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oop 2022-02-24

Top magazine, fast speed!
Initial review takes 2 months, modification takes 1 month, second review takes half a month.

KK_Real 2022-02-20

22-1-22 submit
22-1-23 with editor
22-1-24 under reviewer
22-2-13 reject
I have submitted multiple times, and this time the editor and reviewer were the fastest in their processing. However, the reviewer's comments made me very angry. The opinions of the three reviewers were quite unprofessional, and one of them didn't say anything and just rejected it directly.

春暖花开_666 2022-02-16

The review process is very strict. Although the reviewers all recommended rejection, they have provided detailed feedback on the issues, which is helpful for revising the paper. It is a very good journal, it seems that I need to work harder!

李同学 2022-02-02

Bro, what's your situation now? Mine is the same as yours. December 30, 2021, with editor (revised draft); January 2, 2022, under review; until now (February 2, 2022), it's still under review. According to the norm, the second review of ECM shouldn't be this slow.

落叶有香 2022-01-25

Continuing from the previous dates mentioned:
2021.10.19 under review
2021.12.12 modify-general changes
2021.12.30 revision to journal
2021.12.31 with editor
2022.1.2 under review
As of now (2022.1.24), it is still under review.

After submitting the revised manuscript, it has been more than 22 days under review. Has anyone encountered a similar situation?

真理 2022-01-24

Dec, 12, 2021 - Submitted
Dec, 13, 2021 - Under editor review
Dec, 14, 2021 - Under review
Jan, 1, 2022 - Revisions (very fast, two reviewers)
Jan, 4, 2022 - Submitted
Jan, 5, 2022 - Under editor review/under review/reviews completed (The reviewers likely agreed to accept it directly)
Jan, 11, 2022 - Specific changes (The editor mentioned a few formatting issues, realizing that ECM has strict formatting requirements)
Jan, 23, 2022 - Submitted
Jan, 24, 2022 - Under editor review/accepted

accept-sun 2022-01-19

The paper underwent the third review, and the editor found a new reviewer. They questioned the lack of innovation in my paper. The editor provided a 14-day minor revision period. Have any of you encountered this situation before? Let's discuss it!

twocold 2022-01-17

2021.10.25 Submitted to journal
2021.10.26 Under review
2021.11.24 Modifications - general changes
2021.12.13 Resubmit
2021.12.13 With editor
2021.12.14 Under review
2021.12.30 Accepted

From submission to acceptance took about two months, and after acceptance, it was available for online download in about a week. The process was quite fast. I consider myself lucky as there were only three comments from two reviewers, with one suggesting more changes. It went smoothly, although at one point, it made me think that I had submitted to a lower-ranking journal (truthfully, it made me a little sad).

xusita 2022-01-10

Transferring to another journal generally will not increase the success rate, but it will save some processing time.

lan_win 2022-01-10

Its subsidiary publication and JFUE

xusita 2022-01-10

What is his alternative choice for you to switch to? Is it his sub-publication ECM X?

lan_win 2022-01-10

2022.01.02 Submitted to journal
2022.01.03 With Editor
2022.01.03 Decision in Process
2022.01.04 Transfer Pending

I would like to ask everyone, in this situation, does transferring directly from the system to a journal with editor's suggestion increase the chances of acceptance?

kjzkk 2021-12-19

I applied on September 20th, and the delivery on the 22nd was delayed. Today, I received some advice, so please be patient. There will be good results.

wulalalalala 2021-12-15

Submitted at 12.15, the paper number is approximately 10700. This journal accepts around 1000 articles per year, so is the chance of acceptance less than 10%?

twocold 2021-12-14

Hello, I want to ask how many days it usually takes for the status to change from "with editor" to "under review" after you submit your revised draft? I submitted my revisions yesterday, but it is still with the editor today. Previously, the transition from "with editor" to "under review" usually happened on the same day... I'm feeling nervous.

