认证评论 - Energy
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MES干饭人 2023-04-11

@mozhisha0063 It is indeed a bit slow... but it is worth waiting a little longer.

MES干饭人 2023-04-11

Can I ask Elsevier's customer service how many reviewers have been found at the moment? The customer service helped me follow up, but if it's taking too long, you can also send an email to follow up yourself. @unlucky man

MES干饭人 2023-04-11

@unlucky man, you can ask Elsevier's customer service how many reviewers they have currently found. The customer service helped me to push it a bit, but if it's still too slow, you can also send an email to remind them yourself.

小蔡博士 2023-04-11

2023.04.11 Under Review (English translation: April 11, 2023 Under Review)

mozhisha0063 2023-04-11

Submitted in July 2022, it has been 8 months since the first review, and only one reviewer has provided feedback. In February 2023, the second reviewer accepted the review, but it has been 2 months and we have not received their comments yet. The editor has been continuously inviting reviewers and is very grateful. In April, the third reviewer was obtained, hoping for an opportunity to make revisions and continue to persevere and wait.

unlucky man 2023-04-11

Hello, did you send an email to remind me? I am currently not sure if we are looking for a new reviewer, I can't tell as the status has been under review.

MES干饭人 2023-04-11

2022-03-22 Submission
2022-10-24 Major Revision
2023-02-20 Minor Revision
2023-04-10 Accepted
- The first review took a long time to find a reviewer. Editor Chicco invited several times, about four times, and was quite dedicated...
- Two reviewers provided a total of 21 comments, with 8 from one reviewer and 13 from the other.
- During the revision process, I had many other things to attend to, which delayed the process. I requested a deadline extension once, and the editor kindly agreed.
- The second review was completed by one reviewer within a week, while the other reviewer did not accept the invitation initially but provided friendly comments during the first review... After some time, the editor accepted, suggesting that students experiencing delays in the second review send a reminder email.

GMGS_wys 2023-04-10

It has been 2 months under review, is it normal?

unlucky man 2023-04-10

I have been in the second review for 4 months, how about you?

UtopiaXH 2023-04-10

Second Record
Submitted on January 4, 2023
Major revision on February 15, 2023
Minor revision on March 2, 2023
Accepted on March 4, 2023
The speed is as fast as ever. It is meaningful to complete the writing and editing during the period of Little Yangren. Thank you to the journal and the editor.

小蔡博士 2023-04-10

Has your with editor also changed the date? My with editor changed the date once, and still with editor.

yyyaccept 2023-04-10

2023-4-10 No reviewer confirmation of review.

小蔡博士 2023-04-09

2023.04.09 with editor translates to "April 9, 2023 with editor" in English.

excepthyd 2023-04-08

2023.03.15.submitted to journal - Submitted to the journal on March 15, 2023.
2023.03.17.with editor - With editor on March 17, 2023.
2023.03.24.with editor - With editor on March 24, 2023.

yyyaccept 2023-04-07

It has been 6 days since submission, and not a single expert has accepted the peer review. Feeling worried.

haimianbaobao 2023-04-06

I feel like your mindset must be exploding. I'm already extremely anxious after being rejected twice by the same reviewer...

haimianbaobao 2023-04-06

The situation is exactly the same. I want to know how the editor dealt with the reviewer who has consistently rejected your paper. My revised version went back under review the next day, and I'm afraid it might end up in the hands of the same reviewer again. Does that mean it will be rejected again? I feel terrible. This reviewer doesn't understand at all. They keep rejecting it just because I didn't make changes according to their suggestions...

小蔡博士 2023-04-05

2023.04.03 submitted to journal
2023.04.04 with editor
2023.04.05 with editor

Translation: The text indicates that on April 3rd, 2023, it was submitted to a journal. On April 4th, 2023, it was being reviewed by an editor. On April 5th, 2023, it was still under review by an editor.

小蔡博士 2023-04-05

2023.04.03 submitted to journal
2023.04.04 with editor

Translated to English:
Submitted to journal on April 3, 2023
With editor on April 4, 2023

小思 2023-04-05

2022.02.28 - Submitted to journal
2022.03.02 - With editor
2022.03.07 - With editor
2022.03.08 - Under review
2022.03.09 - Under review
2022.03.10 - Under review
2022.03.13 - Under review
2022.03.17 - Under review
2022.03.22 - Under review
2022.03.25 - Under review
2022.03.27 - Under review
2022.03.28 - Under review
2022.04.02 - Under review (First reviewer completed)
2022.04.04 - Under review (Invited second reviewer)

yyyaccept 2023-04-03

2022-4-2 under review

lier-one 2023-04-03

Is there any progress? with editor

thfdiiii 2023-04-01

2023.03.22 - Submission
2023.03.23 - With Editor
2023.04.01 - With Editor

Lucydog 2023-03-31

I have also been with the editor for more than ten days.

Lucydog 2023-03-31

The result is unknown after being submitted.

yyyaccept 2023-03-31

2023-3-31 with editor, the allocation is a bit slow.

yyyaccept 2023-03-31

2023-3-31 avec l'éditeur
Translated: 2023-3-31 with the editor

Galactic Hearts 2023-03-31

2022.10.02 submit to journal
2022.10.21 with editor
2022.10.23 Under Review
2023.01.27 Major Revision
2023.02.25 resubmit
2023.03.02 Under Review
2023.03.21 RRC
2023.03.04 Accept

Energy-saving technology direction, the editor assigned 4 reviewers, 2 major revisions and 2 minor revisions. Most of the comments are quite professional, but one of them may not be a peer and the questions are not related to the main topic, making it difficult to answer.

The journal's allocation of editors and review speed is slightly slow.

卜凡 2023-03-29

2.23 submitted - This indicates that something was submitted on the 2nd of March.
2.23 with editor - This suggests that something is currently being reviewed or edited by an editor.
3.29 under review - This means that something is currently being assessed or evaluated, potentially by a reviewer or committee, and the process started on the 29th of March.

赶路侠 2023-03-29

Hello, I would like to ask, how many reviewers are there?

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