认证评论 - Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics
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Erik93 2022-07-11

Approximately two to three weeks.

yx.Liu 2022-07-02

May I ask how long it took for you to publish the acceptance?

Erik93 2022-05-19

Submit by the end of January 2022
Preliminary review results in early March
Submit revised draft by the end of April
Accepted in mid-May
The review process takes about one to one and a half months to yield results. The processing speed of the editorial department is quite good. Hope to be promoted to Zone 1 in the future.

Nimo1997 2022-01-31

Submitted at the end of June 2020, a total of 3 major revisions and 1 minor revision were made. The first major revision had three reviewers, the second major revision had two reviewers, and there were several issues, resulting in a response letter of approximately 10 pages. The third major revision focused on grammar issues and had only one reviewer. The final minor revision involved a few punctuation errors. Accepted in early April 2021, it was published online in May 2021, taking approximately 10 months in total.

shooter 2022-01-21

Different editors may have different speeds???

shang 2022-01-20

How to check the submission results?

Latte 2022-01-18

How long does it take to make a decision after the repair? My decision has been pending for half a month ?

shooter 2022-01-03

The editor is serious and responsible, and the first review is fast. The reviewers may be slower in reviewing the revised manuscript due to the pandemic, but the process is still smooth.
Now the journal's impact factor and quality have improved, so it is recommended to submit some cutting-edge and innovative research. Otherwise, the rejection rate will be higher.

shooter 2022-01-03

Look at it from a long-term perspective, and maybe next time it will become the first district again. Hope that domestic journals will continue to improve.

buaikeyandexiaowang 2021-12-27

The review speed is quite fast, but there are multiple rounds of review, even for very small issues, which will result in another round of review (four rounds). The direct consequence is that it was accepted as a top-tier journal in Zone 1 when I submitted it, but by the end of the year, it became a Zone 2 journal when it was published online. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

徐远清 2021-11-17

The journal has good quality, with strict and responsible reviewers. There are three reviewers, and in recent years, the quality of the journal and the level of the papers have improved rapidly. The journal is friendly towards systematic research on new phenomena and discoveries. Let's all support and strive for an impact factor of over 10 as soon as possible.

过毛情人节啊 2021-09-30

May I ask if the original poster has voted? What is the result?

过毛情人节啊 2021-09-30

I also hope the original poster can explain how it is possible to be hired after being rejected.

过毛情人节啊 2021-09-18

Can we still hire after rejecting? Can you explain further?

贝吉塔搞学术 2021-09-07

There are no requirements for the format of the initial submission, but the paper format must be strictly standardized before the second review.
I'm not sure if I need to choose the submission module.

李小虫子 2021-09-06

Hello, may I ask what materials are required to be submitted for the first draft?

李小虫子 2021-09-04

Where can I find the submission template? Does the first draft need to be in two columns? Is the language in the first draft required to be strict?

贝吉塔搞学术 2021-09-03

Double-blind review, not recommending reviewers, the reviewers are more professional and have many opinions.
Each external review takes about a month, and after the second review, it is directly accepted. The whole process from submission to acceptance is close to 3 months.
This journal is great because it does not limit the number of pages. It has a fixed price for any number of pages and is very friendly to long articles.

Zhaon 2021-07-24

Hello, may I ask if you sent an email to this email address tcfm-peerreview@journals.tandf.co.uk? Why haven't I received any replies from the editor after sending several follow-up emails?

zhangvpn 2021-03-18

After three rounds of review, although the revision comments after the second round were very simple, the editor still sent it back to the reviewer for another review. The first review took one month, and including the revisions, it took more than five months. This was only submitted to the journal because of its high impact factor, but I feel that none of the four reviewers really understood my work. Although the problems were easy to fix, it didn't have much meaning. I looked through the published papers on the journal's homepage and found a significant difference compared to top journals. I'm worried that the new impact factor might drop from 5.80.

Currently, this journal is published by T&F, so they have also changed their website. The journal's homepage and submission website can now be found at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tcfm20/current.

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