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水中贵族-划水 2021-09-23

7.21 submit
7.22 With editor/under review
8.9,8.11,8.12 Required reviews completed
8.16 revise (5 reviewers, 1 month for revisions)
9.8 Submit/With editor
9.9 under review
9.17 required reviews completed
9.18 revise/specific revise
9.22 submit
9.23 with editor/accept
Overall, the process was fast, the reviewers were professional, and the editor was responsible.

b10elieve 2021-09-22

Can I ask everyone if, after being rejected by this journal, I cannot submit to other journals under Elsevier? After being rejected, I submitted to two other journals, both of which were directly rejected by the editors.

laolunterose 2021-09-03

The article has been accepted. Share your submission timeline to help more people.
Submitted on May 24th, accepted on August 23rd, exactly 3 months, which is still quite fast.
There were three reviewers, two were very proactive, and one provided a lot of review comments.
It took 14 days to receive the review comments and finally get accepted.

xjtu.tum 2021-08-30

I guess it's probably because there are different opinions among several reviewers, and the editor is discussing how to handle the situation. Good luck!

风清扬 2021-08-28

7.13 Submit
7.14 With editor
7.17 Under review
7.19 Under review
7.20 Under review
8.1 Under review
8.23 Required Reviews Completed

I heard that this journal has a fast processing speed, but it has been five days since it reached the "Required Reviews Completed" status. Does anyone know what's going on?

投啥中啥123 2021-08-18

4.3 submit
4.7 under review
5.9 revision (deadline 6.8)
5.24 Revisions Submission, With Editor
5.25 Under Review
7.17 revision (deadline 7.31)
7.22 resubmit
7.23 with editor
7.24 Under Review
8.16 accept
In the editor's hands, there was not much delay. According to the comments, the time in the hands of the reviewers for this journal is a bit longer compared to others (about a month). This may be due to different habits of the reviewers, as some may prefer to review closer to the deadline. Overall, it is still good.

投啥中啥123 2021-08-18

4.3 under review
4.7 revision 5.9 (deadline 6.8) 5.24 Revisions Submission, With Editor, 5.25 Under Review 7.17 revision (deadline 7.31) 7.22 resubmit 7.23 with editor 7.24 Under Review
8.16 accept

4.3 under review
4.7 revision 5.9 (deadline 6.8) 5.24 Revisions Submission, With Editor, 5.25 Under Review 7.17 revision (deadline 7.31) 7.22 resubmit 7.23 with editor 7.24 Under Review
8.16 accept

啊哈ou 2021-08-09

The speed is fast, and the editor is also very friendly.

xgr 2021-07-15

Hello, does the ECM accept inverter control?

xgr 2021-07-15

Hello, does ECM accept inverter control direction?

xgr 2021-07-15

May I ask if this journal accepts articles on inverter control?

平平 2021-07-11

The official website for language editing services is https://webshop.elsevier.com/language-editing-services/language-editing/.

须眉绛凯 2021-07-11

Brother, can you recommend me the editing agency that you found? $320 is not too expensive.

MissU 2021-06-25

2021.4.19: Submit initial draft
2021.5.31: First review comments, Specific Changes, all three reviewers should have provided minor revisions
2021.6.21: Submit revised draft
2021.6.22: Accept

zhangtianxia 2021-05-31

Very good journal, with particularly fast speed.
Submission will be reviewed in approximately one week,
Revisions will take about one month,
After one month of revisions, submission will be made,
Acceptance notification will be sent in about two weeks.
Wishing everyone a smooth submission process!

