注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

。。。123 2021-07-01

I'm envious! The one you submitted on 6/17 has already been accepted, while the one I submitted on 6/20 is still awaiting reviewer assignment...

yelloweart 2021-06-30

Reply to oneself
6.17 pending editor assignment Awaiting reviewer assignment
6.18 Under Review
6.30 Accept

看不懂写不懂 2021-05-24

I would like to ask those who have submitted articles, what changes have occurred after this journal became an open-access journal? For example, has there been any difference in the peer-review process or in the difficulty of acceptance?

yelloweart 2021-04-27

4.13 Submission pending Editor Assignment
4.15 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment
4.19 Under review
4.24 Pending decision
4.26 Reject

I'm really sad, my first SCI paper got rejected for the third time.

朋澄Young 2021-04-25

Later, I used the contact journal function in the submission system and sent an email to the ADM to inquire about the status of the manuscript.
The status of the manuscript immediately changed to "Under Review," and after a few days, it became "Pending recommendation."
I speculate that "awaiting reviewer assignment" should be a phase before "Under Review." If it takes too long, you can contact the editorial department to inquire. It won't have any impact on the manuscript, so you can rest assured.

woundedleaf 2021-04-21

Maybe it entered the reviewing state, this new system is a bit confusing. It allocates two weeks for reviewer assignment, one week for under review, and then directly goes into pending decision.

geminipp 2021-04-19

Same question, I have been voting for almost a month and still in the same situation.

朋澄Young 2021-04-18

The text says: "Posted on 4.08, the status has been 'awaiting reviewer assignment' all along. What does this status mean? Is it looking for a reviewer?"

Yes, this status means that the manuscript is currently in the process of finding a reviewer.

lkjghf 2021-03-29

"All have been OAed."

肖E先生 2021-03-28

Did you start using OA this year?

lkjghf 2021-03-25

11.8 First draft
12.24 Rejection + revision
1.4 Second draft
3.1 Minor revision
3.4 Third draft
3.17 Minor revision (grammar errors)
3.194 Draft
3.24 Acceptance

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