认证评论 - Energy
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爱搞学术的小傻子 2022-06-27

May I ask, energy's second review took more than a month and changed to "rrc." Does this mean that all the comments were returned, and then three days later it changed to "decision in process"? What does this mean? Does it imply that the reviewers' opinions were not consistent? I hope the teachers can answer this.

投稿难,难于上青天 2022-06-27


What happened that it was reviewed for 3 months and then sent for review again?

ALBY 2022-06-25

No problem, it's not a big deal.

Fighting_z 2022-06-24

I have been with my editor for ten days, feeling very nervous.

ALBY 2022-06-23

The review process has already started yesterday. Submitted on 6.10, with editor on 6.11, with editor on 6.20, under review on 6.22.
The handling feels quite fast, but the external review time may be longer.

Fighting_z 2022-06-23

I am like you, I did not select the main category and had to resubmit in the initial review stage. Now it has been almost 10 days with the editor, and I am very anxious.

123 2022-06-21

I am also time changed, but still with editor, I am also in the field of wind energy.

AOWUBEAR 2022-06-21

I will be with the editor in February, don't worry.

AOWUBEAR 2022-06-21

The editor is very responsible. The first review took a bit longer, but then it went quickly. A total of 8 reviewers were invited, and luckily, it was accepted.

ALBY 2022-06-20

Today, the status date has been updated, but it is still with the editor. Maybe there has been a change in the editor?

虻虻 2022-06-20

Thank you, I saw that you have been audited externally.

虻虻 2022-06-20

Won't you send me a tracking progress tracking link? I can see how many reviewers have completed the review.

123 2022-06-20

Just want to ask, are you still with the editor now?

ALBY 2022-06-19

Is the submission cycle for wind energy long? I have been with the editor for a week and haven't received any response. I made a mistake in selecting the category for my first submission, and there were some formatting issues with the paper, so it was returned to me the next day for revisions. It has been a week since I resubmitted it and it is still with the editor.

Li H. 2022-06-16

How is the progress going?

SodaOrange 2022-06-16

2022.3.24 Submitted
2022.4.5 Under Review
2022.5.15 Under Review
2022.6.5 Under Review
2022.6.17 Under Review
2022.7.11 Under Review
2022.8.2 Under Review
2022.8.6 Under Review
2022.9.4 Rejected
Editor recommended resubmission, two reviewers provided comments.

miaof 2022-06-15

It has been a month since the submission and it is now directly in the decision process. Disappointing.

1898 2022-06-09

There won't be any problem. I also encountered this situation when I first submitted to EGY, and it doesn't affect the review process.

淡烟轻寒 2022-06-07

The first trial has been going on for seven to eight months.

淡烟轻寒 2022-06-07

Our situations are almost exactly the same. We are both on the verge of collapsing. It has been seven to eight months, and the first trial has not yet ended.

淡烟轻寒 2022-06-07

The text translates to: "I submitted it in October last year, and now there is only one reviewer who has completed the review."

youranjiutian 2022-06-04

I submitted it in October last year, but until now I still haven't found a reviewer. I don't know if I should withdraw the submission or not, I am hesitating...

lan_win 2022-06-04

2022.01.30 Submitted to Journal
2022.01.31 With Editor
2022.02.07 With Editor
2022.02.09 Under Review
2022.03.15 Under Review
2022.03.24 Required Reviews Completed
2022.04.27 Under Review
2022.05.24 Required Reviews Completed
2022.05.27 Required Reviews Completed
2022.05.28 Decision in process
2022.06.02 Reject
Before 3.15, no reviewers were found, wasting two months for nothing. The editor did nothing... I really want to ask, why doesn't Energy take the review speed seriously???

xiao 2022-05-31

Hello, may I ask if it is acceptable to have a word count lower than the mentioned range in this journal?

lumomo 2022-05-28

2022.02.10 Submission
2022.04.23 Major revision (two revisions and one rejection, editing major revision)
2022.05.09 Return for revisions
2022.05.27 Acceptance
A total of 3.5 months, the speed is still acceptable. Thank you to the reviewers for their diligence during the review process, and also thank the editor for recognizing our work. We will continue to work hard in the future.

菽香 2022-05-26

Only two experts gave their opinions, one made some good suggestions for improvement, while the other didn't understand and simply stated that there was a system error, without providing any specific suggestions. In the end, it was rejected. Is it possible to appeal to the editor for a reconsideration? Has anyone had a similar experience?

虻虻 2022-05-19

This submission system automatically generates line numbers, which are completely different from the manuscript I submitted. I don't want to delete the original version. The final submitted version has overlapping line numbers between the original manuscript and the automatically added ones by the system. I'm not sure if this will cause any issues. How do you all handle this?

艰难行走 2022-05-19

It has been 33 days with the editor.

dayeliu 2022-05-17

How many reviewers are usually invited?

派戳非贼克斯 2022-05-16

2022.03.26 Submission
2022.03.27 with editor
2022.03.31 Under Review
2022.04.11 Under Review
2022.04.15 Under Review
2022.04.22 Under Review
2022.05.03 Under Review
It seems difficult to successfully invite reviewers... Usually, there are three reviewers, but the current status of the manuscript is still unknown.

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