Bboy-Logic 2021-05-11

Hello! I would like to ask if all five of your articles are about ECM? I have already submitted one, and the second one is a continuation and supplementary analysis of the previous one. Can I still submit another one on ECM? What should I pay attention to?
Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

胖胖加油鸭 2021-05-10

2021.3.2 submit to journal
3.3 with editor
3.3 under review
3.24 revise
4.21 revision submit to journal
4.21 with editor
4.23 under review
5.6 revise
5.7 revision submit to journal
5.8 accept
It's the fifth paper, hoping for continuous improvement.

sunshine9966 2021-04-14

Submitted 18/02/2021
With editor 19/02/2021
Under review 19/02/2021
Major revision 15/03/2021
Revised submitted 29/03/2021
Under review 17/02/2021
Accept 14/04/2021

Continuation of my comment in the previous thread
Another article was accepted by this journal, and the review process was still very fast. It took less than 2 months from submission to acceptance, a total of 8 weeks. I am grateful for the efficiency of the journal's editors and reviewers.
The review comments were very professional, with each of the 3 reviewers providing around 30 suggestions. They had high expectations for innovation and experimental verification. I replied to the revision comments in nearly 10,000 words. However, the editorial comments were still very friendly.
In conclusion, I am very grateful for the efficient review process of ECM and look forward to continuing to submit my work to ECM and accumulating good luck. Hhh.

哦吼 2021-04-09

Generally, there will be feedback for repair within a month. It's quite fast.

Mr.thermal 2021-04-07

After acceptance, the publication is generally scheduled for three months later, and indexing may take up to four months.

Grubby 2021-04-07

Only the corresponding author received the email.

Grubby 2021-04-07

2020/12/17 submitted
2021/12/18 with editor
2021/12/20 under review
2021/01/27 revision
2021/02/05 revision submitted
2021/03/02 revision
2021/03/09 revision submitted
2021/04/06 accept

I have never been delayed by the editor, but the first, second, and third review took 37, 25, and 28 days respectively. Although it was slower than usual, the result was good. ?

邓隆 2021-03-13

2021/01/04 submitted
2021/01/10 with editor
2021/01/13 under review
2021/01/14 under review
2021/02/17 major revision
2021/03/03 revise submitted
2021/03/13 accept

The journal seems to prioritize innovation and takes about a week to send for review after submission. Due to the Chinese New Year, it took a little over a month to receive the revision comments. There were two reviewers, the first one had only one comment and an abbreviation, while the second one had four comments, all of which were easy to address. In total, there were five minor revisions. When I submitted the revised version, I had added line numbers, but the generated PDF automatically added line numbers, so I had to remove them before submitting. Within ten days, I received the acceptance notification, and this is my first SCI publication as a graduate student. I am very grateful to my teacher. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to editor Chen! Additionally, the journal's review process is really fast. Surprisingly, when submitting, they used the corresponding author's email address. I was very cautious and worried when submitting for the first time, so it took me almost ten days. Otherwise, I would have submitted it by the end of December 2020. Moreover, there were communication issues between me and my teacher. I hope everyone publishes excellent articles in the Year of the Ox.

ququ-tiger 2021-03-11

Does the ECM journal require a payment of 3100 dollars for publication after accepting a paper?

ququ-tiger 2021-03-09

Do I have to pay publication fees after the ECM journal accepts my paper?

Savitar 2021-03-03

May I ask how to interpret this review status?

sunshine9966 2021-02-27

submitted 21/01/2021
with editor 22/01/2021
under review 22/01/2021
major revision 11/02/2021
revised submitted 16/02/2021
under review 17/02/2021
accept 27/02/2021

So far, this is the fastest journal I have submitted and reviewed. After one revision, the total time spent was about 5 weeks. The efficiency of the journal editors and reviewers is extremely high.

The reviewers' comments were quite professional. Three reviewers provided approximately 40 comments, which were very helpful in improving the article. The editor's comments were much friendlier compared to other journals and encouraged the author to make revisions.

Personally, I feel that the journal has very high requirements for innovation and it is essential to align with the journal's topic.

In conclusion, I am very grateful for ECM's efficient review process. I have already submitted a new work and hope for a good outcome. Fingers crossed!

流苏121 2021-02-26

Hello, sorry for bothering you again. When submitting for the first time, do other authors only need to receive a confirmation email, or do they have to register and confirm their submission in the submission system in order to complete the submission? Also, can authors other than the corresponding author see the review progress? Thank you.

流苏121 2021-02-24

Hello Bboy-Logic, thank you very much for your response.

Bboy-Logic 2021-02-23

When the initial draft of the article is submitted, all authors will receive an automatic reply from the journal. The content of the reply is to acknowledge the receipt of the article and does not contain any important information.

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