认证评论 - Energy
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发卡涡 2021-10-27

The above text is wrong. The correct translation is "The previous one was wrong, the result in the system is minor revisions. It is my first submission to SCI, and I am really anxious. I seek guidance from experts."

发卡涡 2021-10-27

The first review feedback of the article I submitted has come back. There was only one reviewer, and the editor mentioned in the reply that the rest of the people did not respond on time. The editor also mentioned that if there are revisions, additional reviewers will be added for the next review. However, I did not see any modification suggestions in the email or system. The decision in the system was listed as "minor revise." What is going on? There is not a single modification suggestion, and I really don't know how to proceed. Could it be that I didn't find them??? Please help.

cuidingsong 2021-10-27

How to see how many reviewers have replied with comments?

科研小菜鸡 2021-10-27

How many review comments have you received? I have already had two reviewers complete their reviews, but now there are neither reviewers currently reviewing nor new reviewers invited. The process has been delayed without providing any results.

烧煤工 2021-10-26

I also have a few more days and five months. It's really slow~ I was reminded twice in between, saying that they haven't received enough opinions.

yuanchen 2021-10-25

Why is it taking so long? Has the original poster entered "Under review" now? Just submitted 2 days ago and already in the editor's hands, "laughing till crying."

帅气小哥哥 2021-10-24

This is really a trash journal. With the editor for a month, they just reject the manuscript when urged. This kind of editorial team is not responsible at all to the authors. It's inevitable that Energy is lagging behind, it's simply ridiculous! I have been submitting to various journals like ECM, JCLP, RE for so many years and have had many accepted papers. This is the first time I have encountered such an infuriating situation!

科研小白 2021-10-22

with editor for 22 days

科研小白 2021-10-22

It has been 22 days with the editor, feeling lost and unsure.

冷吾冷以及人之冷 2021-10-22

My first trial has also been almost 5 months. I reminded once, and they said there was still one message without a reply. It's been almost half a month again, and there is still no news.

帅气小哥哥 2021-10-22

I have been 24 days, ready to withdraw the manuscript.

cuidingsong 2021-10-22

The second article is "with editor" for one month, "under review" for another month, and can wait for another 10 days.

weizc_9527 2021-10-22

I have been 11 days already...

独孤求爱007 2021-10-19

It has been 4 months since the first trial, too slow.

独孤求爱007 2021-10-19

I envy you. It has been four months, and I am still in the first round of review. Moreover, I don't even know until when I have to wait for the review.

独孤求爱007 2021-10-19

It has already been 4 months since the first trial, and there is still no progress. I have urged twice, but each time they said they would urge the editors and reviewers, but there has been no further response afterwards.

cuidingsong 2021-10-13

Big brother, the final trial takes several months... mine has been almost 7 months too...

科研小白 2021-10-09

Posted on September 30th, it has been 10 days with the editor. Nervous! When will there be any news?

ccristar 2021-10-02

2021.5.29 submitted
2021.6.02 with editor
2021.6.05 under review (changed 5 times during this period)
2021.7.18 major revisions
2021.9.21 submitted revision
2021.9.23 under review
2021.9.30 required reviews completed
2021.10.1 accept
As a top journal in the field of energy, ENERGY still accepts articles in the traditional fossil energy direction (such as coal mine gas prevention and control). I am very fortunate. At the beginning, I had a try-it-out attitude, and the first draft was accepted after 10 days of revision. I am grateful for the recognition of the journal's editor-in-chief and editors. Personally, I believe it is important to respect the opinions of the reviewers, respond carefully to each point, and if there are language issues raised, make serious revisions (at least three times) before polishing it.

kkuy 2021-09-28

It's too exaggerated, right~~~

Violet 2021-09-22

Will it still be rejected like this?!

沐雨小和尚 2021-09-20

Hello, I also recently received a review comment saying that it is not within the scope of the journal. I would like to ask the original poster how they replied to this reviewer. Did the reviewer still reject the revised version?

ZL1 2021-09-08

Based on my experience as a reviewer for several EM submission systems, it seems that there is a pattern in the EM submission system. When a reviewer accepts or declines an invitation from the editor, the "under review" date will be updated once.

In the case of this paper, I recommended 4 reviewers and received 3 opinions (reviewer IDs 1, 2, and 4). I am familiar with the research areas of these experts, and based on their replies, I can confirm that the order of the reviewer IDs matches the order in which I recommended them. Additionally, I can determine that the first 4 date changes occurred within a similar timeframe (within 2 weeks), and the subsequent 3 date changes occurred within a week, approximately 3 months later. This suggests a general pattern.

However, this is based on the assumption that the editor happened to assign the exact four reviewers I recommended. It becomes difficult to determine if there are multiple refusals from reviewers or if the editor recommends too many reviewers, as the response times of some reviewers and the acceptance times of others may overlap.

This is just my personal speculation and should be taken as a reference.

By the way, after submitting my paper, I checked the status every day... you can understand the feeling.

科研小菜鸡 2021-09-08

It's not visible, you can only ask the online customer service.

和光同尘666 2021-09-08

2021.3.11 Submission
2021.5.3 Returned for major revisions, rejected twice for minor revisions. The reviewers who rejected it did not provide detailed comments, only stating that it does not fit within the scope of the journal. The two reviewers who suggested minor revisions mentioned formatting and other minor issues.
2021.7.16 Resubmission
2021.9.6 Review comments returned. The reviewer who previously rejected it still rejected it, but one reviewer accepted it with minor revisions. The editor-in-chief rejected it.

turbine2021 2021-09-08

Same question, how can we tell from the update of the "under review" date if the reviewer has rejected the review?

cuidingsong 2021-09-03

It seems like you can't tell, right?

henie 2021-08-28

May I ask how to determine whether it is a reviewer's rejection or a review feedback from "under review" and "status date"?

chewuhcnU 2021-08-25

Hello, I would like to ask, in the first round of review for my submission, only two reviewers provided comments. It has been almost 20 days since I submitted the revised manuscript, but it has not been accepted yet. It is still under review. Does this mean that I need a second round of review?

ZL1 2021-08-19

Submission details: Four reviewers were recommended when submitting, all of whom are experts in the field. Three accepted the review and one declined. The first reviewer suggested significant language revisions, while the second praised the article from start to finish and provided a few minor suggestions. The third reviewer found the article meaningful and suggested modifying the discussion. The editor provided six formatting suggestions. During the second review, three reviewers had no comments, while the editor provided three formatting suggestions. One suggestion was to separate the references, which was not mandatory but strongly emphasized. This was not given much attention during the first review (not sure if anyone else encountered this issue). There was a delay of nearly a month due to personal matters, but after making the necessary revisions, the article was accepted. The process was slow, but overall good. Personal acknowledgments to Editor Neven Duić.

Personal reflections: It was not easy to work in the direction that I am interested in. The title, methodology, data, manuscript, and submission were all completed by myself. It took a total of 2 years (with a delay of 6-7 months due to assisting the supervisor, but not completely shelved). I targeted ENERGY when structuring the article, and it was accepted with the first submission. This is the third SCI article I have obtained this academic year, with each one of better quality than the last. Currently, I have two more articles in progress, one is nearly completed, and the other already has complete data, both targeting even better journals. After years of painful accumulation, there will eventually be rewards. I wish everyone success in achieving their target journals. The above is my personal experience, for reference only. Apologies for the lengthy text.

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