认证评论 - Ecological Indicators
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Lesley1113 2022-01-18

Too slow. I don't know how the comment section can accept things so quickly. After undergoing a major revision in the first review, the second review changed all the reviewers. Then there was another major revision. It has been 5 months since the revised version was submitted after the second review. The review process is strict and takes a long time. This doesn't seem like an open-access journal, and I can't wait any longer. I'm crying.

景观生态学 2022-01-11

Fast speed, but strict review.

小顺子 2022-01-09

What kind of magical speed is this of yours? After being under review on December 27th, you didn't allow any changes and just hired me within a week?

雨落凡尘 2022-01-07

Pleasant submission experience, submitted on December 20, 2021, revised on December 24, editor's suggestion: change the abbreviation words in the title, under review on December 27, accepted on January 5, 2022.

冲着SCI来的 2022-01-03

Today is already the seventh day, isn't it a little suspenseful?

冲着SCI来的 2022-01-02

What's the result? Mine also took less than a month to complete the required review, but it's been the sixth day today and there hasn't been any update, making me nervous.

艾小红 2021-12-30

Process of Submitting Manuscript
I would like to share with everyone the common statuses and timeline of submitting ecological indicator manuscripts. I hope this article can alleviate the torment of writing papers for you. I also welcome everyone to follow our WeChat official account: Muzi Geography Tribe. There is a lot of information to share, and you can communicate with us through private messages in the background.

August 13th: Submit Manuscript
August 14th: With editor
August 16th: Under review
September 5th: Received comments from 3 reviewers, requesting revisions before October 6th
October 31st: Submitted revised manuscript
November 24th: Required Reviews Completed, received review results: the first reviewer accepted, the second reviewer requested further improvements and polishing
December 29th: Acceptance!!!

After more than 4 months of ups and downs, finally, I want to say that it is not easy for a paper to go from submission to publication. Every day is filled with anxiety and sleepless nights, checking the status of the manuscript. But in the end, the results turned out well. I also wish you, who are reading this article, to publish more papers.

If you have any questions about SCI submissions or anything else, you can contact me through private messages on our WeChat official account: Muzi Geography Tribe.

lft 2021-12-28

May I ask who I am calling to ask for detailed information? What is the phone number?

hui1202 2021-12-27

May I ask if you completed the Required Reviews in less than a month? I submitted mine at the end of November, and it also took less than a month for the Required Reviews to be completed. It seems a bit too fast, especially considering the Christmas holidays. Isn't it risky? T T

hui1202 2021-12-27

May I ask if it is rare for the first trial to be completed in less than a month? During the Christmas period, it took less than a month for the required reviews to be completed, and I feel very anxious. T T

hui1202 2021-12-27

May I ask if the first-instance opinion is optimistic? I completed the required reviews in less than a month, but it is during the Christmas period. I don't know if it's good or bad T T

Lesley1113 2021-12-23

Did the original poster finally accept it?

Lesley1113 2021-12-23

May I ask, did the original poster finally accept it?

bsybedbs 2021-12-23

How long did it take for you to return with your feedback after the first revision? I have made the modifications and it has been 12 days, but I am still in a different province.

可言指虎 2021-12-21

The speed was fast. After the second revision, it was rejected and asked to resubmit. The reviewer's comments were quite numerous, and the editor-in-chief was quite strict.

asistent 2021-12-17

After the revision, direct employment is offered. The editing is quite good, and the reviewer's comments are very constructive.

Lesley1113 2021-12-16

Indeed, it feels like the regular review cycle for this journal should be more than 8 months, and there are also many that take over a year.

Lesley1113 2021-12-16

It is very uncomfortable to keep changing reviewers; it is impossible for a research paper to satisfy everyone.