MrWPual 2021-12-13

Wind direction
Submitted on September 23rd
On November 3rd, two expert reviewers provided feedback, suggesting improving the English expression...
Carefully revised the article expression and returned on November 29th
Accepted on December 13th
The efficiency is absolutely excellent. This journal has strict initial screening. Passing the initial screening by the editors and submitting it to the reviewers is already halfway to success.

accept-sun 2021-12-08

The result of the first review has come back, and both reviewers have provided positive feedback, without recommending rejection. In this case, I would like to ask if a third reviewer will still be sought for the second review?

qqqqqqqqqqqqqq 2021-12-07

September submission
October review comments; one month for revisions
Second review in November
Accepted by the end of November

落叶有香 2021-11-29

Posted on October 11, 2021
Under review on 10.11
Under review on 10.13
Under review on 10.19
Still under review as of now (November 29, 2021)

I've read the comments, and other people usually wait around a month.
I've been waiting for one and a half months for this submission and it's still under review. What could be the reason for this? Has anyone else experienced the same issue?

淇祺 2021-11-05

Submission Experience:
8.12 Submitted
8.13 Under review
9.21 Minor revision
10.11 Revised and submitted
11.2 Accepted
The review process was very fast. There were two reviewers, and the second reviewer was a bit slow, but their comments were easy to address. It was my first SCI publication during my graduate studies, and the journal was excellent.

天心月圆 2021-11-03

2021.07.24 submitted to the journal
2021.07.24 under review
2021.09.16 modified-general changes
2021.10.13 submitted the revised manuscript
2021.11.03 accepted
The review process was really fast, with three reviewers in the first round providing 16 questions, and no issues found in the second round.

xiaoxiaopifu 2021-10-20

Translated text: "Submitted on July 25th and revised twice in between until October 20th. The editing was really effective, while the reviewers usually took one month to respond."

chiqunanhai 2021-10-18

Hello, may I ask if there is a template for the initial draft format when submitting to this journal? Is it single-column or double-column? I saw on the website that there are no restrictions.

Grayson 2021-10-16

2021.9.1 submit to journal
2021.9.2 with editor
2021.9.2 under review
2021.9.26 modify-general changes
2021.10.8 revision submit to journal
2021.10.9 with editor
2021.10.13 modify-general changes
2021.10.15 revision to journal
2021.10.16 with editor
2021.10.16 accept

Fast and efficient, the editor never delays time, even for a day. Suggest submitting for speedy review while maintaining good quality. There were three reviewers, and during the first round of revisions, there were a total of 12 comments. Initially, it was unclear whether "modify-general changes" referred to major or minor revisions. After the first round of revisions, "Modify-general changes" was still requested, but only one reviewer provided 5 new comments, while the others suggested printing. The changes were relatively minor, and now it seems that "Modify-general changes" in this journal refers to minor revisions. This is a top-tier paper, and I would like to express my gratitude to the editor and the reviewers for their speed.

李珅 2021-10-10

Hello, the editor provided "Modify-general changes", with 12 suggestions. May I ask if it is a major revision or a minor revision? I haven't seen this status in other journals.

李珅 2021-10-10

Hello, the editor has provided "Modify-general changes" with 12 suggestions. May I ask if this requires a major revision or a minor revision? I haven't seen this status in other journals.

灯塔上的猫 2021-10-09

2021.4.24 submit to journal
4.26 with editor
4.26 under review
6.1 under review
7.11 revise
8.24 revision submit to journal
8.25 with editor
8.25 under review
9.13 revise
9.26 revision submit to journal
9.27 with editor
9.27 under review
10.1 accept

The first three reviewers only received a response from one person, who suggested rejecting the paper. It was evident from their comments that they were not researchers in the same field. The editor then sought two new reviewers from related fields, one for minor revisions and one for major revisions. In the second round of editing, the first reviewer was removed, and the editor, Lee, showed great professionalism. Although several rounds of revisions were made, the input from peers significantly improved the quality of the paper.

假佛系少女 2021-10-07

Sure, may I ask who your editor is? My editor is a Lebanese editor, and recently the reviewing process seems to have slowed down. I'm getting a little anxious waiting. ?

风清扬 2021-10-05

Supplementary follow-up results:
8.23 Required Reviews Completed
8.30 Major Revision
9.24 Submit
9.25 With editor
9.25 Under review
10.3 Minor Revise
10.3 Submit
10.4 With editor
10.4 Accept

The editing process was quite fast. It was my first submission to an ECM journal and second submission to an SCI journal. The overall speed was quite fast, with completion within three months. I will continue to submit in the future.

科研小菜鸡 2021-09-24

No direct relationship.

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