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流苏121 2021-02-23

Hello, Bboy-Logic. Thank you very much for your reply. I would like to confirm with you that when the initial draft of the paper is submitted, will the journal not send a notification email to all authors? Only when it is finally accepted will they send a notification email to all authors, right? Thank you.

Bboy-Logic 2021-02-22

Tassel121, during the review process, all revision comments will only be sent to the corresponding author, and other co-authors will not receive emails. Only when the paper is accepted or rejected, emails will be sent to all authors! You can set your own email as the corresponding author's email before submitting the paper (with the consent of your supervisor), and then change it to your supervisor's commonly used email during the second revision.

流苏121 2021-02-22

From acceptance to being indexed should be different for each person, depending on the scheduling situation at that time. I heard before that it takes 3 months for some people to be indexed, but I am not certain. At the same time, I would like to ask you, when a submission is successful, will every author receive a notification or only the corresponding author? Because some of the other authors are abroad and it is not convenient to contact them, so I want to confirm, thank you.

假佛系少女 2021-02-22

Hello, I would like to ask how long it takes for the ECM journal to publish online after acceptance? And how long does it take for it to be indexed after publication? Because it is related to the evaluation of the school, I would like to ask for your advice. Thank you, and I will patiently wait for your reply.

假佛系少女 2021-02-22

Hello, I would like to ask how long it takes for ECM journal to publish online after acceptance. And how long does it take for the publication to be indexed? I am asking because it is related to the evaluation of my school. I would appreciate your advice. Thank you. I will patiently await your reply.

流苏121 2021-02-21

Hello, Bboy-Logic. I recently submitted to this journal as well, and I have received the first review comments. I am currently in the process of revising the paper. I would like to ask you, when submitting to this journal, do they send the submission notification to every author or only to the corresponding author? Thank you.

Bboy-Logic 2021-02-16

Submitted 15/12/2020
With Editor 16/12/2020
Under review 20/12/2020
Major revision 14/01/2021
Revise submitted 29/01/2021
Under review 01/02/2021
Second revision 07/02/2021
Revise submitted 09/02/2021
Accept 11/02/2021

I feel that the journal values innovation. The manuscript was sent for review after 5 days of submission, and the review process took 1 month. The reviewer's comments were very helpful in improving the quality of the article. I personally believe that the Cover Letter during submission and the Response to Reviewers during the revision process are very important, and you can find templates on platforms like Zhihu. Finally, I want to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Marc Rosen and wish everyone a prosperous Year of the Ox. May your articles be abundant and successful!

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