Lesley1113 2021-12-16

The first review process was fast, with the review comments returned within a month. However, the second review is too slow; it has been two months now. Today, I called and found out that both reviewers for the first review have rejected the review, and the editor is looking for new reviewers again... What is the difference between this and resubmitting the manuscript? I hope the process will be smoother; I am anxious to graduate. Please don't submit to this journal; it's difficult to find reviewers. The luckiest ones can be accepted within three months, while the average ones may go through the fifth or sixth review process.

yjx930 2021-12-13

How long does it take to pay the layout fee?

bsybedbs 2021-12-12

Is there a process for proofreading in this journal?

bsybedbs 2021-12-12

Is there a process for proofreading in this journal? There are one or two spelling errors.

G·WU 2021-12-09

Posted for a week, experienced two changes from "Submitted to Journal" to "With Editor", and then changed back from "With Editor" to "Submitted to Journal". Uh, uh, uh, a bit confused.

李志的热河 2021-12-07

Initial Date Submitted: Aug 28, 2021
Current Status: Completed - Accepted on Dec 06, 2021

The initial review took two months, and it seems that only one reviewer reviewed the manuscript in the first month. In the second month, two more reviewers were assigned, but only one reviewed it.

I received feedback from only two reviewers. One reviewer provided detailed comments, pointing out issues with wording, grammar, structure, and formatting. Their response was about ten pages long, but their suggestions greatly helped improve the article.

The second reviewer provided relatively fewer comments, mainly focusing on formatting issues.

After twenty days, the manuscript was sent back, and it took twelve more days to receive the acceptance.

The whole process took approximately three months plus one week.

It was apparent that finding reviewers for this ecology journal was not easy, and the speed was not very fast.

However, I am happy that it got accepted, even though the publication fee was quite expensive. My supervisor encouraged and supported it.

Unfortunately, I missed out on scholarships or awards for this year, but I won't need them anymore.

This well-established journal is highly recognized, but its development after going open access will need another year or two to evaluate.

That's all.

平海 2021-11-25

The research team has submitted twice, including my own article, but the results were not very good. The comments in the comment section should only be taken as reference, after all, there is a certain element of survivorship bias in it. The comment sections of STOTEN/JCLP and even Nature Communication are also filled with easy and even superficial comments, which can mislead newcomers. In reality, it is still quite difficult for most people. Although Indicators is not top-tier, it is considered a reputable journal. After going open-access, it has indeed become faster, with results being notified in about 50 days after submission. The reviewers are indeed highly skilled and their opinions are professional.

芳盖 2021-10-24

The result is very regrettable, but the speed is fast.
Submitted in late September, with the editor for a week, under review for a week, required review completed for over three weeks, and finally rejected without a chance to resubmit.
When the required review took a long time, I already had a bad feeling. After the result came out, I found that a total of 7 reviewers were contacted (5 gave feedback), 1 directly rejected the paper, and the other 4 probably gave a chance for revision.
Reviewer 1 (very professional, probably an expert) should have had the main influence on the editor's decision. He directly and completely negated the work, considering the research method used as "extremely unreasonable," despite similar methods being published in many reputable journals. The opinions of the following experts were relatively positive, but it didn't help. I think if the paper hadn't been sent to Reviewer 1 or if his feedback came after others, the result might have been different.
However, the paper does have its shortcomings. I will continue to work hard, as luck may not be enough without enough effort.
Thank you to the journal, especially the editor, who probably contacted so many reviewers to give more opportunities.

XZTXYA 2021-10-22

Excuse me, how long after submitting the manuscript should the payment for this journal be made?

无为 2021-10-13

Before, it was JCR Zone 1, how did it become Zone 2 now?

melowudi 2021-10-09

Submitted the first draft on April 20, 2021, went through three reviewers rejecting the review. After one month, made the first revision and sent it back to the first reviewer who did not review it. Changed to a new reviewer and went through another minor revision. Accepted after three weeks of sending it back. Feeling good about it, once doubted if they stopped rejecting submissions after going open-source...

jovstttt 2021-10-02

There will be a payment email.

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