认证评论 - Ecological Indicators
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X G 2022-05-01

The paper published in this journal in December last year has not been included in SCI until now, and I don't know the reason.

X G 2022-05-01

This journal has not been included in SCI for over half a year. I wonder what the reason is.

G·WU 2022-04-29

You will receive feedback within five working days. You can complete the online survey and make payment. After that, it will take approximately three working days for proofreading.

wangtianyi 2022-04-25

May I ask how long in advance will the payment be notified after filling out the receipt information?

wangtianyi 2022-04-25

May I ask how long it will take to receive the notification link? I have already filled out the receipt information but have not made the payment yet.

无与伦比的 2022-04-22

May I ask how the specific and detailed payment process works? Do you simply use a link provided by the author to make payment with a Visa credit card? Additionally, do they provide an invoice for the layout fee?

东野桑 2022-04-20

[21 Feb 2022] Received at Editorial Office
[24 Mar 2022] Article revised
[19 Apr 2022] Article accepted for publication

Subject and Keywords:
Geology, remote sensing, geographic big data, population spatial models

Submission Process:
The article was initially submitted to the general environment category, but was rejected within a week due to low relevance to the journal's scope. It was then submitted to the ecological indicators category, as the article's topic was similar to previously published articles in the journal and was likely to be within its scope. The article was reviewed within a week by two reviewers, with a review period of one month.

The first reviewer proposed their own modeling method and suggested adding relevant tests and explanations. The second reviewer recommended direct publication. The article was revised within three days to address the reviewers' questions and improve the visual and textual aspects. All figures were redesigned and reformatted to enhance aesthetics and readability. The model and its mechanisms were also explained in more detail.

After one month, the feedback was received, with both reviewers stating that the article could be published and expressing their congratulations.

I wish everyone success in getting their articles published, smooth graduation, and a million-dollar settling-in allowance.

qshdywl 2022-04-16

Thank you very much for your answer.

qshdywl 2022-04-16

Make sure your corresponding author pays attention to the emails, as there will be more and more important emails coming.

qshdywl 2022-04-16

The payment matters will be settled after you fill in the open access information and confirm it. Then, a receipt will be provided to you. The electronic receipt will be sent to the email address of the corresponding author. You can make the payment by following the payment link provided in the receipt. It is recommended to use a credit card with Visa function for payment as wire transfer is slower.

wangtianyi 2022-04-15

I also just received the employment notice. May I ask if the original poster was notified to pay?

G·WU 2022-04-14

The title of the corresponding author, Doctor / Professor, etc.

qshdywl 2022-04-14

Submitted on January 7th,
Returned for revision on February 5th, with seven reviewers and 38 revision suggestions. The revision process took one month.
Revised submission made on March 7th.
Returned for a second revision on April 1st, with only one reviewer requesting minor revisions.
Submitted again on April 6th.
Accepted on April 8th.
The entire submission process took three months, and the attitude during the revision process was crucial.

G·WU 2022-04-12

Submitted on December 6th, external review completed on January 12th, major revisions for one month, revised on February 11th, intermediate revisions on March 11th (not specified major or minor), revised again on April 9th, and accepted on April 12th. Overall, the review process was quite good, with each round of revisions and external review taking one month. We hope that the journal's Impact Factor will surpass 5.0 soon.

qshdywl 2022-04-11

Now it is necessary to fill in the receipt information. Do successful contributors know what to write in the Title section of the receipt? This content is limited to 10 characters or less.

Ammo 2022-04-11

No need for a Word template, just set the line numbers and line spacing.

秃脑壳 2022-04-10

Excuse me, does Ecological Indicators have a Word submission template? Where can I find it? I couldn't find it on their official website...

hms123 2022-04-01

Hello, may I ask how your ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS results are? I have been an external reviewer for over a month, and my status has changed to "Required Reviews Completed." I have been waiting for a week but still haven't received any updates.

Haru_ 2022-03-29

So, is the recommended reviewer useless?

Haru_ 2022-03-29

May I ask if you will choose the reviewer provided by the author or will it be anonymous?

Jing Liu 2022-03-23

I will be online in just one week.

o夏之缘o 2022-02-28

October 28, 2021: submit manuscript
October 29, 2021: with editor
October 30, 2021: under review, during which the dates changed several times. My external review is really slow, it feels like other people's reviews are much quicker.
January 20, 2022: received feedback from 2 reviewers, and the revisions are quite manageable. They requested the revised manuscript to be submitted before February 19.
February 10, 2022: submitted revised manuscript
February 27, 2022: required reviews completed
February 28, 2022: status ended, accept!! Received review results: First reviewer accepted, second reviewer accepted!

冲着SCI来的 2022-02-26

May I ask how long it takes to go online after accepting?

onlyangao 2022-02-23

It is still a very good journal, with a fast review process. The initial review took about one month, and the opinions from the three reviewers were very insightful. It took another month to make the revisions and then waited for a little over a week before it was accepted.

冲着SCI来的 2022-02-16

The speed is really fast! It has been about 20 days since my second review, hoping for a smooth process and catching up with the assessment ?

雨落凡尘 2022-02-01

Posted on August 17, 2021, the first review took one month. Due to personal reasons, it took three months for major revisions. The rework coincided with Christmas and New Year, and it took nearly a month to submit for review. The second review took half a month. I received an acceptance in the new year. Wishing everyone a happy new year, good luck, and a hundred percent success!

Lesley1113 2022-01-20

Reply to Mao Mao, congratulations congratulations, luckily the result is good, enjoy the good luck.

毛毛 2022-01-19

After a year of review, it was submitted on January 3, 2021. The minor revision was submitted on December 2021 (asked the editor and was told that more than 40 reviewers had been changed, many reviewers refused to review, which made me doubt if my writing was too bad or if they didn't value this journal?), R1 was received on January 16, 2022, and now waiting for the response. It's urgent to graduate, so maybe it's better to change to another journal. The review time for the first round is indeed a bit long, but it may also be related to the research field.

笔帽儿 2022-01-19

Posted on December 9, 2021, minor revision on January 9, 2022, accepted on January 17, 2022.

Lesley1113 2022-01-18

I made a mistake, it has been 5 months since the submission.

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