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金隅 2021-11-02


Hani1020 2021-10-30

May I ask which editor it is?

masssss 2021-10-28

The number of articles has increased a lot in the past two years.

123456789112 2021-10-27

A journal that I really like. It takes two weeks for the first round of review and to receive the reviewers' comments. There are three reviewers, and the revisions are classified as minor revisions or major revisions. The editor allows 10 days for major revisions. After the revisions are completed, it takes 10 days for the acceptance decision to be made.

多读书多学习 2021-10-27

How long does it take to receive a DOI?

多读书多学习 2021-10-27

Hello, may I ask how long it will take to obtain the DOI? It is urgent for the evaluation and award.

SuperDan 2021-10-19

The status remains unchanged until receiving the review comments, always under consideration.

weiiii 2021-10-19

Excuse me, will the status change if I submit it for review? Or will it remain under consideration all the time?

SuperDan 2021-10-18

2021.7.20 Submission
2021.8.26 Received revisions, accepted after modifications by four reviewers. A total of 25 comments were given, and the editor provided one month for major revisions. The editor mentioned language issues and suggested using Wiley's language editing service.
2021.9.24 Requested extension for revisions.
2021.10.8 Received reviewer comments. Did not use Wiley's language editing service, made the revisions myself.
2021.10.18 Accepted!

Whether or not Wiley's language editing service was used does not affect the editor's decision. It is acceptable to make the revisions oneself. Overall, it went quite smoothly, and I am grateful!

jiangsu01 2021-10-12

Is the original poster saying that they first submitted to AM? Did AM go through a review? Did they find a new reviewer for AFM after switching? Do they need to respond to the previous comments?

weimeng 2021-10-11

May I ask if the rejection email is received by every author or only the corresponding author? Thank you.

Mokia-Lee 2021-10-11

Today it has been 24 days since submission and there is still no news. This kind of journal that shows no change in status whether it is under review or not really makes people exhausted. In the comments, there is a person who hasn't had their submission reviewed for 25 days, which indeed causes delays.

kth 2021-10-11

08-31 Submission
09-22 Retouching, major revisions
10-07 Re-submission after supplementary experiments
10-08 Acceptance

科研dog2018 2021-09-29

It has been two months since we replied to the review comments, but there has been no progress or updates. Has anyone else experienced this? What is going on?

问津 2021-09-25

Really, the same fate.

问津 2021-09-24

It seems that mine will arrive soon too. I submitted it on the 16th, and there is quite a gap between the 18th and the 4th. Which one are you planning to submit next?

Rayon 2021-09-21

The previous research, which underwent major revisions by AM but was ultimately rejected, was suggested to be submitted to a sub-journal of a 4-point magazine by AFM after 10 days. Not sure if Wiely Publishing has an internal record for submissions.

金隅 2021-09-19

Submitted two weeks ago, the editor rejected the submission without any reason. Filed an appeal and the editor agreed to send it for review. Received the reviewer's comments after 20 days and agreed to make revisions. Revised the submission after 7 days and received acceptance 3 days later. Previously, our group has submitted AFM several times, and most of them have been rejected. Overall, it seems that if the work is considered innovative and the characterization is comprehensive, it is worth a try.

金隅 2021-09-19

How do you know if it has been submitted for review?

我是躲猫猫 2021-09-18

Recently, I attended a lecture by AM and they mentioned that the rejection rate for AFM's editors is the highest, reaching 80%, even higher than AM's. This is because many people feel that their papers do not meet the level of AM and therefore, they try to submit to AFM.

As for my own submitted paper, it was rejected directly within 6 days. They suggested transferring it to Energy Technology, which they claimed to be a sister journal of AEM. However, upon checking the impact factor and ranking, it was classified in the 4th quartile...
I wondered if my paper was really that bad?? Suddenly, I lost confidence in myself.

polymerguo 2021-09-17

It has been 25 days since the submission, and it was rejected. It somewhat delayed things.

问津 2021-09-16

Has Moyun received the letter yet?

中科院岳麓山实验室院长 2021-09-14

You are all so fast.

masssss 2021-09-14

Not quite sure, but it is said that if there are no rejections for three weeks, it will be submitted for review.

问津 2021-09-14

Why do some people have to wait for a long time?

masssss 2021-09-14

7.11 submission - 7.26 review - 8.3 returned for revision - 8.21 revised - 9.11 accepted
Purely lucky, also wishing everyone success!

哈哈~~ 2021-09-14

It has been 3 weeks and it is still under consideration.

锥形量热仪 2021-09-13

It will be three months in four days... Still no news.

墨云 2021-09-12

I am 6 weeks along, still no news. Recently, AFM has been slow.

masssss 2021-09-12

I have been editing for three weeks and still haven't received the result. Feeling anxious...

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