission
2022.8.16 Second revision
The review process this time took nearly two months, which was really slow. In the email response, they changed one reviewer, possibly because the editor thought that the efficiency of the previous reviewer was too low, so they found a third reviewer. Reviewer 1 agreed to accept the submission, while Reviewer 3 suggested updating the references as they were outdated. I spent two days updating and adding 15 references.
2022.8.18 Third submission
Just 4 minutes after the third submission, I received an acceptance email.

Overall, the reviewers selected by EFA are quite competent. They even pointed out errors in language usage and references to Chinese books cited in the article. I admire their meticulous attitude. The initial review process took 4 months, which can be considered acceptable for those who have some extra time. I hope EFA continues to improve.

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-08-17

8.16投稿 decision in process

Translation: 8.16 submission, decision in process
Cool, cool?

111111qwefgg 2022-08-12

How are you doing? I am exactly the same as you.

苦瓜123 2022-08-08

Does "decision in process" mean it's over with the editor?

wubi2000 2022-08-01

Just to add, the review period is 5 months, luckily there is no rush.

wubi2000 2022-08-01

March submission, underwent a major revision and a minor revision. In fact, the journal does not differentiate between major and minor revisions, they are all referred to as "Revise." However, in the first round, there were two reviewers, with one providing more comments. In the second round, there was only one reviewer, who provided a few suggestions. The review process for both revisions took around 21 days. The second revision was returned in 2 days and accepted 3 days later. Hopefully, this journal will continue to improve and be promoted to a higher category!

雅琴 2022-07-29

2022.06.30: submitted to journal;
2022.07.18: under review;


There are two reviewers, one for direct acceptance and one for minor revision. The review process is quite fast, taking 58 days from submission to acceptance. Of course, the prerequisite is that the quality of the paper is excellent.

banrobby 2022-07-17

Has yours been rejected? Mine was given a journal number and a decision immediately after 3 hours. It has been two days already...

banrobby 2022-07-17

Has yours been rejected? Mine was given a journal number and made a decision immediately after 3 hours. It has been two days already.

欢天喜地西红柿 2022-07-15

The initial review process for this submission took a relatively long time, nearly 5 months, but the subsequent second review was relatively fast. The overall difficulty of submission is moderate and can be considered if there is enough time.

Daniel 2022-07-03

02. 2022.07.03 提交给期刊

Submitted to the journal on July 3rd, 2022.

Daniel 2022-07-02

01.2022.07.02, first submission of the paper.

爱祖国 2022-06-30

May I ask the author, can the construction engineering safety risk assessment be submitted to this journal?

Superman 2022-06-12

May I ask which editor did you choose when submitting the article?

ernest_777 2022-06-07

Hello, what do you need to ask?

Daffy 2022-06-02

2021.11.24-needing revision
2021.12.06-first revision
2022.02.05-needing revision (reviewer #1)
2022.03.12-second revision
2022.05.05-with editor (There is a new manuscript tracking feature, and the manuscript status is more detailed than before)
2022.05.23-under review (Two more reviewers were invited)

The editor is Associate Editor Cesar Roberto de Farias Azevedo. He initially replied quickly, but later may have been busy and became slower. The first reviewer had positive feedback and only raised three questions. However, it took almost half a year to find the second reviewer after submission, which is a bit confusing to me.
I hope to have a good outcome soon.

No one 2022-06-01

Did a friend skip the review process and go straight to a decision, and then got reviewed again without being rejected?

No one 2022-06-01

The editing efficiency is a bit low. With the editor, it took 10 days to go from "With editor" to "Decision in process," and it has been four days since the decision was made without any progress. Please reject it quickly.

zhongzhiliu 2022-06-01

The journal Engineering Failure Analysis has a good level and a decent ranking. However, the speed of publication seems to depend on personal judgments, so I hope the editors can improve efficiency. Lastly, I wish the journal continued success and improvement.

HouWen19970320 2022-05-13

I would like to ask about journal-related issues.

ernest_777 2022-04-28

The journal review process is fast and relatively strict. I hope to enter the top-tier journal this year.

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