认证评论 - IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

babysteps 2022-12-01

On November 30, 2022, TCSS directly entered the CCF Class C journal for the first time with an impact factor. It's quite impressive!

edick 2022-11-16

10-Mar-2022 submitted
04-Jul-2022 minor revision
14-Jul-2022 minor revision
25-Jul-2022 accept as regular paper

羊羊羊 2022-10-27

After IF came out, it feels like floating.

羊羊羊 2022-10-27

05-Jan-2022 Submitted
08-May-2022 Major Revision
20-May-2022 Revised and Resubmitted
24-Oct-2022 Reject
It took nearly 10 months, and the second review was rejected. It was too slow.

xusita 2022-09-30

Yes, the meaning of "外审" is external audit.

苹果66 2022-09-29

May I ask what the status of the reviewers' score is? Is it for external review?

jiangqian 2022-06-28

Submission Information:
2022.02.18 Submitted
2022.04.14 Major Revision - regular paper
2022.04.21 Resubmitted
2022.06.08 Accepted as regular paper

IEEE Transactions on Social Computing, recommended journal in Class A of CAA; First Impact Factor released on June 28, 2021: 4.747. It feels quite high, so I expect the submission cycle and difficulty to increase significantly afterwards.

lekko 2022-06-06

To be honest, it's a bit slow. After submitting in October last year, there was a revision every three months. After each revision, it took another three months for the next round of revisions. Currently, it's the fourth revision...

DDDraco 2022-04-25

10 pages, extra pages cost additional money.

xusita 2022-04-24

2022.04.08 submitted
2022.04.08 awaiting administrator processing
ADM: Hu Bin
2022.04.18 awaiting associate editor assignment
2022.04.20 reviewers score
It feels like it has entered external review. I hope everything goes smoothly. It's been quite a while in the hands of the editor, and I'm not sure how long external review usually takes for this journal. Also, currently, the manuscript number is in the 270s, which is much lower than many popular journals.

乔豆麻袋 2022-04-22

Excuse me, does anyone kind-hearted know the page requirements for this journal?

lucas2022 2022-04-17

I don't remember this.

xusita 2022-04-16

Bro, after I submitted my contribution, it has been "awaiting administrator processing" for over a week. Can you tell me how long it usually takes for a submission to be "under review"?

blue2020 2022-04-16

It is said to be a very promising trans, so we should seize the opportunity. The first review process takes a bit long, but the speed for revisions and proof corrections afterwards is fast.

2021.08.25 submit
2021.11.29 major revision
2021.12.11 re-submit
2021.01.17 minor revision
2022.01.22 re-submit
2022.02.10 Accept
2022.02.13 submit final file
2022.02.23 proof correction

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