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egs 2021-08-27

Is the review process for Desalination recently slower? I submitted on May 26th and it has been under review since May 29th. The status and date have not changed. Is there anyone else in the same situation? Should I send a reminder letter?

垲迪 2021-07-22

There is a reviewer who gave major revisions.

垲迪 2021-07-22

Almost two months have passed, and I received a rejection. They said they couldn't find a reviewer, don't waste my time...

阿晶 2021-06-29

The journal is a well-known publication in the field of water treatment. Several articles I submitted before were unfortunate, as the journal has high requirements for innovation. This time, it is the most valuable point in the research project.

Submitted on February 23, 2021.
Major revision on May 18, 2021.
Accepted on June 16, 2021.

The reviewer's comments were very professional, and many issues were pointed out directly. After carefully revising and addressing the comments, I resubmitted the article after three weeks. The process afterwards was very efficient, as it was accepted in about a week without any delays or unnecessary complications. The editor's responses to emails were also timely.

翻滚黑皮蛋 2021-05-02

Initial Date Submitted: Mar 02, 2021
Accept: Apr 30, 2021

Submitted twice, after the first rejection, supplemented with a set of experimental data, resubmitted after six months, accepted in less than two months, the processing speed during this period can be described as amazing, very prompt without wasting time. Water treatment research has been quite popular in recent years, and many highly cited or hot articles come from this journal.

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